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My Not So Boring Easter



So I woke up this morning, at about 11 00 (no sense getting up early on spring break of my senior year. Pretty soon i'm going to have to get a job <_< ) and my mom is outside the bathroom door, she heard me get up and as I was brushing my teeth she told me she was sneaking into my room to get a hanger out of my closet. I find out she needs the hanger because the dryer won't turn on...we had clothes hanging in odd places all over the house...


The reason the dryer wouldn't start was because as mom was trying to bake bread, she discovered that the stove would not turn *off*. She turned off the power, but that also shut down every 220 line in the house, including the dryer and the oven. She tried to unplug the burner but it wasn't the plug in kind-it was hard wired. The wires were broken somehow.


So my grandad comes to help (that's who we call when we need something fixed) and he needs a flashlight. My mom gets hers only to discover that it has exploded. B) Literally. The batteries exploded and shattered the plastic outside part. So I fetch my flashlight from my nightstand.


We then discover that in order to fix the stove we need wire nuts. We don't have any wire nuts, so mom asks me to run over to the neighbors and ask if they have any. My one neighbor answers the door, laughs slightly when I tell him the story, but looks confused when I ask about the wire nuts and says he doesn't think they have any, but sends me to another neighbor who just happens to bring over three different sizes...and meets my grandparents. Nice guy ;) we sent him candy later in the day.


So the stove is fixed and the bread is being very slow to rise as it is cold in the house, mom finally gives up and sticks it in the oven half risen. It turned out wonderfully. The one thing that went right today. We went to my grandparents for dinner, then came home and everything is back to normal...sort of. We still need to replace the 50 yr old countertop stove...there goes our "emergency fund" lol two burners still work but the wiring is just too old..its too risky to not replace it.


So how was everyone else's Easter sunday? ;)


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So how was everyone else's Easter sunday?


Not as eventful as yours was by the sound of things, but I did catch a large fish in the Barwon River......and ate some chocolate.

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Congrats on the fish Germanicus ;) I love fishing but I prefer bass...I don't trout fish anymore...and I also ate chocolate :thumbsup:


I want to see all the "Scary Movies" I never got around to it yet though.

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Very busy little Easter you had there missy...


We had an easter egg hunt (two three-year-olds, two six-year-olds), grilled some lamb and burgers outside, came home and ate spinach-shallot-garlic and feta pastry puffs plus several rounds of baklava with guests.


Since Victor's birthday was celebrated on Saturday, he was happy with his two new balls, dinosaur playset, pirate ship, Cailu activity disks and stuffed dragon.


All in all a good weekend.

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ate spinach-shallot-garlic and feta pastry puffs plus several rounds of baklava with guests.


OMG YUMMMY!!! I want some!!! ::is jealous:: we only had very salty slightly dry ham. It was good, but it was no baklava and pastry puffs.


MMM stuffed dragon! very tasty


:thumbsup: What?

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