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I'll Be Glad When This Week Is Over



first off, the AP exams are DONE. The chem exam was killer, but there were some nice "gift" questions in the free response part, so I am really happy about that :) I'm most happy that it's done, I have no more exams hanging over my head (except finals, but I was never worried about finals). I'm not even really worried about my grade. Although the girl who switched papers with someone and got her score invalidated is now trying to get all of our scores invalidated on a technicality. I doubt she'll succeed as she can't prove anything, but she seems to think that if HER score is to be invalidated because she switched papers, then all of our scores should be invalidated because it was possible for her to switch papers in the first place :blink:


My chorus concert (along with the band concert) was tonight, and also the art show. I finished to copper/brass flowers I made, I'll post pictures maybe...tomorrow or Saturday depending on what I feel like doing tomorrow when I get them home from school. I won fifth place in the art show, then commandeered the microphone to publically thank my teacher for all of her hard work, the poor woman was flabberghasted, as was everyone else. She never gets any recognition. :wacko: I think she was half afraid to let me speak, because she, (along with every else) had no clue what I was going to say.


The chorus concert went better than the last one, but still, I'm not overly happy with the results. I think we really need to work harder, the problem is, that most of the people in the chorus are only there because they think its a study hall, and even six hours before the concert, on stage, at rehearsal, they WON'T SHUT UP and they don't know the music. The director actually had to play the piano for the beginning of an a capella song because the tenors couldn't get the notes right. :( OOO I AM SO ANGRY WITH THESE PEOPLE!!! :o


I can't wait till I get to bring all my artwork home though. I love bringing my stuff home and my mom is picking me up from school so I won't have to bring fragile things home on the bus :wacko:


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