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This Calls For The Help Of Priapus!



I have two lovely plants (umbrella plant and some other tropical doodad) that are spending the summer outside so they can grow nice and big and strong.


Problem is that my resident squirrels don't seem to understand that there are no buried acorns in them!


Lately I've come home almost every other day to find the potting soil ravaged; my poor little plant's roots naked and exposed.


Phase 1 for thwarting their barbaric little advances is a nice layer of cayane pepper on the soil. But it seems that Jupiter Pluvius has a different idea today . It is pouring rain now and I think that my 'heated' little message will be diluted.


I must find some alabaster or sandstone and get to work on a Priapus. The joyful one of the phallus may be my only hope.


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Your cayenne capers are correct, might not also the rinds of discarded citrus fruits help, these being immune to the atmospheric transmogrifications of the Great Ones?

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I was going to suggest the citrus rinds, too...thankfully our problem here isn't so much squirrels, but deer. There's an easy solution for that, too: marigolds and mums. They can't stand them!

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Think in terms of a board with nails. A puddy tat. Two Jack Russells! They'll clean out the neighborhood of the ferocious tree rats. As a last resort, there is my cousin's wife, Tex.... :sniper: She snuffed an elk once for peeking in her window! :) A couple of likered up Apaches almost bought the farm. :2guns:

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In the ole days they would have met Sturm Ruger in my back yard as well... :)


I wish the resident kitties would do something but the squirrels seem to have the upper hand somehow.


I will try the citrus if the cayanne doesn't make the message clear.

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Well, did your stuff work? Do I have to give Tex a jingle for an appointment? Since she is a card carrying, gun toting member in very good standing of PETA, and if you have enough varmints, mightn't cost anything. If she is in the neighborhood - gratis. :)


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It did last very long. The plants' soil are now both covered in a layer of pea pebbles. ;)


I do however, have some lemon trees sprounting! They have been transplanted to their own pot.

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