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Latin Translations



Since I seem to be one of the few people here who can translate Latin into English. If anyone has a quote they need me to translate please post it here and I will get to it as soon as possible. Thanks.


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With pleasure of course. But I could be your competitor in this business.


O'k. :D Etiam sine lege poena est conscientia.


I have no problem with Russian translation but cannot say it on English.



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One of my favourite latin quotes is from Cicero "To err is human"...


I seen two versions of it (errare humanum est and humanum est errare)and wonder which one is correct (or maybe both?)




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You can say both, but to a Roman the first one would be bad latin. The second one has the correct word order with est being a third person verb going before the infinitive which should come last in the phrase.

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I have an old family crest. The words are difficult to read but I think it says "NON SUFFICIT UREIS."

I can translate latin too, it translates into: He(she or it) was not sufficing from( to; if it is in the dative, meaning indirect object) the ox


He was not sufficing to( or from) the ox. (I think you would have to understand this statement figuratively, not literally


ANother way of translating: He was not standing up to the ox.( sorry if you take offence, but thats what it says)


I think the problem is that I don't think you got all the words. Those three words seem to be in a weird word order and the sentence seems pretty weird for a family crest, so I don't think you've read everything on the crest.

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I would like a translation of the famous MORITURI TE SALULTANT but in stead of

Those of us about to die........... I would like Those of us about to rock salute you. I realise that it might not be an exact translation but would appreciate a best stab.


Many thanks

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i am wondering if i have this right:


"venia autem nunquam intercido" in which i am trying to say "forgiven but never forgotten".


i am wondering if "intercido" is the right meaning or would "effluo" or "excido" more appropriate for this context. i was trying to use an online translator and it got very complicated. anyways, thanks for ya time!.

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