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Calvnivum (lancaster)



A fast recce to the small local museum in Lancaster, to peruse the Roman exhibits. This is a small municipal museum with limited space but a friendly attitude. I hope to be able to go back very soon and photograph items not on public display for your edification .


Perhaps the most striking finds here are the "Burrow Heads" a series of substantial 3rd C AD monumental carvings that appear to represent The Elements. It is said they were recovered about a mile away from the present city in 1794. It is not known if they are funeray or sacredotal images.One is weathered almost blank , the others I display .It is possible they originally come from Calacvm, further north.






Calvnivum fort site lies beneath the "modern" Lancaster Castle and Priory , the site commands the River Lune to the foot of the nearby hill , and hence any progress inland from the Hibernian netherlands.The excellent "Togo" has the details for army units here:





The Castle is notorious as the site of the famous "Lancashire Witch Trials" :





The ruins of a bathhouse remain, soon to be re-restored , as they often serve as an unofficial picnic area for revellers.


And over here we have a gallery of ephemeral objects not yet annotated...




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If youve visited my msn blog ,you will see that I have posted even more shots :hammer: relating to each blog entry here.

The strange thing is that museums seem to fall into three groups, 1. badly set up , but you can take any pictures you wish 2. well set up but absolutely no photos allowed. 3.beautifully catalogued but with a fraction of actual artefacts on show, the rest jealously guarded by mad dogs and gorgon like women.


Perhaps I should get out less.

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What size are those heads, are they big or have you taken a close up phot?


As for Museums, I got a chance to visit the Turks and the Persian exhibitions in London. The Turks one was very well set up, the displays were high enough so you could see them, the rooms were well lit and spacious and there were plenty of diverse stuff on display. The Persian one I found a disappointment, the room was small and too badly lit...too many plaster casts instead of real displays (including props from the set of the 'Alexander' film) and the displays were far too close to the ground making it impossible to see them as everyone gathered around them, all i got to see were other people's backs instead of the treasures of ancient Persia.

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The heads are substantial, all as large as a mans torso.I sympathise as regards the museums , lighting is crucial , even major art galleries fail to deliver sympathetic displays.

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