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I know he owns the Washington Times, and I know he's chummy with some top conservatives, but I don't understand the 'infestation'. Can you elaborate?


BTW, I won't defend all things libertarian, only what I believe for myself. The label itself, like all other labels, encompasses its share of idiots. Though the ideology is essentially similar mine, I believe actions are louder than words.


Actually, you answered your question in your second paragraph. There are more sublime idiots in the libertrarian party than the Common Law allows.


:ph34r: .

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Seriously, I'm curious about this. Give me a hint at least!


Sure my good fellow! While we send :mummy: & :ph34r: to the other side of the moon, his Greekship :notworthy: and the Perimaxus, (Pertimax) Que? are ready for another edeavor of competitive banter. The English of the person who shall not be mentioned, :lol: is messing with grammer, like :mummy: and :lol:. I hereby declare the language of English to be used in the proper manner. :lol: He who shall escape this Roman's grasp shall be :hang: .



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Grammatically correct, but with a slight use of Britannian/British/Anglo spelling.(Do note this is a run on sentence)


Devils preserve us!; my genius or your work? :lol:



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Grammatically correct, but with a slight use of Britannian/British/Anglo spelling.(Do note this is a run on sentence)


Devils preserve us!; mMy genius or your work? :lol:





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Seriously, I'm curious about this. Give me a hint at least!


Sure my good fellow! While we send :mummy: & :ph34r: to the other side of the moon, his Greekship :notworthy: and the Perimaxus, (Pertimax) Que? are ready for another edeavor endeavour of competitive banter. The English of the person who shall not be mentioned, :lol: is messing with grammer grammar, like :mummy: and :lol:do. I hereby declare the language of English to be used in the proper manner. He who shall escape this Roman's grasp shall be :hang: . ?QUE?





Do I take this to be an auto- :hang: ? Am I invited to the festivities?; but I must be served dinner and drinks!

Be thee attempting to impersonate :lol: .

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Seriously, I'm curious about this. Give me a hint at least!


The idiot the libertrarians ran for president. The whooples they run in other elections.

Badnarik? What do you think qualifies him as an idiot? Originalism?

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Ml, me thinks that thou playest with me! Howsomewhatever, it is my general practice to eclipse (as far as possible) proto-idiots from my hard disc. Libitrarians don't want to pay the taxes for the roads that they drive on; nor for the agency that holds them somewhat safe from poisoned food; nor for the fire & police, etc., etc., etc. At their very best, they are illogical, super-selfish, proto-neo-Neanderthals; :lol::rolleyes:


Don't remember the chap Bad narik in particular, but if he is who I think that you mean, the only things original about him were his head and suit. Heard all his claptrap before. Didn't have to hear it again from an acolyte of sum dung moon.


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Libitrarians don't want to pay the taxes for the roads that they drive on

What an exquisite generalization. I want to pay exactly how much I owe for the roads I drive on. Anything less would make me a leach. I don't think that someone who hardly ever drives should pay as much as I do. I don't want to pay taxes, because taxes are mostly wasted... because I have no choice but to pay them and I have no choice in how they are spent. This is not to say that our transportation system should be abolished tomorrow; I mean that we should push for a more democratic and efficient means of funding our transportation system while keeping public, not corporate, interests in mind. As it is, I certainly do not trust politicians with my interests.


nor for the agency that holds them somewhat safe from poisoned food;

You mean the agency that offers fast track drug testing, while a naturally occurring plant like marijuana is illegal? Indeed there should be quality control on something as vital as food, but I have become cynical with the current system and like transportation think we should push for something more democratic and efficient while keeping public, not corporate, interests in mind.


nor for the fire & police

I think that qualifies more as anarchist than libertarian.


Don't remember the chap Bad narik in particular, but if he is who I think that you mean, the only things original about him were his head and suit.

That's because non-Republican/Democrat candidates are usually shut out from any election publicity, but it's nice to see that you are basing your remarks on real knowledge of the subject and not just generalizations based on a label. :rolleyes:


For the record, Sun Myung Moon is a turd-licker.

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I know that government at all levels has little, if any, interest in the average joker. The S.E.C. with its complicated, opaque and unintelligible rules and regulations, written by a bunch of schiesters, plutocrats and servile CPA's, has absolutely no interest in the investor. It exists to protect the industry. Ditto for all the other agencies. Corporations and plutocrats do, in reality, run the show. Yet, in no way do I want to return to the good old days of excrement laden food, private roads and streets, snake oil purveyors, fire traps and union busting.


Don't you know that some dung moon is God!? :ph34r:



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I know that government at all levels has little, if any, interest in the average joker. The S.E.C. with its complicated, opaque and unintelligible rules and regulations, written by a bunch of schiesters, plutocrats and servile CPA's, has absolutely no interest in the investor. It exists to protect the industry. Ditto for all the other agencies. Corporations and plutocrats do, in reality, run the show. Yet, in no way do I want to return to the good old days of excrement laden food, private roads and streets, snake oil purveyors, fire traps and union busting.

Agreed. :rolleyes:
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