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Antiochus of Seleucia


I wrote this short story last year in my advanced history class. The other week I was taking a test; some random person walked in the class and handed me this envelope. Inside was my story, and a paper telling me to edit my story- the history department wants to publish it in their next book about the 1920's.


The following selection, researched and written by me, is about the Red Scare of the 1920's.


Special Thanks:

Mr. Blanchard, English Teacher, Mechanics/Other Editing

Mrs. Kemp, English Teacher, Mechanics Editing

Patron Gaius, Master of Inglish, Mechanics Editing




(Note: UNRV Blog took out all my indents, bear with me.)


IT was a rather dreary morning - hazy and damp. I looked out the window into the sky. The clouds seemed to make everything out there gray and dark. I put on my work clothes, grabbed my lunch, and headed out into the muddy mess outside my shack for work. I worked at the Black Diamond Steel Mill in Nevada. I hated it, but there was no other job around, and I am particularly good with steelworks.

"Hey! Let's go!" yelled my friend Randy. Randy had been asking for Sunday off on behalf of the workers. The bigwigs that run the place sent threatening notes. We couldn't prove it was them, but we knew. These kinds of people don't like unions, and they didn't want to pay for our hard work. Randy and I walked to work together over the muddy ground, away from our little

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Good work! I hope that the kids of today read this and learn what they owe to the men and women who suffered and sacrificed to obtain a decent life for themselves and today's kids.


With or without 'editing', it is the story that counts.


The D.C. Everest Area schools' project is an excellent project and will benefit future generations with its first hand history.


Don't worry about 'indents'; just skip a line.


Yay!, Wisconsin!

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