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Catching Up



Things are really starting to slow down at work; this leaves me bored at times, but it's good, because it means I'm not often in a mood to remove people's heads or fling pizza pans as if they were frizbees. :lol: My life is finally starting to get "back to normal" so to speak.


I've taken up "trance dancing", well not truely "trance dancing" at least not yet. Shall I call it "devotional dancing"? It was weird at first, I was embarassed to actually get up and do anything, so I ended up just sitting on the floor bobbing my head. I'm not embarassed anymore (why should I be? No one is watching!) and I must say, it does feel great to just get my butt off the floor and MOVE. It started out as a religious thing, and still is; but it's becoming more and more of a thereputic thing as well.


My friend gave me an image rendering program called Mojo: my first attempts with it were just aweful, and took forever, but lately I've been coming up with some really cool stuff! I'm currently working on a world I started out calling "mistworld", but I'm working on a better name for it. For now lets just call it "Realm of Eternal Mist". I have a folder full of 44 renders of this same world in different views, different lighting, etc. I have become obsessed with it. Tomorrow I hope to go to the library and get a picture of it printed to hang on my wall :)


It's too big for the page, and I'm too lazy to resize at this hour of the morning, so here's a link:



I'm still working on the next book in the Eagle series. Not quite the bookworm I used to be. I keep getting distracted LOL but I'm enjoying it thus far. I also updated my Blog for anyone who is interested.


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Nice! Have you ever heard of a program called Terragen? It's free and it can render photorealistic landscapes which are completely controllable and designable. There's even addons to render a fly through video, etc.

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Thanks! I've heard of Terragen, never used it. Didn't know it was a free program. Mojo does pretty good, but its not always photorealistic (I'm getting better, with less "plastic" looking stuff). I actually have three pictures of "mistworld" on my bedroom walls now :rolleyes:

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