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My first effort

Gaius Paulinus Maximus


Well here go's!!!


I've been a member of this forum for a while now and to be honest I've found it pretty hard going, not on the forums behalf but on mine,UNRV has been an absolute godsend, my problem is that i find it difficult to put my thoughts onto paper(as such), my knowledge of ancient Rome is pretty good on the whole but when it comes down to putting it all down on the screen i just seem to turn into a dyslexic buffoon :lol: , why, i don't know? (any thoughts??)


I don't know why i became intrested in Roman history, i can't pin point the actual moment when i thought " yeah, thats intersting i think i'll look into that a bit more" it's not like i've been brought up on it or anything, not one member of my family (past or present) gives a flying f*** about what happened thousands of years ago, but for some strange reason i do!


Everybody say Awwwwww,


That's the self pity over with, i'll now tell you about my day.


It started at 06:30 this morning when my beautiful daughter Isabel (20mths) woke up in her usual butter woudn't melt mood, which proceeded in waking my other daughter Madison (5 next month) ( yes i know what your thinking , poor bloke , a minority of 3:1 in his own house (if you count the hamsters then it's 5:1!), puberty to go through, two weddings to pay for etc etc haha hehe, i'm not laughing!!!!!!!!!) and to add to the fact that the wife went out on the town last nite with her friends (which my friends and i call 'The Cauldron Club') and was suffering from a severe hangover then my day is looking pretty bleak.


As it turns out it was a pretty enjoyable day, i took the girls to dance class, which p***** me off a bit because thats mum's job ( but she was currently attached to the toilet) so daddy saved the day :king:


As soon as we got home i sorted the girls out with some dinner then put the footbal on T.V. (Leeds got beat by the way .... again) ,got plenty of toys out for the dominilla's and proceeded to enjoy the rest of our afternoon. After many hours of football, games of Guess Who (xmas pressie), dressing dolls!!! and the odd can of amber necter i.e lager, 18:30 arrived, hallelujah, bath time!


Quick bath, brush of the teeth and bedtime ahhhhhhhh thought it would never arrive ( by the way, the wife is still in bed!!!!)


Downstairs opened a very expensive bottle of red wine i recieved as a xmas present and very slowly and enjoyably sloped into a state of intoxication i very much deserved!


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Welcome to the Equestrians! Hope you are enjoying your new ring!


I don't know why i became intrested in Roman history, i can't pin point the actual moment when i thought " yeah, thats intersting i think i'll look into that a bit more" it's not like i've been brought up on it or anything, not one member of my family (past or present) gives a flying f*** about what happened thousands of years ago, but for some strange reason i do!


Well you are lucky. My parents make fun of me. Yeah.

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Downstairs opened a very expensive bottle of red wine i recieved as a xmas present and very slowly and enjoyably sloped into a state of intoxication i very much deserved!


Welcome and enjoy.

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