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Diurnal Journal of 3/1/06

Gaius Octavius




The Imperial Roman Intelligence Service (IRIS) - get it?, has intercepted a letter from busche to president chinney. For your edification, it is reproduced here. Keep in mind that this is Top Secret and for your eyes only, else it is off to Poland with you.



Deer mista prezaden?

Look, yu *CENSORED*, iv been frontin 4 yu 4 5 yeers now and everythin has gone Right. nothin iz correk. i trid to *CENSORED* up soshul sekurity n faled. then i did *GRRR!* up medakar. now th old fokz are oilin up ther gresse gunz 2 git me. yu got me in2 2 warz in plasez that i nevr herd ov. yu sadeld me wit browny n chirpoff n thay *CENSORED* up katrina n nobody tole me notin. if i waz to tak a wauk in noo yok sombodee id jump a lite n leve tire tredz up my body. ur boy snojob puled a fast 1 on me wit this port *BRR!*. waytll thay find out about th chineez runnnin som portz. nobody telz me notin. now som *Uh Oh!* hedz r tryin to git sharia law 4 themselvz in ontario. then ther ar a passel of pulpit poundin preechers tryin to set up Cristian govment in sout karolina. some exodus *BRR!*. ther tryin to git fokz to com therr n kik out demokratz, liberlz n even republixz n neo conz who dont coton 2 them. Jus *CENSORED* grate. this *OH DEAR*! sadam runz hiz own trial. wanna bet thay cut im loosz. iv got thoz guyz in bowlivea n venizzwala so *OHHH!* off that thay wil probablee put a contrak out on me. wear th *COOO!* r thoz plases. wat th *BRR!* r stem celz. th partee is afta me bout theez wetbakxz n th border. thoz minitmen lik az plugg me az a wetbak. haf th partee iz on th take n r goin 2 alkatraz. th rest r bangin therr hedz on th florz n walz. wil u pleez git that guy deelay to take the merkury treetment. th ol man n ol ladee lik thet guy klinten betr than me. thay cut me out ov ther wil and put him in. nise. thoz *MY GOD!* at fox r turnin on me. u go off huntin n drinkinn n allmost put down a shister. he haz grate earz. then u dont tel enybody. wat wer u watin 4. did u wanna see if u snuffed him. hoo pade th bilz. thenn u git him to tak a div 4 u. nex time ur out shootin tak mkklellen n rover wit u. doo th job rite thiz time. wot th *OUCH!* wer u doin. praktisin to git osama. u shudna takin 5 defurmentz.

im gittin tiered of thisz fony texaz axsent n waukin round lik a puppit n telin liz. now ur pakin me off to indeeya. wherr th *MY WORD!* iz that. wot kind ov *OH NO!* r thay. how manee dizeezez wil i git. do thay speek inglissh. o god it jest hit th wirez. thay hav a tape showin brownie tellin me all about katrina. u *GOOD GRIEF!*. Tak brownie huntin. git judg starr 2 be4 he gits me. wot else r u puttin on mi plate. dont i hav enuff u *LORDY, LORDY!*. giv bugs buny that shot gun nex tim ur out.


hav a nise day

georgee dubya



Today's Journal brought to you through the good offices of the Chinney Hunting, Lying, Fishing & Cursing School. We will educate you on how to whack your best friend on private propety. Lie about it and get away with it, so long as it's in Dixie. The proper curses to use when speaking at a liberal. Fish stories for every occasion. As a free gift, we will show you how to fix your election and get a government pension when you go to jail. Anyone is well qualified, so long as you are a whacko or a red neck. All this for the low low price of 10 grand in tuition. Fully laundered cash on the barrel head only. Call your local Radio Trash Talker or Fox for further details and limitations. Fully warranteed.






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2008 I turn 18; my class and I will make sure we get a good prez. I can't take 8 more years of shitme9.gif


I'm afraid you'll get feces again with the candidates for 2008. Why a female Clinton? Why an inexperienced senator whose book is bought but never really read? Why a liberal Republican? Why does nobody trust poor old McCain? Why a Mormon? Kucinich? What the Reid?

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McCain is a contemptuous contemptible screamer. He was also on the take during the S&L scandals.


As for Senator Clinton, unlike republik neo-con-job artists, she has a brain and puts it to use. Nor does she need a vast always wrong wing purse to be filled by the masters of republikdom.

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McCain is a contemptuous contemptible screamer. He was also on the take during the S&L scandals.


As for Senator Clinton, unlike republik neo-con-job artists, she has a brain and puts it to use. Nor does she need a vast always wrong wing purse to be filled by the masters of republikdom.


You surely are a Democrat from New York.

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You sound like a red neck yahoo whacko from the corn fields. :ph34r: I'll bet that you kick pumpkins :( , knock apples :D and have a piece of straw hanging from your cake hole. :P And have a collection of fermented road apples. :horse: And you're probably a devote of Rocky Mountain Oysters. :P Not to mention that you suffer from SFB. :lol:



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As a member of the delegate from Kah-lee-4-knee-ah...


--McCain was ok, until he muttered some dribble about having to support the president, simply because he was elected by the people and for the people, and therefore he is our representative. Um, bull-pucky...I didn't vote for the putz even for governor (yes, I was living in Austin at his last election), let alone for president.


--Hillary...nope, she scares me. Actually, the thought of Bill around impressionable interns scares me. And Hillary's politics.


--Obama...not sure about him yet. I personally think he's too green...but that might be what gets him elected, that he isn't as 'tainted' as the others.


Overall...I say we start all over again...cuz what we have ain't exactly impressive.

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You sound like a red neck yahoo whacko from the corn fields. :ph34r: I'll bet that you kick pumpkins :( , knock apples :D and have a piece of straw hanging from your cake hole. :P And have a collection of fermented road apples. :horse: And you're probably a devote of Rocky Mountain Oysters. :P Not to mention that you suffer from SFB. :lol:




Yup, you sound like a hardcore Democrat.

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Yup, you sound like a hardcore Democrat.


Something wrong with that? :ph34r: Not everyone suffers from SFB. :P Not everyone is a sycophantic acolyte of the pot smocking, draft dodging, pill popping, SFB, serial polygynist, and dissimulating, racist flush rimflour. :P


:( More than ever before, the nation needs Patriots who are true to the Constitution and not to some Bible thumper or radio trash talker or neo-con-job-artist burglar. :D


:P Are you suiting up for Our Gang Tragedy's next war? :P



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I wonder who the Libertarian candidate will be in '08? Not that the Libertarians have a chance of winning, but I thought Badnarik was a poor LP choice in '04, and they couldn't seriously put him up for another round. No experience, and he flip-flopped more than a trout gasping on the dock.


-- Nephele

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As in 'IDIOT'. Didn't rev. some



Reverend? Who? some dung moon. :P


-- Nephele







You mean Sun Myung Moon? Wherever did you get that Badnarik supported him? Unless you can point me to some news article stating this, I'm inclined to think that you're getting Badnarik and the Libertarian Party confused with Neil Bush and the Republicans.


-- Nephele

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:ph34r: As in 'IDIOT'. Didn't rev. some :horse: action-smiley-027.gif support him? :(






You just weren't paying any attention whatsoever when the republicks had their belchings out on the tube. :P



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You just weren't paying any attention whatsoever when the republicks had their belchings out on the tube. :ph34r:


Kiam vi parolos sencon, tiam mi parolos la anglan. :lol:



-- Nephele

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You just weren't paying any attention whatsoever when the republicks had their belchings out on the tube. :lol:


Kiam vi parolos sencon, tiam mi parolos la anglan. :P



-- Nephele





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