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Snow??!! Ugh...



Well it snowed. We got one heck of a snow storm in the middle of April. And the power was out all day, but now it's back on again. I hope it stays on.


This week has been very stressful, but I'm extremely glad that it is over. I have tomorrow off too, and I'm really enjoying my time off. Due to the power outage I had nothing to do (other than shoveling 18 inches of snow) so I spent most of the day in meditation (when not trying to keep warm. I was huddled around an oil lamp for heat. It was pathetic.)


I didn't get the ring I was bidding on, I got "sniped" at the last minute. Oh well, I'm sure another will come along. I'm going to let my mom on the comp soon, because she wants to check her Ebay auction.


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