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Going Home



I'm going back to PA tonight at 3 25 AM (yay?). I'm exhausted and so NOT looking forward to the trip. I am really going to miss being out here in MN and working with Al. I've learned so much, I can't wait to get my own shop set up and see what I can do!


The birdbath stand that was such a pain in the ass got taken out by some wind, it's a real shame after all I went through with it. It was a good project though, I learned a lot. We went to Raven Works Forge and I got to meet Joel and Sue; they're really cool, and I had a great time talking to them. I learned so much just from seeing things from a different perspective. It was so inspiring.


Yesterday and today I worked on a "letter opener" that turned into a mini replica of an Amazon war spear with a Norse Rune engraved handle (Uruz, if you must know. I'm thinking of getting it tattooed on me somewhere. My ankle maybe?) It was a lot of work but I'm finally happy with the result. Wish it was a little sharper. I also made an armband that kind of matches my tattoo. I'm totally psyched about it and can't wait to wear it everywhere and show it off! Fire is such a fun addiction....


I got some bad news this morning, apparently the place I had a job lined up for is not hiring a full time blacksmith (of course, this came from the boss' wife, not himself. I just asked her to take a message for me that I'd be home in two weeks). I was a little taken aback by it but I'm not that upset. While I don't feel completely ready to set up my own shop yet (I'm not talking about hanging a sign and being an official business...just having a place to work on my own stuff) it looks like I'm going to have to and to be honest, I'm quite excited about it! I just wish I had more money to start out with. I don't want to have to get a loan...I've got my mom on it; if anyone can ferret out an opportunity, she can!


Of course this means that my NEPA newsletter might not be able to be in print like I wanted; at least not unless advertising can cover the costs. That's OK with me, although of course it's a disappointment. I can always do it the free online way!


I've been busy, and I didn't get to read all the books I had planned to or all the writing done either...I guess I'm just not the bookworm I used to be. I would say I'll get alot of it done on the train but I know I won't. I'm hoping to sleep as much as I possibly can.


I am really not looking forward to the train ride over two days. It's only two layovers and shouldn't be as harrowing as the ride out here but at the same time I'm nervous about it. I don't like giving up control. Next time I come out here I'm definitely going to drive...driving is fun, and I really enjoy long trips in the car. On the train, not so much.


See you Sunday night! (or Monday morning).


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Don't worry about not being a bookworm. If you enjoy what you're doing, that is what matters. And blacksmithing probably keeps you in better shape than laying about reading a book.


I take it you must follow Brigid, the triple Celtic goddess of fire - fire for the domestic hearth, fire for the blacksmith's forge, fire for the poet's heart?

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No actually I don't follow Brigid at all. I follow Morrigan, who through total UPG (unverified personal gnosis) I believe forges her own weapons. It became SPG (shared personal gnosis) when two other people described similar ideas.


But as for Brigid, last time I tried talking to her the response I got was "You're not mine; go bug your mother!" :furious:

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I hope that everyone is reading your blog. See what happens when one goes to minisoda? One becomes an iron arsonist and a gnostic. Better one goes to the Heart of America and become an opera singer or an Albanian chef. Good money! But, if you must become an iron arsonist and collect tattoos on your bod, take up hustings in Lancaster County, penciltucky. Plenty of horses and cows to shoe. They'll love you if you get a hex tattoo on the corpus delectus. Unfortunately, those beings are quite cheap. Plenty of chocolate and shoo-fly pie; expand the bod so that you can really add tattoos.


I am quite certain that you have contracted a real hex or curse. For a small offering, I can remove it.

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