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Earth and Fire



Ye gods, today has been a day!! I'm exhausted!!


I've now got not one, but two jobs "on the line". Yesterday I put in an application at the Dushore Market...again. This morning, after going on a mad search for a wood burning tool, I picked up a newspaper and saw an ad for a machine operator at HTM. I went up and applied, except they were only looking for night shift (shift ending at midnight). I told them I really didn't want to work nights, but I put in an application anyway, and he said he'd keep it on file in case a day position opened up.


I got home and talked to my mom, and she said I *should* take the night position (I don't know why really) and I had been thinking about it, so I called them and said I'd be willing to try the night position. He said he'd still look for day hours for me. So I am expecting to hear from him in a few days. Everyone seems so happy there!! It seemed just perfect!


Right after I got off the phone with him, I got a call for an interview at the Market. I went, and I was very upfront with the guy about waiting to hear back from that other job. The Market job seems a lot better, in terms of hours, distance and pay (the man from the shop offered me less than minimum wage...I'm assuming that is a mistake on his part as I didn't even know when minimum wage went up). So now I'm supposed to call him on Tuesday and let him know what's going on with this other job prospect.


Now I really don't know what to do. I really think it would be better for me to work at the Market, but I don't want to blow my chances on either place until I see what's going on. I'm pulling my hair out here!! But I've got until Tuesday to decide, so I'm going to try to take it easy.


I just put up another Wordpress blog for all of my artwork. There isn't much in there yet, but it's here: Earth and Fire.


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Thanks!! :) I have to remember to upload more pics sometime today.


Please do. Have you considered making vase of copper flowers mayve with some of the coppwr leaves and trying to sell it at a professional art convention. Who knows you might get more than you think.



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