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Favonius Cornelius


And what would you do, thrown into the world with a large family name, the over-reaching demands of a brilliant intellect, and the restless energy of a robust body? If life was as fleeting and uncertain as it was in the first century BC, if the body so easily destroyed by casual disease and violence, or perhaps the whim of an uncaring neighboring nation or near unimpeachable gods, would you not live a life of risk?


I think men were made for that. The unnatural extension of life by progress warps the natural Caesar within each of us. Each of us able to attain at least that 15 min of fame, now puffed out rather by modern life's steamroller.


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Oh! Is this a party of pessimists or something like that?

Need to be Caesar! In this case there is a chance that "steamroller of modern life" will dart past.

I always was interested a question how long Caesar thought before accepting one or another desision which became fatefull for the whole Rome. I think not long.

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