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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums
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No. 1



Gathering together a couple of books on early christian monasticism to do a few new topics in the religion forums, should I focus on the structure of the religious settlements, the architecture, the interplay between christian sects and pagans, or the way they lived by? Should my focus for discussions revolve around men like Anthony, Arsenio, and Origien, or the communities themselves?


How to approach this area in depth and force while keeping people interested? Such an area of high diversity that can easily rival the military threads on this site, but if done wrong, which would be really easy to do, can quickly kill all intrest in similar discussions cause it's not nearly as flashy, and might come off a little zealous. This wouldn't work well since half the people on this site are pagans, and despite working with INSKON and Taoist in discussions before, I'm a bit worried people might view this negatively as a attempt to evangilicize.


Strange, I rarely see anyone posting more than a passing referance to the old Roman cults and religions. Not even a essay on Epicurianism! Nobody goes indepth, and I myself am afriad with my great ignorance of many works left unread to make broad statements on theology, but it is of intrest to me. Mabey to others as well.


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There are topics on Roman paganism, they just don't get much traffic. I don't think half the membership is pagan, either. The majority of the membership seems to be agnostic or at least uninterested in religious topics.


Feel free to post topics on early Christianity. I don't think people will cry about evangelism as long as the posts are kept to a historical and scholarly perspective.

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