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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums
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I've played the game but I'm not having xbox live not the time to spare I'm afraid.


Great game thought!


I've already beaten the game on legendary(took forever). But now the multiplayer is just so addicting and frustrating, especially on ranked team slayer.

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I've already beaten the game on legendary(took forever). But now the multiplayer is just so addicting and frustrating, especially on ranked team slayer.


Me too but it didn't take very long, actually beside the flood ship level the only thing I was slightly disappointed with was how easy the game was even at legendary. Been through it twice (if I count that I've missed the last two levels on one of them but I've played the first four about five times with different people.)


The multi is great, I've only tried split screen and that's where I'll have to stop.

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I've already beaten the game on legendary(took forever). But now the multiplayer is just so addicting and frustrating, especially on ranked team slayer.


Me too but it didn't take very long, actually beside the flood ship level the only thing I was slightly disappointed with was how easy the game was even at legendary. Been through it twice (if I count that I've missed the last two levels on one of them but I've played the first four about five times with different people.)


The multi is great, I've only tried split screen and that's where I'll have to stop.


Well if Legendary is dissapointing, I suppose you should play for achievements. Otherwise, multiplayer provides all the necessary skills you want to achieve.

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Actually I must admit I have no clue what so ever what achievements I can get in the campaign but to finish each map. I heard something about skulls but I have no clue what it is?

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Actually I must admit I have no clue what so ever what achievements I can get in the campaign but to finish each map. I heard something about skulls but I have no clue what it is?

Skulls are things that you can activate that actually makes the game harder for you to play. For example, one skull forces you to melee an enemy in order to regain your shield. Another skull actually makes you shoot from the hip or basically you can't see your guns or crosshair.

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Is there a co-op mode from the same console rather than multiplayer online?

Yes, there is. You have custom games where there is a max of four players per console. You have campaign coop up to four players. As for multiplayer, anything goes.

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