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My back hurts

Primus Pilus


Much like the headline says, my back hurts. It's not a constant pain, but it's rather situational and stems from a problem with my sciatic nerve. If I sit for a long time, or lay in certain positions, I find it difficult to get up and/or walk straight. The pain isn't overwhelming but its certainly dysfunctional. My chiropracter/kinesiologist is helping to minimize the impact, but can't seem to relieve the problem altogether (yes that's a form of holistic care coupled with traditional chiropractic, I don't really care for the common forms of chemical laden/drug dependent medicine). This is something I experienced in my college years and was able to virtually eliminate the problem for over a decade, but it's back with a vengeance.


Anyway, my "quack" is developing the opinion that I may be one of those rare people who's nerve runs in a position between the gluteus muscles and the bones of the hip in such a way that it may just be an issue I have to deal with forever. We're still trying various techniques for relief, but he's afraid that the nerve is simply in a position that whenever my muscles flex in a certain way they push the nerve against the bone and cause the irritation. I'm learning to focus on relaxing the muscles in question whenever I get a flare up, but it's a rather hit or miss prospect and in the meantime, it's uncomfortable and distracting. The pain doesn't stop me from working out or participating in normal daily routines, so I'm not trying to complain too much, but it sure would be nice if it just didn't keep sending those shivers of pain down my leg.


The shivers aside, it wouldn't even be all that terrible, except that it often wakes me up at night. It won't keep me up for more than a few minutes, the pain is sudden and severe based on a shift of position or a movement of the muscles, but I still wake up several times a night.


This might explain a recent increase in alcohol intake.


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Self-medicating with alcohol can eventually bring on other troubles. Have you ever considered investing in a hot tub?


Seriously, I speak from experience, as I have had back problems from adolescence. But a nightly plunge in the back garden hot tub (with or without one's alcoholic beverage of choice), has efficacious effects which last through the night and into the next day. (Unlike too much alcohol imbibing, which will leave you feeling like crap the next day.)


Before making the investment, you might want to check into a hotel first and make use of their hot tub there, to see how you like it. Exercise in the form of dance, helps me, too, but I don't know if that would help in your case.


But if you really need to relax those muscles (as you say) then it sounds to me as though a nightly hot tub session would do the trick.


-- Nephele

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Self-medicating with alcohol can eventually bring on other troubles. Have you ever considered investing in a hot tub?


I really don't drink as much as I might imply, but yes it clearly can cause other problems. I'd love to get a hot tub, and so would my wife, but they're relatively expensive.


(Unlike too much alcohol imbibing, which will leave you feeling like crap the next day.)


Hah! Speak for yourself. I feel great after drinking. Oh wait, you really do mean the next day. Yes I see your point. :)


Before making the investment, you might want to check into a hotel first and make use of their hot tub there, to see how you like it.


I am afraid of hotel hot tubs and the numerous things that may be living in them. :)


Exercise in the form of dance, helps me, too, but I don't know if that would help in your case. But if you really need to relax those muscles (as you say) then it sounds to me as though a nightly hot tub session would do the trick.


Dance probably would be a more relaxing thing than my normal exercise routines which includes in-line skating (weather permitting of course), weight lifting and aerobic sports such as racquetball. My current exercises are not really conducive to "relaxation" per se. The cost of a hot tub aside, I do think it would benefit me to find a form of exercise that helped to relax and stretch the muscles rather than what I'm currently doing.


Does sex count? :)

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Sex always works! *giggle*


You might think about certain yoga classes (not necessarily pilates, but basic stretching/yoga); I know that with all of the commuting that I've been doing this semester, the increased tension in my shoulders and upper back, not to mention the lumbar area, have greatly been reduced thanks to a regular yoga routine. I do it at home, because the courses I want at my YMCA (gym) are offered at really odd times, but it might be something to look into.


Another idea: oftentimes at gyms they have massage therapy, and if they have one called either Thai massage or stretch-massage, it might also work. Essentially, it's a type of massage that includes (and often features) stretching--as in, someone stretches you--to increase bloodflow and flexibility.


Lastly...instead of a chiropractor, what about a good physical therapy center? They often have numerous exercises, stretches, and other goodies to help you out with skeletal-muscular issues. (And it's not just because I have a very critical eye towards chiropractic peoples.)

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Lastly...instead of a chiropractor, what about a good physical therapy center? They often have numerous exercises, stretches, and other goodies to help you out with skeletal-muscular issues. (And it's not just because I have a very critical eye towards chiropractic peoples.)


I tend to agree with you on strict chiropractic. However kinesiology (though many may consider the field complete quackery) is a more in depth approach to body health as it relates to both skeletal and muscular structure. It's much more akin to physical therapy than strict chiropractic (in my layman opinion anyway).



Oh, and sex certainly won't hurt you any!!!


Well actually, there have been a few moments of, shall we say discomfort, because of rather compromising activity... but that's a blog best suited for another time and place. :) :)


I suddenly feel a bit dirty... is this how GO feels? :)

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To add to what ive mentioned via msn: best natural painkillers are white willow and valerian, the best spinal painkiller is (believe it or not) St John Wort (but this can clash with or potentiate other chemical medicines), If the nerve pain is more toward the c6/c7 areas scutelleria would be useful. Sciatic pain caused by acidity (as aopposed to postural problems) responds to an alkaline diet (plain veggies to you! No food you actually like) and a mix of Yarrow and Burdock tinctures (astringent and anti-histamine respectively). A lot of people dont drink enough water , and modest dehydration doesnt help spinal pain at all. As you may know standing up straight is the least loading on the spine, sitting doubles it and slouching at that keyboard not only increases the load a lot further , but it causes strong shearing forces that can make disc movement worse(prolapse). I have heavy accupressure/massage every week and try to sauna as often as possible.Sleep with a very smal pillow or cushion trapped between the knees , lying on one side ..this is awkward at first , but helps keep the back pain free at night. Never sleep with a woman who weighs twice as much as yourself, she'll steal all the duvet (what did you think I was going to say?).

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Oh, and sex certainly won't hurt you any!!!


Well actually, there have been a few moments of, shall we say discomfort, because of rather compromising activity...


Not to mention her spurs and riding crop...


-- Nephele

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Whilst on an interlude from my own bed, (where I sleep with a pillow between my legs, hugging another, and on my right side), my left leg commenced to jump into the air of its own accord. Quacks were of no help, and after some testing it was concluded that I had sciatica. When I returned to my old ways, the leg has behaved. Give the pillow treatment a try.

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You're all locked up! :yes::disgust:


But, seriously, have you tried blood letting?


What is it with you and blood-letting? I'm surprised you haven't sent him a gallon of leeches already!

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Found a portable home spa from Home Depot for just under $800 (with interest-free payments of $22 per month).


You can get the same portable spa for $652 and free shipping through Amazon.com.


Scroll down on that page for customers' reviews. And here's another customer's review for the same product found on a different site.


Seriously, nothing beats hydrotherapy for back and muscle aches. We've got a Morgan spa in our back garden (we have it enclosed in a shoji) and there's not a day that goes by that we don't feel it was well worth the investment.


-- Nephele

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We've got a Morgan spa in our back garden (we have it enclosed in a shoji) and there's not a day that goes by that we don't feel it was well worth the investment.


I'm jealous. No really, I am! :yes:


What is it with you and blood-letting? I'm surprised you haven't sent him a gallon of leeches already!


Leeches are a damn good cure for hunger. No really!


step 1) put leech on hook

step 2) catch bass

step 3) cook and eat bass


See? :disgust:

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When I was 22, I took a ride on a high speed roller coaster. Unfortunately I was too big for the ride (I'm 6'5'') and couldn't sit my back firmly against the seat. The G forces from the roller coaster seriously whacked my vertebrae out of line. They were crushing my sciatic nerve and I was in great pain.


The local chiropractor used some sort of small device to hit the vertebrea back into place. It was painless and after 3 or 4 sessions I was back to normal. No drugs, no surgery.


You may want to check into it.

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GO is obviously a keen follower of Doctor leech , from Blackadder...


"Edmund: Look, am I paying for this personal abuse or is it extra?


Doctor Leech: No, it's all part of the service. I think you're in luck though. An extraordinary new cure has just been developed for exactly this kind of sordid problem.


Edmund: It wouldn't have anything to do with leeches, would it?


Doctor Leech: I had no idea you were a medical man.


Edmund: Never had anything you doctors didn't try to cure with leeches. A leech on my ear for ear ache, a leech on my bottom for constipation.


Doctor Leech: They're marvelous, aren't they?


Edmund: Well, the bottom one wasn't. I just sat there and squashed it.


Doctor Leech: You know the leech comes to us on the highest authority?


Edmund: Yes. I know that. Dr. Hoffmann of Stuttgart, isn't it?


Doctor Leech: That's right, the great Hoffmann.


Edmund: Owner of the largest leech farm of Europe.


Doctor Leech: Yes. Well, I cannot spend all day gossiping. I'm a busy man. As far as this case is concerned I have now had time to think it over and I can strongly recommend a [in chorus] course of leeches.


Edmund: Yes. I 'll pop a couple down my codpiece before I go to bed.


Doctor Leech: No, no, no, no. Don't be ridiculous. This isn't the dark ages. Just pop four in your mouth in the morning and let them dissolve slowly. In a couple of weeks you 'll be beating your servant with a stick, just like the rest of us. "


Ahh Dr Hoffman..

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L_W, 'Blackadder' is the history of the English side of my family. It is available on a 4 DVD set, or:






Doll, it is quite obvious that those quakes out there in La-La Land have disineffectuated your 'central intelligence agency'. I mercifully commend a blood letting for you, commencing with a carotid artery. Follow this up with one of My Lord Pertinax' purgatives, which will cleanse you of the SFB syndrome.




P.P., without so much as a doubt, the Four Humors of your corpse are out of whack. If you wish to put them in balance again, you must have a series of 13 cuppings, followed by a course of leeches for 7 days. In the likely event that you consider this quackery, or tomfoolery, please visit:




You could try one of those modern discoveries, i.e., a heating pad!

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GO is obviously a keen follower of Doctor leech , from Blackadder...


Doctor Leech: No, no, no, no. Don't be ridiculous. This isn't the dark ages. Just pop four in your mouth in the morning and let them dissolve slowly. In a couple of weeks you 'll be beating your servant with a stick, just like the rest of us. "


Ahh Dr Hoffman..


How fortunate UNRV is that the last fragment is missing! :disgust::yes: Quack! :yes:



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