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Everything posted by Kosmo

  1. Kosmo

    Romans in music

    I had the benfit of watching it in silence first time around (didn't want to disturb the rest of the office). One perceived (by me) inaccuracy became more obvious that way - the guy playing Octavian looks more how I'd imagine Mark Antony, and vice versa (but less so). and Cleopatra looks hot! That's a really bad mistake
  2. Usually when ascending to power emperors picked new names for themselves, names that served to legitimize them and very often indicative of a political program. I doubt that the 2 mentioned before were born with those names but picked them to seem successors of the last great emperor. "Ethnic" ancestry was irrelevant by this time, only foreigners from outside the empire being excluded from the purple.
  3. Indeed. An object out of context loses much of it's relevance. They did not even give an estimate dating but an estimate price!
  4. Already turned 4, growing up so fast...
  5. Kosmo

    Romans in music

    Indeed. Nice! They also have this video, hands down the best music video featuring romans:
  6. This feminine characters of the last ten years that can fight very well pose some problems that those who made this movie ignored with disastrous consequences. The villain was a pretty young women, a hero, a freedom fighter and a victim of terrible abuse. The fact that the main character beat and killed her does not really make him heroic, even if he was in self defense (the self defense of an invader BTW). Then they introduce a roman woman that he soon beats up. Well done, big man, your greatest achievements are that you hit some women! Yay!
  7. I found sometime ago a reference to romans abandoning a mine in southern Spain after it was destroyed by moorish rebels in II century AD and I would really like to get details on that because I was never able to find myself more data on it. Birley's biography of Hadrian mentions the presence of the emperor in quelling moorish revolts and points to a brief reference in Historia Augusta. This rebellion may be connected with the one Marcius Turbo had suppressed 5 years earlier, a revolt started after Hadrian has put to death their leader Lusius Quietus during Trajan's succession crisis. Your focus is on Hadrian or on Mauritania? Edit: Oh, I've seen the link and the focus of your book it's actually on Spain.
  8. I've seen the first 2 episodes. Not impressed.
  9. One can choose to use "watch this forum" button for areas of interest and get daily or weekly rapports with all new posts. Basically then he will be able to access the forum content from his own mail and will need to visit the forum only if he wants to post something. This is a nice feature but it may result in a reduction of traffic for the site.
  10. I think that functions like "watch topic" and "watch forums" can be used to spot new posts, but I have to see how it works. I love the fact that links to Youtube have embedded themselves in the post. I had to make several replies to the thread I started because there is only one link per post allowed. Also, I've seen that the picture posted in this topic http://www.unrv.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11371&pid=105888&st=0entry105888 do not resize themselves and make for a wider page.
  11. Kosmo

    Romans in music

    For me the best song with a general historical theme is Within Temptation - Our Solemn Hour. They are now my favorite band.
  12. Kosmo

    Romans in music

    Also there are some references to roman history in the telling of London's history by Clint Mansell - Stay With Me (Elfsong's 'Stay With V' Mix). Music from the excellent film "V for Vendetta". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XyNKfQFwyw&feature=search
  13. Kosmo

    Romans in music

    The Viva la Vida song of Coldplay has a weird reference to "roman cavalry choir"
  14. Songs with roman subjects are unusual. The best is Spin Doctors - Cleopatra's Cat with some funny lyrics: Cleopatra's favorite cat Got his hands on Caesar's spats The heat was on as you could see So he front 'em to Mark Antony. Said, "My girlfriend's cat is smarter than me." Caesar had an eye for clothes He saw them spats and said, "I like those." Caesar had no thing to say, except, "Jesu Christi Domine, Et tu, Brute, Jesu Christi Domine, Et tu, Brute." The senate tried to sympathize It was the cat they should despise Informant told his whereabouts Centurions to seek him out Centurions! There go the centurions. Brutus had to turn his head When THIS cat done went and said, "If he's got this thing for shoes, He just might be ambitious, too. They got holidays all in his name, And all a tyrant needs is fame. Those fascists don't play pretty games Egypt is the place to be... But Rome is a democracy. Rome!" Caesar never got them back 'Cause they killed his ass in the second act. Brutus spoke, then Antony: Said, "My girlfriend's cat is smarter than me. Friends, Romans, can't you see My girlfriend's cat is smarter than me Egypt's biggest rivalry: Cleopatra's cat and me." The song is here -
  15. "today's active content" button does the same thing what "view new post" did? I used that function every time I visited the site to catch up on new threads and posts. I realize that it is the same the thing poster above said but this was the first thing that struck me after the change. (edit: and it looks like my satyr avatar taken from the avatar library has run away with Britney)
  16. So it shows the location of some Sarmatian foederati while Letes are Laeti settlers but Gentiles? Who are those?
  17. Map of the military organization of (provinces) Germany I and Belgium I during the Late Empire.
  18. Who is agent Smith? -Hello, Vodafone Call Center? -Yes. -I am looking for a John Conner. -Please, wait! -How much? -2000 years.
  19. Is that my mobile? Can I stay with you and watch the fight? This pole besides me indicates that here is a bus station and is forbidden to have a picnic in a bus station. Lady, here is roman reenactment, for "The Three Musketeers" audition you have to go over there.
  20. Imagine how Detroit would look if the US tries to reconquer it I had once an eerie experience in the Carpathians where we placed our tents on the grass in the middle of an abandoned village. The buildings were intact and included a church and a school. Only one house was used the rest were abandoned because there was no road and no electricity. If you want to see modern urban abandonment search for images of Famagusta, the ancient city in Cyprus, abandoned since the turkish invasion.
  21. I doubt that such maneuver was necessary. My belief is that hand to hand combat did not last long, if none of the lines broke the combatants pulled back and regrouped, then charged again trying to increase momentum with the help of speed to break the enemy line. I also think that the best soldiers were at the front doing the actual fighting while the rest provided weight and depth to the line.
  22. It can be both ways. Local villages are conquered and unified by a group/army of colonists that became the ruling elite - patricians, while the conquered become the plebs. The colonialist theory must take into account that good, strategic positions were always prized so new foundations were rarely on empty land. For example Constantinople was "founded" in Byzantium a significant greek colony that was already 1000 years old and Byzantium itself was preceded by another settlement.
  23. This is my favorite scene. Pullo looks so innocent and casual while murdering one of the greatest man that ever lived, he picks a nice peach and goes back to a quiet picnic.
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