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Everything posted by Illryrian_king

  1. ok now tell me if there is a pyramid under the surface who do you think build them....eventhough there are made satellite pictures and discovered that this is not a natyral mountain and that is something underneath ?????????
  2. those links that you gave me i need to go off topic a little bit, those are Serbians sites for the record and as you know the political issue between serbia and Bosnia and the war that happened there those are just Serbian Propaganda, same thing happened with Kosova there are orthodoks churches build durin 1900 and they claim that Kosova is Serbia. so i think you should not get to much into political issues let us keep the topic... p.s another news i think tomorow Samir Osmanagic is going to show to the media about the latest discoveries on Visoko ( bosnia ) , there some tunnels discovered but i think there will be more of that tomorow, i don't think this will change history at all, i think we will discover more about human civilisation.
  3. i agree with you in a way because it's very hard to get a conclusion, but for Osmanagic's record he worked for 15 years on Latin-American Pyramids. and i don't think it's ridiculous. On the top of "Bosnian pyramid of Sun" was a temple, built by pre-Illyrians, people who lived, according to Osmanagić, 27,000 years ago.
  4. I think that this Pyramid has been build by ancient Illyrians even the man who is funding this action for exploring this massive pyramid declared that.
  5. I think that this Pyramid has been build by ancient Illyrians even the man who is funding this action for exploring this massive pyramid declared that.
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