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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums

Marc Antony

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Tiro (1/20)



  1. Why is Sueton is viewed as so unreliable in the first place? I always thought his dry style to be a sign of seriousness.
  2. Thanks a lot. I am really looking for sources on the subject of population densities. Just noticed I have to add the whole Bosporian realm! + Gibraltar
  3. Yes, that is the problem. I did it by eye-measuring from the map I deemed being the most accurate. Not exactly hard science, but I would still argue that the extent must be somewhere between 4 and 5 million square kilometers, which would eliminate some of the other claims I quoted above. PS: I added some new states without calculating the overall figure new. I hope the list is now comlete.
  4. Anyone knowing who is actually meant by "the Seres"? This footnote says that "this Seric iron has not been identified".
  5. Hello, I made a lenghty online inquiry about the maximal territorial extension of the Roman Empire and all I ended up with were some strange and contradictory figures, largley left unexplained ("1.7 million square miles", "2.2 million square miles", "2.3 million square miles at its height", "3,34 Mio km
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