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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Everything posted by Nuijt

  1. Thanks! That's just the answer I needed!
  2. Hello Unrv readers, I'm doig an essay about the Second Punic War and I'm kinda disorientated by the various numbers of Hasdrubals appearing all the sources I have. Unrv itself says Hannibal's brother Hasdrubal died at the battle at the Metaurus River in 207 B.C But this same site also claims a Hasdrubal was leading the Numidian cavalery in the Battle of Cannae in 216 B.C And it also tells me Hasdrubal was left in Spain to defend the Carthaganian interests there. So I would like a bit more info on how many Hasdrubals there were in the Second Punic War, What they did and how they are related to one another so i can clear things up in my own essay Thanks in Advance!, Greetings, Nuytuh P.s: Sorry for another topic opening
  3. Okay, Thanks for the info all! One more question, How do we know all this. Which works of what writers describe this?
  4. Hello Dear UNRV people, I'm kinda new here, although I used to site for a couple of essays. This is my last year at school and I have to make an essay again. I decided to do about the Second Punic War. Since I'm still at school and not some University the books I have at the local library and school aren't that much of a help. So I use the internet alot. Unfortunatly this site is like the only site with good information about the Romans, and therefore the Second Punic War. I was wondering if some people here could provide me with extra sites that have nice information. And maybe some guide points. Like things that are really important in the Second Punic War, what I should not miss. Thanks in advance, Arjan Nuijten. P.s: sorry for my not perfect English, I'm Dutch. P.s: the sites may be in English and Dutch.
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