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Augustus Caesar

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Posts posted by Augustus Caesar

  1. I an just see the Americans in it now.... bless 'em...


    "Hey buddy!!! You seen my six pack? And my legs? I got one o' those lateral thigh trainers ya know!!"


    Or even Paul Hogan the Aussie... "Hey, Brutus! Call that a knife?"


    Now I know Crowe got away with it in Gladiator, just... but Americans doing Romans? Not likely! Won't work.. nothing to do iwth their history being short Augusta - it's the accent pure and simple. The Romans were a proud nation who ruled with an iron fist. No messing about. You could literally take them seriously... well you had to. Now the Americans, again no offence intended, cannot be taken seriously here. As soon as they try to be iron fisted with something or someone they get hammered by everyone all over the world. When they try to create a series or film of an historical event or period they Hollywoodise it. They pander to their own folk too much who sit in front of the box dictating the story line to the producers. If it's not done in an 'American' way we won't watch it they say. Really?


    So we end up with Americanised stuff anyway - even with Brit actors!! Stick to what works - it's tried, trusted and well used and folk love it - generally!!


    Nuff said...

  2. P. Laelius Macer, Salve


    I note your activities and great urgency in training, for what is admiitedly a raw section of recruits, all men who are capable of doing their duties for Rome. I shall ask that great speed is maintained and every opportunity to push things should be used but not over stretched. I have arranged for extra arms to be sent to your under equipped units and you should receive them soon enough. Foodstuffs should be taken from the local surrounds if possible. but choose well... many inviting plants aren't what they seem as you know.


    Keep me informed... have signalling posts placed along route that can be mobile if needs be and use them to get information to me faster than we do at present.




    Augustus Caesar, Emperor, Rome

  3. This is extremely interesting. The book Pompeii is a very good read. Well written it should transfer to film very nicely.


    However, as with most of these films of books it won't be exactly the same as the book. This is a shame. Having said that I do hope they stick as far as possible to the original storyline.


    As yet I have not read Imperium but this is a different novel altogether and has nothing to do with Pompeii although some think it is a follow up!!!

  4. Aaaaawwwwwwwww!!!! My dear Augusta... I too have missed this post of yours with your question! Just as you did mine. The answer? Yes, I did know it! Honestly!!


    Here's one for you all...


    Who said the following? Who was being addressed? What episode was it in?


    "... the man who dwells by the pools shall look into graves, and the dead shall live again."


    Finally, what was actually significant about that line being included?

  5. "Oh, and throw him to the floor again sir?"


    "Throw him to the floor again sir?"

    "Oh yes... thwow him to the floor!"


    "Quiet Jewish rapscallion!"

    "I'm not Jewish, I'm a Roman"

    "A Woeman ay!"

    "No no... Roman!"

    "Stwike him Centuwion - vewy woughly!"


    Terrific film The Life of Brian.. terrific!!

    "Shutup you!"



    "I have a vewy gweat fwiend in Wome you know!"

    "You know what he's called? Biggus Dickus!!!"

  6. Ah... it seems that all is going well with your choices of troops my faithful generals. However, I must insist that the wiating time of two or more weeks is a little long and the Gauls will grow tired of waiting. There is news that they will not now break camp as they hear of two legions approaching. One from the north and one from the south! It seems Nephele has done her work well...


    P. Laelius Macer - you must insist that your centurions gather their men and work them hard enough to make the move in nine days and no more. The rest of the legions will have to keep a regular pace too for all this to work well. I am sure you will manage this. There are enough soldiers inour ranks to allow for minor sacrifices through fitness so do not worry. The rewards for the victors are incentive enough for them to fight. So nine days and no more!


    Money for the troops is no problem... they won't have time to spend it. Keep them busy and as I say they will be rewarded upon return.


    I hear that Ulpius is making waves about my tenure as Emperor... The warehouse was no gift... he manages it only... he remains my guest there! I shall remind him of his place and he shall be watched around the clock whilst this campaign runs. If I am in a generous mood he may be allowed to live afterwards! I do not take kindly to those who dare to oppose me when I have been more than generous. Veiled threats do not pass me by!!


    Time is not on our side gentlemen so make haste and report back on your plans when camped. I will give the order then to attack as planned. You will have license to finish the job as you see fit. I will tolerat no desertions from the ranks... kill those who do... although as you hand picked them yourselves you should know better than to pick duds.


    I have a meeting in the Senate and Agrippa is to make a speach about his time in the East... Julia, my daughter, is getting to be a very promiscuous young lady I hear... I will decide to do something with her later on!! We have an author in our ranks here in the Palace in Claudius so maybe he will write about these wonderful campaigns against the barbarian Gauls... It is down to your leadership skills now gentlemen so "For the Glory of Rome and the Empire!".... march on....


    I must get a message to Nephele... it is being reorted that her cover may have been blown but the Gaul who reports this is a friend of Rome. He says no harm will come to her but she can expect to be trussed up in a dark tent for weeks without much sun, food or water. She is a fighting girl and will not go down without a fight! I believe she is perfectly safe for now if she stays quiet and does not move in the wrong direction... I pray to the Gods for her safety...

  7. A message is forwarded to Nephele who is swiftly on her way to complete her difficult task - it is to not allow others to upset her mind when the Empire could rest on what information she may offer her Emperor. It is understandable that tradition sees the male carry out this type of role but these days the Gauls would expect that. They would expect a man to roll up with talk of selling out his Emperor and giving information to the enemy. Information that may or may not be correct. However, Nephele has a very astute mind and can be supremely cunning. So with all due respect I think the outcome of the task she has been set is one we all hope will help us in our need to save the Empire and Rome itself from being overrun by these sadistic Gauls. It may well save all your skins so please do not jump to rash moments of manly behaviour and boyish mentality. We are here to offer the task of ridding Gaul of its unwanted bands of brigands.


    It is a decision I promised to give and, yes, it's a few hours late... but it was tough!! Aghatocles Ulpius - I see that you are a man of substance and great opportunism. Yet when the going gets tough you tend to want to run. You may have a good eye for opportunity but I need someone who can give me authority and can also stand firm in a crisis. To have yourself drowning other folk with wine each night until they can talk no more or indeed poisoning them leaves one open to so many risks. You will be spotted sooner or later as the common denominator in all cases of deaths surrounding great leaders. This risk I cannot take. I make no mention of your military prowess however. Not surprising because you don't have one. Being a slave in a foreign land only shows you were silly enough to get caught. I'm afraid the task is not for you. I can offer a position abroad as a manager of a warehouse which supplies Rome with wine of the highest standards. You would have over two hundred employees working for you but I think it is an opportunity you should strongly think about. Hanging around in Rome would mean you will be a liability. Strong words yes... but I have an Empire to save and you can do your bit with this task. Let's say you don't have much choice. Cross me and trouble will follow you... Praxus will see you to your ship tomorrow morning. Try not to miss it... or run......


    P. Laelius Macer - Well now... here's a man and an officer who can surely do me a very fine job indeed. Many great victories and tales - nay truths - of great battles where one would be close to death only to somehow steal victory from the enemy and receive rewards of promotion et al... A veteran is a sound bet to lead an army, a fit veteran is better again. A veteran of the legendary X Legion is almost a legend in his own right. However, a keen eye for detail and the sharpness to see where an opposing army may have their weekness is required. Do you have that Macer? An experienced campaigner like Marcus Larconius Ralla has an advantage here as his campaigns have been against these sort of barbarians before now. Your campaigns have been quite widespread. Do you know the enemy here? Does Ralla? This is where it was tough. Ralla has to able to trust everyone on the campaign... yet already he slams Nephele for simply being a woman. Now Roman women know their place it is argued... and that is in the home with the children. I argue that if a woman can offer more than her male counterpart then so be it. She is less likely to be spotted as a spy by the enemy. Ralla... with your experience you should know that!! You disappoint me. Macer at least is a family man and wouldn't do this to a lady of Rome. I commend him for that. However, I also know of these stories you tell Macer and they seem very familiar to me. Macro as a centurion seems to spring to mind here as does his sidekick Cato. Maybe I am thinking of someone else!! Hmmmm.....


    Marcus Larconius Ralla - An excellent campaigner who is 100% trustworthy in all I have asked of him so far. However, I do ask why you should want this task over the one you currently lead in Spain... well in name at least. You seemed very comfortable over there. I do hope a scandal is not waiting to bite your ankles when you settle into your home again if not chosen for this honour. Upsetting women is not a difficult task for you either it seems. This is the third time you have had a go at someone who is deemed unworthy of position in our society. Yes, I heard about the others!!! On the one hand I cannot have this happen again by either of you two. My decision is made.....


    P. Laelius Macer - you should gather a force of two legions and take them to the nortthern border of Gaul and Germania where one of the legions of your choice will march into Gaul to the north of the barbarians. Meanwhile, your second legion is to send out a scout group to offer gold and trade routes to the barbarians... leaving a tantalising way open for them to deal with us. However, they will not accept. While the group will likely be killed off your second legion will naturally anticipate this and march straight at the Gauls from the East. Timing is of an absolute essence here so be careful.


    Marcus Larconius Ralla - there are men enough in this realm of ours for you to muster three legions and thus form the main part of our force and go straight to the southern regions of the barbarian troops at the same time Hecatee attacks from the east and north. This will be critical so timing is very important. I have word that the Gauls are grouped in two camps only a few miles apart. Just how far is unknown. This is where Nephele comes in. We also need from her the knowledge of which of their leaders is in the southern camp and who is in the northern camp. This may persuade me to split the three legions into two and send one to Macer in the north. This information is vital. Nephele will get close neough to maybe even steal away their campaign plans if they have any... after all they are barbarians!!


    I must warn the pair of you to keep an eye open for wine merchants who may disguise themselves and offer services to the enemy. Keep your soldiers dry for the campaign and they will have plenty to drink when it is over. I anticipate the battle to last a week or so overall so don't tire your armies and don't rush anything. Any longer and our forces will be really stretched beyond our capabilities and those opposed to our superior rule will feel they have an opportunity to strike at the heart of Rome itself. None of us here want that so be wise and prudent. But don't hesitate to take advantage of a situation if it is glaring you in the face. The Gauls may spring their surprises so our forward knowledge from Nephele is of vital importance. You should attack or be seen in the first two days after reaching camp. Therefore to get to your camps you must march on a wide berth thus remaining unseen. The Gauls do not have scouts in Germania so do not worry too much about that. Take no prisoners... rations are short but most locals will supply you with goods as they trade well with us and live comfortably.


    Go now and prepare.. you leave tomorrow night!!


    "Praxus!!!!! Ah there you are... Ulpius the wine merchant has a ship to catch tomorrow... make sure he is on it. Take three others from the household to make sure he is not helped or misses the ship. His own friends are not in Rome so he won't cause any trouble!".


    "Licinius... make sure you are chosen to join up with one of the legions and Appolinus with the other. You know why you will be going. Keep me informed!!".


    It is the early hours and I am tired. Off to rest now... tomorrow is a big day....

  8. My decision is close and I will think on it overnight. Tomorrow I will tell you all who the successful candidate is. We will then have you raise your armies and march into what could be a battle to your ultimate demise. But with the skills I know you all possess whoever is chosen will ultimately succeed. Rome will not sleep tonight but neither will I. I assure you I will make the right decision for Rome and its people.


    Praxus will see to your needs if you stay overnight but I will not let you know before tomorrow. The Gauls are camped at the Germania border and have not broken it so they plan to sit for a while yet.


    Nephele, whilst a man you are not, it does not stop me giving you a very important duty. You must travel at all speed and carry out a spying mission for me. Take whoever you need but make sure they are both very capable and trustworthy. Take no prisoners and if you find a traitor in your midst then do what is necessary to keep Rome from the rabble. Report back to me as soon as you can. I will be riding with my troops and chosen general so you need not rush back to me personally. Use a fast horseman and tell no-one of your plans.


    I seek solace for the night. Rest... for tomorrow is a big day!!

  9. P. Laelius Macer... Praxus will attend to your needs... that is his role in life is it not?


    Who is this Klingan who wishes to hurry me along? An imposter who wishes me to make a mistake? No actually, a keen advisor who is thinking ahead of the Empire being swamped by those who dare to oppose me. Fear not my dear Klingan... for I have a cunning plan............

  10. Ah you are doing your best to convince your Emperor!! I have but a couple of stories to hear and my decision will be made. Go take your places in the outer rooms where a slave will tend to your requests... nothing excessive mind you or levy's will fall upon your properties to pay for it!! These stories have made me thirsty... "Praxus.. can't you see I need a drink after listening to thes tales from our heroes - and heroins!!?? Bring me that amphora and have my good lady wife join me. Off with you!".


    Marcus Agrippa returns from another campaign and is ready to see me on some important business... he'll have to wait! I need to listen to these other histories and decide Gaul's fate before I listen to my good and loyal friend. As of now the Gauls are daring to cross into Germania and cause untold damage. We need to move quickly!


    This is a decent wine. "Praxus, you have bought well today. You may take your leave for a short while and enjoy some of thisfine wine. Be careful though."


    Julia is throwing a tantrum as her latest lover is telling her he has been posted to Africa. The Nubians are stirring and this is a good opportunity to let her settle down and change her flirtatious attitude. Maybe a coaching from our Nephele may do the trick... or would she serve me better in Gaul? Hmmmm........... ;)

  11. Well, for those who haven't checked their PM inbox TODAY (1st August) please do so as Augusta will be booking up tonight for your place of residence for our meet in October!!


    Please deal with Augusta when sorting out accommodation and if you have any other questions like local travel etc I will help out there. It is essential that by today we know who is going to be coming along and hopefully no last minute cancellations will be made. I hope everyone is looking forward to this. My older brother (well, one of them) may be cming too. He has no web access but has an interest in Hadrian's Wall anyway. So that's one more for the list. The choice of hotel has a residents bar so we can all sit and enjoy a good evenings drink and chat all things Roman.



  12. What's all this....? Jealousies in our ranks? This can't be right!! I asked for a man who can be unflinching in anything they have thrown at them. A man of great character and self belief. A man who knows no bounds where the enemy are concerned and will take no easy way out. So far I get a tongue wiggling centurion who thinks beer swilling merely lays troops down and too drunk to give their all and a wine merchant who wants to see the Gauls rolling around in a river of wine. The third applicant has a chance but needs to persuade me a little more. Retirement can make one lazy and fogetful of his duties and honour.


    All is not lost my noble gentlemen. Give me a good story of one of your campaigns and I'll judge you on that. Make it all too fanciful and you could face being back in the legions stuck on patrols on a one man island!! So, be careful. Tall stories I know only too well...


    I know a little of each of your histories and could make a choice now but I need one more factor which will make me choose wisely. Macer, Ulpius and Ralla - your very livelihoods rest on your story... so do it well and tell me what I want to hear. Others may yet come forward. I have a had a lady of noble birth dressed as a centurion (very convincing too) but my Praetorian spotted her. I think the promise of riches untold got toher a little!!


    As I tell you this I am being informed that the Gauls are amassing on the border with Germania. The Senate have advised me to send the trusted 41st legion to take these barbarians to task but I resist. I know we have a great leader among you and that you will choose your troops well. I salute you and look forward to your tale of strength, honour and glory for the love of Rome and her Emperor. You have only hours to prepare then you shall be brought before me in the Palace and I shall listen intently. I will give no sign of any favouritism while your greatness shines through the glorious battle you describe.


    And now I shall retire.....

  13. As Emperor I have a task for a good General to raise an army to chase down a Gaulish tribe who refuse to confrom to our ways of life and accept Roman traditions and values. They spit on our Gods and disrespect our women folk and kill the locals who have subscribed to our lifestyle. They rob the settlements of our hard earned taxes and take the tribute meant for Casear's purse!! This cannot be allowed to continue.


    All our legions have been posted elsewhere and we have none to spare. I am looking for a retired General to go on one last campaign and promise him untold riches if he can raise a powerful army to destroy, once and for all, this marauding mob of barbarians the Gauls have so unnervingly put together behind our backs. I will not tolerate fools seeking riches to be squandered away or men who think this would give them an easy living. I want a good strong leader who can control his men with an iron fist and not be allowed to be corrupted in any form.


    Once this man is chosen we can allow him to select his own men to carry out this task. Who is willing to come forward and protect Rome's interests? Who is willing to take on the 10,000 or so maddish Gauls and crush them? A land of rich fertile soil ready to make the right man a fortune awaits the end of what is hopefully a successful campaign.


    Are there any takers out there who can offer me a sound reason to take them on? I call upon you to give me your credentials. Rome awaits......... Augustus Caesar awaits..........

  14. There are many theories for the decline of Rome as we all know only too well. Lead poisoning was one reason for the gradual decline of individuals that I pointed out although in no way do I put this down as a reason, no matter how small or large, for the decline of the Empire! To do so shows a lack of understanding and knowledge of Rome and its citizensas well as their lifestyles. It also shows an inclination to believe the first thing that is said that may cause such a decline. I am not that unwise. Another theory is that a plague was brought to Rome which killed off a lot of its citizens and this does have a lot of merit. However, there was probably more than one or even two or three reasons for the absolute decline to have been effected. The lack of leadership near the end ultimately allowed the Empire to drift to nothing almost. Except that localised power kept it going to a certain extent but obviously not on its former grand scale.


    So, as I said, the mentioning and raising of lead poisoning was only to pinpoint the decline of the individual and not the population or Empire. That would be very rash of me to do so and quite a bold and unfounded claim. So I now draw this point to a close really as nothing more, from myself, can be added but, of course, feel free to do so if you can add something or wish to draw me back in!!!

  15. All those who are attending this event will be receiving a PM soon telling of the hotel chosen and terms required for deposits if any. This is the part being organised by Gail in Neil's absence. We still await a communication from him but hopefully all is OK with him.


    The dates are definitely fixed for October 5, 6 and 7 so we ask that you save your pennies etc and more details will be posted here when we are clearer about Neil and the hotel. Hopefully no more than a week from now these details will be available.


    Watch this space!!

  16. Well Augusta... you asked weeks ago where I was and I have stayed away from this thread until now. I have watched all of the second series and I must admit it was absolutely brilliant. Flavia and I watched it religiously on each of the first transmissions and only recorded it twice because of commitments elsewhere. After I watched the first series I said to her she should have watched it right through after watching only two episodes but she said it wasn't fast moving enough for her. I understood that. It did crawl a little. This second series however had pace, blood, guts, history, the obligatory sex scenes, plots, very good acting, superb scenery and lots more besides. Several actors will have done their careers a power of good after appearing in this.


    Augusta mentions sitting down and watching this after she said she would not watch it at all while talking during our meet in York in April this year. I said she would for curiosity. It obviously got to her because Northern Neil predicted the same. We both said she would be watching intensely!!. So, Augusta... you must have been enjoying it thoroughly to have gone all the way through!!


    The fact that Mr Hinds was no longer a part of Rome in this series didn't affect it for me. Yes he brought Caesar to life big style in series 1 but Purefoy as Mark Anthony was brilliant and got better as it went on. Pullo's character was an inspired introduction and lots more should have been done with it. Vorenus for me was week. The character always seemed to lack something - just that little edge to make it really believable. I did think that there was a tendency not to follow the plots I Claudius had done with the BBC as they were involved in the making of Rome too. That would have been repetitive. Some of the plots were a bit slack and seem to have been drawn up on a grand scale waiting for a third series to develop these.


    The problem I found with the series - both in fact - was that this whole thing was due for a minimum of four series. This would have developed the story lines that were introduced in this one but when HBO decided to chop it there seems to have been a decision made just to 'get it filmed and out of the way' thus sacrificing some of the plots and subplots. This was reflected in the acting in some scenes for me and I was deeply disappointed to learn of the demise of the whole thing from HBO. To have cut this short after two series when they put out boring shows like the Sopranos and Sex and the City is just crazy. It just proves what dross most folk will watch because it is the 'in thing'. Ratings are not the be all and endall of what people want. If that's the way TV is going then pity help us. We'll not see the likes of Rome again for many more years. This is disturbing because history is so valuable to us no matter the era. But the masses want crap so these companies give them it. They'll call Rome crap as I do the aforementioned shows but it's not about that - it's baout giving a fare share of programs to folk and not repeat the same stuff with different wardrobes and actors every time they make something new.


    Rome and A Band of Brothers were both refreshing in their approach and very well done. The former had liberties taken with the hisory because it isn't about America. The latter stuck with the true facts because it WAS about America and goodness knows what would have happened if liberties were taken with that series and the heroes been upset. The trouble with America - no offence intended to our buddies of course - is that with its immense sense of pride (and there's nothing wrong in that) they think anything that isn't about their country isn't worth knowing or bothering with. Yes tourists abound but they do have a distinct ignorance when it comes down to knowing the facts. I could tell you an amazing story about Hadrian's Wall with one or two Americans being duped. Don't get me wrong here all you lovely folk over the pond because we are just as bad over here at times. We can be as ignorant as anyone - my point is that while history in America is down to a couple of hundred years really it doesn't generate that deep an interest. The country is still relatively new. English history is ancient and goes back thousands of years. So the interes is huge and diverse.


    Anyway, I digress a little.. forgive me... I hope our pals over the water don't come looking for me!! I apologise if what I say doesn't come over the way I intended.


    So, Rome... well, it's over... it's gone to the great TV series box in the sky... it is an ex series... it has gone to meet Biggus Dickus and his pals at the Evildrome Boozerama where Hotblack Desiato plays his guitars very loudly thus upsetting all the senators who were senators!!


    I am deeply saddened at this shows demise and actually nearly had a tear in my eye when the last dregs of the theme played out on the last episode. I fear for the likes of us who would love to see someone else have a crack at another part of Roman History and treat us to the facts this time and not take liberties for ratings. If the factswere stck to then more folk may watc historical drama but I think they will struggle to get the financial backing. Thus I fear this will be the last of its kind for many years to come!! Sad as it is maybe we should all chip in a fiver or a tenner and get together and make our own version of a Roman epic. All we need is ourselves, a movie camera, decent weather, a few stitched up costumes from a fancy dress shop and away we go. We can make it up as we go along. Couldn't be too far from being accurate that way!!


    I'll play my obvious character of Augustus Caesar, Augusta would play Livia and so - who else wants to join in?

  17. The lead poisoning issue isn't about it causing the downfall of the empire or anything like it. It was the GRADUAL decline in the state of health of those affected. When things like this happen, like the thelidomide drug, it is definitely gradual. It will be hardly noticable until it was virtually too late. Some of the decisions Caligula took MAY have been affected by this kind of influence. To dismiss this out of hand by saying things like the empire didn't fall or whatever is a bit silly. The level of poisoning does not ave to rerach a critical state before ones mind can be turned. What about those headaches someone mentioned above as a symptom? Well, he suffered them did he not? The thumping of the 'horses' in his head? Horses? Or just a thumping headache? Lead being the cause? Too much drink? Anything else?


    It doesn't mean that everyone was affected either. Some cases of poisoning today still happen through our air venting systems and yet only a very few people are affected. The same goes here. I am not saying it DID happen or it DIDN'T happen. I am saying it is worth considering. This kind of madness we put onto Caligula is not even proven. The LEVEL of his outbursts are not proven. The fact that he was Emperor and tried it on with the Senate is known. Which Emperor didn't try it on with the Senate? Some cases of lead poisoning can and does to lead to gradual loss of cognitive powers and can lead to someone making rash choices. This may or may not have happened but one cannot dismiss it until it can be proven otherwise. I know a lot of facts say no way and on the other hand, if looked into properly, some facts point to it.


    Anyway... at least it got you all talking about it. Thank you!

  18. Well, a belated Thank You to you all for those wishes both in English and Latin. I actually went out for a meal with my wife, her nephew and his new wife. We are quite close so that was a very good night for all concerned.


    Princeps, where in Newcastle are you? Is it the NE or the 'southernish' version?

  19. The point about poisons above where Romans wouldn't know it if they had it smack them in the face is wrong. The Romans knew very well what poisons were and had antidotes. This is well documented.


    One thing always strikes me with these kind of threads and the general natter about the madness of Roman Emperors... it was pointed out a while back on a programme on the History Channel where the Emperors bath in water fed through lead pipes and we all know of the effect this would have today if one would do that regularly. Over several years the lead would poison the bodies system and brain and could very well lead to the kind of 'madness' reported in Caligula's time. Indeed for any one of the supposed mad Emperors this was suggested. Now before anyone jumps on this and says "What about the citizens? Why weren't they affected over time and it being noticed?". To that the answer would be the same - but who would notice it? Who would document it as such? Lead poisoning was not a twinkle of any Roman mind so no one would know anything. This theory is being looked at very strongly and could well give a very good reason for their demise and a lack of knowledge of it would certainly lend weight to this.


    This will certainly open this thread out a lot more but please do not take it that I believe this. I have an open mind and when it was suggested and the story told it did make a hell of a lot of sense!


    Any thoughts anyone?

  20. Pertinax...you great agent...surely you know by now how temperamental athletes are. They think that they can get away with everything! Just remember...you'll always get your cut :D


    Yeah and as a tough agent he'll take his money and run... first opportunity he gets he'll be off to the States to sign his gladiators up with LA Galaxy!!! :lol:

  21. Aaaahhhhhh!!! THAT graffiti?!?!? I saw that too somewhere... now where was it? Well... it mattersnot.... more pressing things to get on with...


    Naked twister ay? Well if the wife is up for it and we are a depraved bunch anyway - why not... just be careful as to what you lot are pressing!!! Oh, and Augusta, as my dutiful wifey, you mustn't mention my 'soft spot'!!! ;)

  22. After a four day slumber and several huge hangovers the days have passed relatively quietly it seems. Which is unusual. Nobody has slain anyones slaves andfolk are going about their business in a surreal way. What happened to Caldrail in the Amphitheatre? Did he pass his test and finish his foes in the Arena of Death or did he succumb to their superior fighting skills? We hold our breath and begin to look around asking folk for any knowledge of him... sholders are shrugged and strange looks are given but no-one knows anything.... what has happened here to subdue the folk like this? Do they think us all weird for having loud and raucous parties and now shun us?


    Hmmmmm..... I wonder... :unsure:

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