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Everything posted by Nephele

  1. Violentilla, I forgot to give you the goth name you'd requested earlier. I had to blanagram your name. Here are a couple of choices for you: Lajoya Mizfit zyajmfloiila -l +t Layla O'Mizfit zyajmfloiila -j +t Lajoya: "the joy" (taking a perverse joy in darkness and alienation). Layla: means "night" in Arabic. ******************************************** Ursus, I blanagrammed your goth name, too: Jaeme GrayEmbers rjmamsajreebeey -j +g -- Nepilla (a.k.a. Nephele)
  2. DecimusCaesar, you share a gens with a 1st century general, and also with a 2nd century emperor. Did you want me to see what I can get if you include a scramble of your last name, as well? Thanks for the compliment! A. Didius Naso (fdadyd nawio -fdw +uss) Note to everyone: I'll be doing this for as long as folks here are willing to indulge my 'gramming obsession. So don't worry about being "late" in requesting a name. -- Nepilla
  3. You're all welcome. Thank you, Skarr, for the compliment. *************************************************** Violentilla, you're descended from the gens of the Roman politician who gave his name to the Via Flaminia... Flaminia Sila (zyajmfloiila -zyjo +nias) Sila: cognomen meaning "snub-nosed". -- Nepilla
  4. Skarr, I was able to 'gram that long scramble of yours after all, to discover your Roman family's military history... Marcus Marius Virianus (SirMarshyMarkViaSwan -ahkwy +ciuuu) *************************************************** L. Quintus Sertorius, you have poetic roots in your Roman family tree... Ser. Calpurnius Cantaber (danenrb apktrci ealrclr -dklr +usus) Cantaber: cognomen indicating your family's connection with a region of north-west Spain, possibily participation in the Cantabrian Wars (29 B.C.E. - 19 B.C.E.) -- Nepilla
  5. Glad y'all liked the names! Thanks for feeding my obsession! And... I'm envious of "Ambrosiana". Wish my own name could've been 'grammed into that one. ********************************************** Julius Ratus, here are your friends... A. Varius Audens (vddia rnya enka -dkny +usus) Audens: cognomen meaning "bold; daring". T. Laetonius Orosianus (tnsriat sjeam oslonom -jmm +iuu) Laetonius: nomen meaning "rich; copious; propitious". Orosianus: adoptive cognomen, derived from a member of the Orosius gens. (tnsriat sjeam oslonom -jmm +iuu) D. Domitius Alethius (etwmtha loius dydwo -owwy +iius) Domitius: The emperor Domitian's name was derived from the name of the gens and god called Domitius Alethius: cognomen derived from the Greek word meaning "truth". ************************************************ Hi, Skarr. No problem with conversion to Roman names, as I'm blanagramming these names (substituting letters). I just need you to shorten that scramble a bit, as it's a bit much to work with. Can you remove one or two middle names? Thanks! -- Nepilla
  6. docoflove1974, you have a connection to Arthurian legend (as well as an especially lovely name), as you are the descendant of Ambrosius Aurelianus... Ambrosiana (hamahnoras -hh +bi) -- Nepilla
  7. docoflove1974, your scramble is a bit long to work with. Could we try it without your middle name included? ********************************************** The Augusta, obviously you are named for the festival of... Augustalia (ligakoesst -ekos +aauu) -- Nepilla
  8. Julius Ratus, yours was a tough one -- I had to make you an orphan. Poor you. You were originally a member of the Fonteius gens, but you were adopted by Decimus Fadius Nepos. According to custom, you took the name of your adoptive father, but kept your original name of Fonteius as your adoptive cognomina... D. Fadius Nepos Fonteianus (eofjs inehz ensafft yddow -efhjywz +ainpsuu) -- Nepilla
  9. Thanks for the advice and welcome, guys! Since onomastics is (obviously) an interest of mine, I did do a site search to see if there were any topics started on Roman names and naming. Couldn't find any. Do you remember any? -- Nepilla
  10. Flavius Valerius Constantinus, you're a crafty Clodian whose family altered the spelling of their patrician gens name as a political maneuver. T. Clodius Nonus (ConigDoTnhhuh -ghhh +luss) ********************************************** Gaius Octavius, the hidden "Romans" in the Roman names you gave me reveal the first to be of Hebrew descent with imperialistic aspirations. The second is rebellious slave turned inquisitive Caledonian. Caius Iulius Caesar = C. Isaacius Aurelius Marcus Porcius Cato = Spartaco McCurious ***************************************************************** Ursus, you are descended from a Roman soldier who spent his final days in Eburacum, where his name was discovered inscribed on his tombstone. Your cognomen indicates a family fondness for eels -- rather than bears. M. Aeresius Murena (rjmamsajreebeey -bejjy +iusun) ********************************************************************* Spurius, you belong to the same crafty Clodian gens as Flavius V.C. above. D. Clodius Romanus (DROAOYWMKOCNODL -koowy +iusus) Great sig, btw. Gotta love that Ambrose Bierce. ********************************************************************** Antiochus of Seleucia, you're descended from one of Rome's most celebrated historians. Your cognomen of "Dento" indicates that your own writing has a bite to it. M. Suetonius Dento (tjehoiohdmneasn -ahhj +uust) -- Nepilla
  11. Pertinax, I just couldn't pack in for the evening without giving you your name. You have the distinction of being descended from "the last of the Romans"... Cn. Aetius Nero Minor (nrnconjheoaetrmro -hjor +iius) Surprise! You are not a boar. -- Nepilla
  12. miguel, the only Roman name I can get out of your 7-letter name is the nomen... Maenius The best thing about it is that it's a straight anagram, and not a blanagram. And, at least you're descended from a statesman and general, even if you don't quite possess a proper tria nomina. **************************************************** Gaius Octavius, I'll work on seeing whether I can find hidden Roman names in the Roman names you gave me, and will be back later with them. ***************************************************************** WotWotius, you get a choice of Roman identities. You can be either the descendent of a Tribune, or a Poet. Take your pick: P. Manilius Felix (ilxfe kisinlaup -k +m) or L. Papinius Felix (ilxfe kisinlaup -k +p) ******************************************************************** FLavius Valerius Constantinus, I don't know why the scramble keeps putting ampersands in your name. Perhaps you should try scrambling your name by hand for me? ********************************************************************** Will be back later with more names. You guys are keeping me busy! (And outta trouble.) -- Nepilla
  13. Flavius V.C., sometimes that scrambler goes a bit wacky, and it looks like it did with your name, putting those ampersands in there. Could you please check your scramble and replace the ampersands with the proper letters? Thanks! ****************************************************** Yah, you paint in water colors. ****************************************************** Hi, Pertinax. Did you see my last posting to you? It kind of got buried in all the rest. What I wrote was, your first scramble is a bit short, and your second scramble is too long to work with. Do you have more than one middle name? Do you think you could maybe give me a third option? Perhaps a scramble with only one middle name -- or a scramble with first and last names plus middle initials only? Thanks! ************************************************************ Honorius, you are descended from a wealthy patrician family of Pompeii (nice ancestral home, there). There are also some politicians in your family tree, having shrewdly taken the cognomen of "Poplicola" (meaning "friend of the people"). But you're the one with a good head for business on your shoulders. In modern Roma, you've produced and marketed your wildly popular soft drink, named for yourself - "Poplicola". S. Loreius Poplicola (rsaclophosjezoepl -ehjz +iilu) -- Nepilla
  14. Spartan156, you are a descendant of poets and princes... Ti. Varius Aruns (tivrsayrazkun -kyz +ius) If anyone here would like to know what hidden Roman lurks in the name of their spouse or significant other, feel free to give me their scramble, as well. -- Nepilla
  15. Thanks, you patrician playboy, you. (Stay out of the Subura!). -- Nepilla
  16. Gaius Paulinus Maximus, I automatically changed the "y" in your name to an "i" to conform to the ancient Roman alphabet. As you can see by the link, you have quite a number of memorable ancestors among the Flavii. Your cognomen of "Niger" suggests that your particular branch of the Flavian gens may comprise the "black" sheep of the family. A. Flavius Niger (iviaangnlfeer -en +us) -- Nepilla
  17. Hahahaha! Good point, M. Porcius Cato! And, glad you enjoyed. ********************************************* Pertinax, yikes! The first scramble is rather short, and the second way too long to work with. Can we reach some agreeable middle ground? Such as: first name, last name, and middle initial(s)? And, you're male, correct? ********************************************** Gaius Paulinus Maximus, I'll be back later with yours. -- Nepilla
  18. Yay! Thank you, Dominus Primus Pilus! :notworthy: In recognition of your magnanimity, I've made M. Porcius Cato your former slave. (Hee hee, it's good to be free.) ********************************************************************* M. Porcius Cato, you used to be a Greek slave named Procyon, belonging to N. Herius Cato (a.k.a. Primus Pilus). He gave you your freedom and, in gratitude and according to custom, you adopted his gens name and kept your original name as your cognomen. M. Herius Procyon (ceefhhijnooprr -eifh +usmy) -- Nepilla
  19. Viggen, your cognomen indicates that your family rebelliously flaunts its membership in that subversive, pesky new cult we keep hearing about in Roma. Ah well, at least your nomen indicates your descent from one of the Eternal City's noblest forefathers... Cn. Horatius Christianus (atincishrositnargchsp -gps +suu) *********************************************************** Primus Pilus, as Horhotep Nitechaser you rock harder than Tut on tardust. ************************************************************ M. Porcius Cato, did you have a middle name you could give me as an additional option? Or was your middle name already included in your scramble? -- Nepilla
  20. Gaius Octavius, here is your hidden Roman name. Click on the link for Caelius to read about a famous member of your gens. D. Caelius Aper Cantaber (ncaipta klbekac dedera -dkk +urs) The cognomen "Aper" means "wild boar", attesting to your ferocity. The agnomen "Cantaber" is an honorific given to you for having distinguished yourself in the Cantabrian Wars (29 B.C.E. - 19 B.C.E.) during the conquest of Hispania. ************************************************************************* Viggen, I'll be back later with yours. But first... male or female? -- Nepilla
  21. Gaius Octavius, I'll be back later with yours. ******************************************** Lost Warrior, glad you liked. ******************************************** Well, you could always identify with Cato the Elder, if you prefer. I did that dark name in haste -- not one of my better efforts. Have two more... Christopher Eugene Heaton = Theophore Terence Anguish Christopher E. Heaton = Horhotep Nitechaser -- Nepilla (destined to be merely a Serva in aeternum. *sigh*)
  22. Primus Pilus, a blanagram of "Chris Heaton" worked out best for your hidden Roman name... N. Herius Cato (Chris Heaton -h +u) Herius is actually a rare praenomen used exclusively by the Asinius gens, but I'm cheating and using it as a nomen for you. Your dark, dark name is: Nisroch Hate (anagram of Chris Heaton). **************************************************** Gaius Octavius, can you include your middle name in your scramble? -- Nepilla
  23. Thanks for the welcome, Primus Pilus! I guess I'd be in favor of you revisitng that policy, as I think the majority of my postings here may be confined to my Roman Names topic. I chose the off-topic area because this is basically an amusement thing that I do, although one could say it has some historical aspects to it also, as I do research the Roman names I come up with for my blanagrams. Otherwise, it looks as though I'm destined to remain a Serva. Ah well. -- Nepilla
  24. I just realized that perhaps I should have introduced myself here first, before posting a new topic. Although, I pretty much introduced myself in Your Hidden Roman Name. Not much else to add. Except that I found this site by surfing, and it seems to have the best message board on the subject of ancient Rome. I've been browsing the forums here, and reading a lot of interesting postings. Just curious about one aspect of this board... I noticed that my post count doesn't appear to be increasing, although I believe I should have at least 5 postings now to my name. Am I destined to remain in the Servi Group forever? *sniffle* -- Nepilla
  25. Hahahaha! Okay, I'll be back later with both your Roman name and your dark, dark name (or, "nomen tenebrarum"). -- Nepilla
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