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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Everything posted by Drusilla87

  1. Hello guys, I'm advertising my game, it's been open since 2008 and it's not accurate. Might not be what you guys like in a game but I'll post it and let you decide that. Aeterna Roma
  2. Checking it out, Gian.
  3. I'm looking forward to getting it and playing it! Especially if it's a Christmas present. XD
  4. Trying to do some more posts on my Rome rpg. :D

  5. I'm looking forward to it. I enjoyed the first one and the prequel.
  6. Amazons and Gladiators - 2001 Although I strongly don't recommend watching unless you're drunk and want a laugh.
  7. Salvete! I am Drusilla87 and I'm a long time fan of Ancient Rome. I enjoy learning more about it although I have no formal qualifications, it's a source of enjoyment for me. I hope to be involved in the community. Other things I like are play-by-post rping, horses, corsets and spending time with my family/friends. Hope to see you guys around. And I apologise for this rather lame intro.
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