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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Posts posted by Domitia

  1. Hi Domitia. If you do any events at any of the sites along Hadrian's Wall, please could you post them on this topic. All the years I've been taking groups along the wall, I've never been fortunate enough to coincide with a re-enactment event. You could put your other events on there too.



    Will do :) I know we're definatly doing Hardwick this year, but I think the rest are pending confirmation.

  2. I'll admit that I have not read the book (but am planning to do so once half-term from uni starts). I found the unexplained rescuing of Ecta to be the most unbelievable part, but what I tend to do with films that are shown to be set in a historical time period is to take a step back, and watch it for the entertainment it is intended to be rather than as something 100% accurate - if I wanted that, I'd watch a documentary.

  3. Salve Domitia,


    As you are interested in gladiatorial combat you may have something in common with our member Medusa who is a long time gladiatrix re-enactor.


    I didn't come across your group when I was re-enacting a few years back so how are you finding it and does it help with the combat archaeology??


    I've actually heard of Medusa, so that would be brilliant! I'm currently going to be portraying a priestess in the meantime, while I get trained and the kit together, as I'd been fighting against a few Celts up until now.


    Ah; we're mostly in the North-East of Britain, although the group's done events further afield now and then. It does, yes. Re-enacting is a great de-stresser for me as well, and I feel more comfortable in kit than normal clothing.

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