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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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  1. In the HBO series the Senate always met in a circular tier'd room and I have seen this done in other depictions of the Roman senate. Is this accurate for the period or was it perhaps filmed this way to easier capture dialog, etc.? Caesar was murdered in Pompey theatre and I'm not sure of the interior architecture of that building. The Curia Julia (though it had not been finished at that time) had Senators seated on either side of the building if I remember correctly. I've read it was done this way in the early Republic as well. Thanks in advance
  2. Hello everyone! I can't remember how I got to this site (probably some obscure question I couldn't find the answer for) but it's been some time since I registered and even longer since I was a non-reg'd lurker. I'm a huge history buff and over the last year I've resurrected my interest in the Roman world. For me, this site has been THE place to come for answers hands down! all the best!
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