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Everything posted by Gustilius_Falcus

  1. This is priceless information. Thank you so much Maty. What I am going to do is copy and paste all the replies on this thread to a folder for future reference. Invaluable stuff and shows why a forum like this is much needed. Thanks everyone.
  2. Terrific photos and advice. I am so looking forward to this visit, I was only ever once in Italy but only for a few hours. We were in the South of France and very close to the Italian border and drove across. I wish we had more time at that stage to go all the way down to the great city. Next time we will be there for two whole weeks.
  3. What very useful info from you all. Thank you very much. You have given me much to ponder and take on board. As mentioned already this will be our first trip to Rome and we hope to be able to visit the main places, well, any that have strong connections with the Roman Empire, that's for sure. We won't going until next year but it best to know these things well in advance. Thanks again everyone who responded.
  4. Has anyone been to Rome and if so where would you recommend a first timer visit?
  5. Thank you DecimusCaesar. I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for this. Here in Ireland some movies don't receive too much publicity, at least not to the extent that I get to hear about it. Worst come to the worst then I will simply wait for the DVD release.
  6. I just placed an order for the movie Asterix And Obelix Take On Caesar Great price too. http://www.play.com/DVD/DVD/4-/80888/Aster...ar/Product.html
  7. Also Grassus, who was part of the first Triumvirate, wasn't even given a mention.
  8. Wonderful stuff. Thanks men for the links. I will check out the french one for the reason Andrew mentioned - easier dealing with the
  9. Long after I did French at school, but long before I came to live in France, the Asterix books (the original French editions) were useful to me in learning more conversational French. Apart from all the historical jokes and mock-Latin, there is a lot of good French in them too -- and not the kind of French you used to be taught at school. The English translations are very cleverly done, but naturally the jokes and puns are often different -- you can't usually translate jokes literally. Andrew, is it possible to get the comics in Ireland. I lived in France for over 5 years when I was younger - I am now nearly 49 - and I have read almost all the Piere Tomal comics, absolutely hilarious stuff. But if it's possible the get Asterix And Obelix then I'd be made up. My kids would love them too.
  10. If this is true then it is truly wonderful news. Thanks for sharing.
  11. Just outside Paris, France there is a theme park dedicated to Asterix and gang. I haven't been yet but hopefully will get to it the next time I'm in the area with the wife and kids. I hear it's a rather nice place for families. As far as I recall Gerard Depardieu appeared in a movie about Asterix And Obelix.
  12. Cato's death was inaccurately portrayed. HBO had him die right away from his self inflicted wounds but he actually survived his first effort - actually he was saved and his wounds stitched, but he then ripped opened the stitches and started pulling out his intestines.
  13. The movie looks impressive. Does anyone know when/if it's to be released in Europe, Ireland to be more precise?
  14. I'm fairly new to the history of Rome and especially the life and times of Caesar but I am 3 quarters way through the book by Adrian Goldsworthy and I have to say I am hooked, have been right from the very first page. Granted it is heavy going but never dull or monatenous - moving along at a nice, steady pace. All the main campaigns are touched upon, but don't expect too much detail except for basic coverage: other books, those that deal more specifically with this aspect of his life might be a more appropriate way to go for those wishing to delve deeper into this area. Having said that, it is a fairly extensive read on the life of this extraordinary man.
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