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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Posts posted by Vercingetorix

  1. I just watched the first two episodes of Season 1 (bought the box set) & I was wondering about the scene after Titus Pullo gets busted up in the bar fight. The doctor comes & takes a piece of his skull out, removes some pieces of whatever he got hit with, then attaches a metal plate to his skull. That seems like some pretty advanced medicine. Was that possible in BC Rome?

  2. Vercingetorix, you are a member of the noble gens Aemilia, of the patrician class. Your praenomen is "Kaeso", abbreviated as "K", and your cognomen proudly proclaims your Roman citizenship. Your full Roman name is:


    K. Aemilius Romanus

    orseejmkmankysal -ejky +iiuu


    Welcome to UNRV!


    -- Nephele


    Cool! Sounds dignified :) .

  3. I picked this book up at my local Borders just by dumb luck. I was looking for any books I could find Rome & found this one hiding among all the huge books. It didn't take long to get through it since I never put it down!! Great book for someone like me who is just learning about Roman history.

  4. Hello all! I'm Kyle....after lurking for a week or two, I finally decided to join. I've only just begun my interest in The Roman Empire, so I'm not near as knowledgeable as a lot of the people around here. I've found this site to be a great help in my quest to learn about everything Rome. Plus it's a good way to burn up a lot of time while I'm at work :blink: .


    I'll see you all around!

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