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Posts posted by cornelius_sulla

  1. I initially couldn't get past Anna Paquin and her ratshit acting. But now I've watched a few episodes and managed to filter out Paquin, I quite like the series. I had also lumped it in with Twilight and all of those teenage type vampire melodramas, but after watching True Blood for a while, I realised this was unfair. I'm not exactly hooked, but it's growing on me.

  2. I've only just come back to UNRV after a long absence, and I was wondering if anyone could tell me if Nephele is still active on the site. She was one of the first to befriend me here. Not sure if this is the correct avenue to take to find out, but it's the most expedient. HELP A BROTHER OUT!

  3. Scarrow is a wonderful as an escape into the imagination - kind of like the Sharpe books are. Big on high adventure but skinny on dates and facts. I like his books, and I read a lot of historical fiction. But I make sure to try to separate fact from fun fiction. Livy he is not, but Scarrow's a bloody good read.

  4. Don't forget the original authors.


    I'd recommend reading Livy alongside modern books that explain more of the background, and Tacitus for the early empire. Add Suetonius' twelve Caesars for a bit of spice, and maybe a bit of Sallust for the late Republic and Julius Caesar himself. There's nothing like reading history by people who were there at the time.


    But check out our mate Maty too! And Goldsworthy, and H.H Scullard, and Gibbon. Here's a plan; read the Scullard and the Gibbon for an old school kind of feel (and the classics ie Tacitus, Suetonius, Polybius, Livy etc for an authentic Ancient School kind of feel!) and then reconcile these to the modern wonders of Matyzak and Goldworthy for a contemporary take on things.


    I think our friend Maty is just being modest. He has written some very, very informative books on Rome and her notables. For a laugh, check out his Rome on 5 denarii a day. Just like being there!

  5. Mate, if you're going for historical fiction, check out McCullough if you haven't already. Take no notice of the naysayers, they are bloody good reads! First Man In Rome, Grass Crown, Fortune's Favourites, Caesar, Caesar's Women and The October Horse.

  6. Take Suetonius with a grain of salt, and Tacitus with a grain of sugar, and you should be fine. Tacitus for me though: old Suetonius is just a bit too gossipy and waspish. I like my character assasinations dry and on the rocks, thankyou!

  7. Rome expected dedication to the state, the individual's actions were, in my opinion, subordinate to the wishes of the state embodied in the magistrates holding the imperium.


    During the republic, that simply wasn't true. Individuals freely, openly, and often belligerently opposed magistrates holding imperium. As a result, we have some of the most beautifully anti-authoritarian invective the West has ever heard (Catullus should immediately spring to mind)


    Yep, I doubt that the Nazis would've let a Catullus live! The fact that he could write what he wrote about who he wrote at the time he wrote it is not indicative of your full on fascist state. If you doubt, read his poetry!

  8. Lucius was a blowhard with his brother's hand implanted firmly up his arse, directing all of the words and the sway that he holds, it seems, 2000 years later. Marcus, Lucius, Lepidus and Octavian all knew that the Republic was dead and buried. All that mattered who who could co opt that memory of the Republic to best suit their goals.

  9. But, you officious pack of TWATS...back to Carthage and Corinth, and H.H Scullard!

    Two cities, both razed to make an example of them to the rest of their native lands, that if you FUCK with Rome, this is what happens. The message is pretty simple methinks!

  10. Hopefully I'll be backing up my brother GPM when I say that Fedor is a class act...a gent in a world full of mongrels! I've seen that Hong fight before, and him being over 7ft tall is just a disadvantage...if I was Hong's trainer I would've thrown in the towel and taking my boy(!) home before he got humiliated! If this had taken place in the Collosseum, the spectators would've recognised it for the farce that it was!

    I reckon Fedor should have a crack at the Heavyweight title. Credibility isnt a problem for him. Whaddya reckon?

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