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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Everything posted by ILoveHistory

  1. Hello all, Im new to the fourm and I want to start by saying that this is a great website and has offered me a alot of help in my studies. After reading a lot of different posts I can see that alot of the members really know their stuff. I have a BIG presentation coming up in my Western Civ class and I have been preparing for it extensivley but I wanted to seek some outside opinions (you). Ill try to put the topics that I am covering in Question form to make it easier to respond. They are as follows: 1.Compare the religious views of a couple of the following: Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Hebrews, Persians, Greeks and of course the Romans. 2.Compare/Contrast the expansions of the Egyptian empire, Alexander the Great's empire and that of the Roman republic. 3.Compare the political institutions of Sparta, Atens, and Roman republic 4.Discuss the causes and course of the Persian Wars and examine the impact it had on the Peloponnesian war. 5.Discuss the on-going dispute between the plebeians and patricians in Republican Rome. Evaluate the success of the plebeians in increasing their political power and legal rights. I dont expect full and complete awnsers but any insight would be greatly appriciated. Thx Jason
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