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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums

David E. Gray

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Everything posted by David E. Gray

  1. I can accept that you grasp of English is sufficient, if you will write a review. Even if you don't, thank you for your time.
  2. Alright, I wrote my book to tell a plain and unvarnished tale of history. I was dismayed at the level to which myth and downright lies have permeated the historical discussion. I wanted to assemble some of the things that I found were omitted in common history text books. I wanted you, the reader, to see that things happened for a reason. Oftentimes, in history we find that important events, such as World War 2 are given a few measly pages when one could make an entire class only about one year of this gargantuan conflict. For example, while the war in Europe is given a healthy 5 pages, the war in the Pacific is given less than one. Does that mean that the war in the Pacific is any less important? Sure, the Allies agreed, at Potsdam and Yalta, that Germany needed to be eliminated first, but the Japanese fought on, the last
  3. Hello All, This is my first forums post. At the direction of Christen I decided to post here with regards to my book, The History that was Never Spoken. I just published it and am looking for reviews to help boost sales. Here is some information on the subject: Sitting in his high school history class, David E. Gray couldn
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