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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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  1. Man its still hard to find info on that thing. To me it just brings up so much to the imagination about what this guy was like. Would love to get a copy of the monument, maybe a smaller shelf-sized version...
  2. Thank you so much! i think thats it...
  3. I'm looking for information, a cite or particular name will do. I saw a story, I believe on the history channel once some time ago. It was about a epithet of a roman soldier i believe found in Romania (Dacia?), but i could be wrong. The epithet was writen in latin and was in pristine condition. It said, and I'm paraphrasing, "My name is something i cant remember. Rank i can't remember and soldier in i dont know what legion. Be it known that i served under some emperor and I killed King i dont know of i can't remember what tribe". I think it also said what his reward was. It was found with hardly a scratch sometime in the late 20th century and i think there were no remains found with it. Something was special about the stone it was carved in but i can't remember what. I've googled the hell out of it without any success obviously. Its a shot in the dark i know, but does anyone know what I'm talkign about.
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