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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums

M_Agrippa fecit

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  1. We have an update: "The Terme di Caracalla archeological site in Rome was not damaged by Monday
  2. The Baths of Caracalla were, obviously, well constructed to still be standing, even in their fragmented form this many neglectful centuries later. But, they are ancient and not there in toto, so I can understand where they could become damaged in a quake like this. When you walk through the Baths there are only portions of cupolas, arches without all their supporting walls and walls that stand alone. There are places that catch your eye and make you ask, "How is that still standing?" or "What holds that up?" These are the more fragile parts of the Bath complex that could be toppled by a quake. Like everyone, I hope the damage is minimal. The ancient ruins of Rome are so incomplete as it is. We can't afford to lose any more.
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