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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Tiro (1/20)



  1. Thank you all very much for the information, it is proving very helpful. I will also email Moonlapse, but I did try before. It may have just not been sent. Thanks everyone. GJC
  2. Essentially anything and everything. I would like info not just on the tours one can go to, but some of the ones the average tourist would never hear of. What ruins or edifices, related to the Julians, Venus, or Mithras lay buried below? Fictionally, I am working on a werewolf and vampire novel, and the prospects of underground tunnels and ruins are just perfect for what I have created thus far. Is the underworld localized, or does it run everywhere underneath the city?
  3. I moved this reply to another thread. It was a bit off topic. My apologies.
  4. Greetings, GJC here. I am in need of information pertaining to the underground tunnels, grotto's, structures, and tours of what is called Roma Sotterranea. I know that much lay buried beneath the modern city. I am in the process of either working on a related project for school, as well as using the information in a fictional book I have been working on. Any assistance whatsoever would be greatly appreciated. On a side note, to an admin, my real account Gaius Julius Camillus has not worked for months, and I have been unable to logon, and received no response when I emailed one of the staff. Perhaps I erred, but can anyone check into that? Because I would prefer the other account if all possible. thanks in advance, Gaius Julius Camillus (GJC)
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