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  1. Quote >Tirones, The US gov does consider people from Spain, >Hispanic. please read your Census. go to .gov to find it and >it will clearly tell you. Just like to inform you of YOUR >mistakes like you try to nit pick every little detail. abur! I got the information from filling forms in the USA what they told was that if you are European, Portuguese or Spanish, you don
  2. This is what I found refering to this subject: "The term "Hispania" is Latin and the term "Iberia" specifically Greek. To substitute Spanish for Iberian or for Hispanicus is anachronistic. Surviving Roman texts always use Hispania (first mentioned 200 BC by the poet Quintus Ennius), while Greek texts always employ Iberia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hispania
  3. I didn't see this one in your list it may be of some help: http://www.attalus.org/
  4. "I've edited 'Hispania' back into the text, replacing references to 'Spain'" Thank you
  5. "you, all have their roots in Hispania" You are right when you say Hispania not Spain. Several independent kingdoms in the Iberian peninsula were either conquered or joined the kingdom of Castilha. Portugal was the only kingdom that was not conquered and we are as proud as the Basks or the Galician that want their culture recognized. Galicia was divided in two, the north of Portugal was part of ancient Galicia. The Spanish kings of Castilha thougt they could conquer the entire peninsula so decided to call to all their conquered kingdoms Espanha as a reference to the power of the Roman Empire and the roman colony of Hispania. But there was a small kingdom called Portugal that put up a fight with Spain for many centuries. Just notice the size of Portugal compared to Spain and think of the size of the fight it must have been. That is why we truly believe ourselves as the descendents of the Lusitans that managed to defeat the armies of the Roman empire for many years. It is not the size that counts but great pride in your country and culture. And if you want to talk about roots just check this: http://hnn.us/roundup/comments/7406.html
  6. Primus Pilus wrote: "I use the term 'Spain' to describe the general geographic location of the ancient province of Hispania. Spain is a take from the original latin name for the region as a whole." The correct reference is Hispania. Spain is the take of Espa
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