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  1. This series goes into a bit more depth about the chronology of Roman Britain, which past docs have never really covered before. In the past, we've had good docs about Chester, Richborough or certain aspects, like Roman Food, but never a decent general documentary. Here's some screenshots from part 2:
  2. I got that book, but unfortunately it's rather vague when it talks about the later history of Boulogne, but is good as a guide book on what visible remains can be see today with good info on the local museums etc.
  3. Thanks for your reply! Right, but you know the difference between a town and civilian population that develops around the outside of a fort or base (vicus)? For Boulogne to have been a Roman Town, French historians/archaeologists must have found remains of a Forum-Basilica located somewhere in the vicinity or something from an inscription or the Latin place name, Gesoriacum/Bononia, indicating it was a civitas, municipium or colonia.
  4. Britain being the exception, it seems rather difficult to find out the highest status of towns within the provinces of the Roman Empire. The Barrington Atlas, I've discovered, is a completely useless resource as it fails to attach a status to any settlement between village and town. BRITAIN Coloniae Colchester (Camulodunum) Gloucester (Glevem) Lincoln (Lindum) York (Eboracum) Municipia St Albans (Verulamium) Civitates Aldborough (Isurium Brigantium) Brough (Petuaria) Caerwent (Venta Silurum) Caistor-by-Norwich (Venta Icenorum) Canterbury (Durovernum Cantiacorum) Carmarthen (Moridunum Demetarum) Chelmsford (Trinovantum) Chichester (Noviomagus Reginorum) Cirencester (Corinium Dobunnorum) Dorchester (Durnovaria) Exeter (Isca Dumniorum) Leicester (Ratae Corieltauvorum) Silchester (Calleva Atrebatum) Winchester (Venta Belgarum) Wroxeter (Viroconium Cornoviorum) Unknown Status London (Londinium) Potential towns: Ilchester (Lindinis), Carlisle, Corbridge, Kenchester, Rochester, Water Newton, Richborough. Potential municipia/coloniae: Besides London, there are several other towns listed above that could have had higher status according to the author of Place Names Of Roman Britain. GERMANY (SUPERIOR AND INFERIOR) Coloniae or Municipia Augst (Augusta Raurica) Koln (Colonia Agrippinensis) Nijmegen (Ulpia Noviomagus) Rottweil (Arae Flaviae) Voorburg-Arentsburg (Forum Hadriani) Xanten (Colonia Ulpia Traiana) Civitates Baden-Baden (Aquae) Cannstatt Dieburg Heddernheim (Nida) Ladenburg (Lopodunum) Neuenstadt Oedenburg (Argentovana) Pforzheim (Portus) Riegel Rottenburg (Sumelocenna) Schleitheim (Luliomagus) Speyer (Noviomagus) Tongeren (Aduatuca Tungrorum) Wiesbaden (Aquae Mattiacorum) Wimpfen Worms (Borbetomagus) Unknown Status Bonn (Bonna) Mainz (Mogontiacum) Neuss (Novaesium) Zulpich (Tolbiacum) Waldgirmes Can anyone help with these last five or any potential corrections? GAUL Gaul is one of the hardest provinces to research towns, and I'm almost ready to give up, as no maps seem to state--even from recent issues of the Gallia journal--Coloniae or Municipia status for any towns. Everything is simply given Civitas status, when I know this doesn't apply to all Gallic towns. Even more bizarre is the classification of Boulogne as a town! I know it was a naval base, but what evidence is there that it became a town? http://www.nord-pas-de-calais.pref.gouv.fr...ra_boulogne.pdf Anyone read French? Does it mention anything about Boulogne being a town?
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