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  1. I am not the author of the article. I am not responsible for the content of the article. I guest that professor Vladimir Sokol Ph. Degree is, but I am not sure. I created the video . However, the title is "Roman metalwork..." because most metal finds were made by the Romans. There is no language group called "Eastern European languages". The language belongs to the group of the Slavic languages. Quote : "Abstract - Analyses were performed of plant remains from the Late Neolithic (in Slovenian terminology corresponding to Eneolithic or Copper Age, ca. 4300
  2. Kuzelin is a Roman and Celtic archaeological site in Croatia. The Celts practiced the magickal ritualism in that area a few centuries B.C. The mediaeval name of the site was CASTRUM ANTIQUUM PAGANORUM http://www.muzejprigorja.hr/images/Rimski%20metal.pdf Roman metalwork The Romans conquered the upper Pannonia at the time of Caesar Augustus Octavianus. Only some punitive expeditions against the Celts had taken place before his rule. He decided to incorporate the area of Pannonia into the Roman empire. The fall of the Celtic oppidum known as Segestica (Sisak) meant the beginning of the Roman domination in the area. The town was renamed by the Romans and got the name Siscia( Sisak) . The Romans pentrated more deeply into the territory of the Celts and established new towns e.g Andautonia(Zagreb), Iovia(Ludbreg), Celea (Celje). The Kuzelin hill also became a Roman stronghold..
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXoda4rcC4I AQUAE IASAE. An ancient Roman and Illyrian bath in Upper Pannonia.(now Croatia).Ruins of the temples of the Roman goddesses and of the god Jupiter. One can see a statue of the goddess MINERVA MEDICA..
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