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  1. I would really like to hear opinions and facts on these two very famous mosaics located in Ravenna Italy. Some believe that on Justinian's left is Narses and on the right is Belisarius but who is on the right of Belisarius? I always thought it could be Germanus Justinian's cousin. The Theodora mosiac is quite fascinating because we see obviously Comita but who are the two soldiers on Theodora's right? Can anyone help me as too who were her personal eunchs or generals that were that close to be in a mosiac with her? I was wondering if one was the posthumous Sittas (Comitas's husband) and maybe John (Vitalian's nephew) I dont know the dates of when the mosaics were made??
  2. Guys, I am new to the history and if anyone can help me with more detailed information espically on Bouzes, Coutzes and Venilus. I found very little on Bouzes example being thrown in prison by Theodora and nothing at all on Venilus. I also heard that Coutzes was possibly taken prisone by the Persians. What, I am having a problem understanding is Vitalian regains his honor by Justin I and there is a slight possibility that he was going to overthrow him and become emperor. Then he was killed by orders of Justinian if this is so why, would Coutzes and Bouzes be so loyal to a man who had their father executed???
  3. Here's my humble two cents. I am going to list for the later part of the Western as well as the Eastern Generals till the end of Justiian's rule. No particular order 1. Stilicho 2. Aetius 3. Theodoric 4. Odoacer 5. Solomon 6. Germanus Cousin of Justinian 7. Belisarius 8. Narses 9. Sittas 10. John Troglita 11. Sunicas
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