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Blog Entries posted by Lost_Warrior

  1. Lost_Warrior
    Random blue stone lying around the house, seed, silver, and rainbow obsidian beads.

    My new natural alexandrite ring:

    (incandescent light)


    I'm just taking it easy today. I have had three panic attacks in the past two days, and I'm trying to relax, and get this under control before I have to go back to work tomorrow. I'm somewhere in between "keep myself occupied" and "don't do anything stressful" and hoping for a good day.
    Merry Christmas everyone!!!
  2. Lost_Warrior
    I love Christmas. I hope everyone here had a very merry one
    My mom actually managed to surprise me for once, with lots of great drawing supplies (including a set of the ENTIRE line of Polychromos colored pencils...and really cool Derwent metallic pencils. Derwent is my favorite company for graphite and charcoal work, but their colored things are nice too) and did a (quick, 45 minute) sketch of a bird in graphite, tinted with the metallics and the colored pencils, which I am VERY happy with and I think I will do more in that style
    I also got a new little trinket, it's a bracelet with a piece of ancient Roman glass (those who know about ancient glass probably know about the shinyness that gets on it. Well one company decided to make jewelery out of it. I may post a picture of it in my gallery, along with a few other things before too long). I love my new little piece of glass!
    I also got an archery target which I desperately needed, the decrepit haybales were killing my arrows
    You know what makes me most happy? Everyone loved my gifts. I made them myself (all but one, but that one I sort of made as well) and I'm really glad that my time spent was well spent. With the exception of the one, I had at least an hour of time in each gift, and I love to see the look on everyone's face when they open it. The one I had the most time in was the forged feather, because of the steps involved in making it, and the fact that I have less natural talent and it takes more time for to do ironwork than it would take many people who were good at it.
  3. Lost_Warrior
    I'm not usually the superstitious type, but dead cows in the road at 5.30 AM are a bad omen.
    An overturned cattle hauler turned my 15 minute morning drive into an hour and 45 minutes, during which I got lost, and went I don't know how many miles out of my way.
    Fortunately, my boss and supervisor both thought it was hilarious. When I got there they asked me if I needed a map to get to the other side of the shop. "Can you find your way to the Robodrill?" "Better paint some arrows on the floor for her Joe". Yea sure.
    When the fire chief says "Funny you should want to come through here" you know it's not good.
    I have used up my sanity quota for the day. If you want sanity, leave your name and number. There is a waiting list.
  4. Lost_Warrior
    Cybele was also known as Magna Mater and was a fertility goddess from Phrygia. She was associated with the Earth and was worshipped on mountaintops. Her worship was "wild, emotional, bloody, orgiastic, and cathartic" and was led by eunuch priests (called Corybantes) who ritually castrated themselves and assumed women's identities.
    She was also known as a goddess of caverns and fortresses, and of wild beasts.
    In Greek Mythology Cybele was known as Rhea. She was renowned as the mother of the gods and her festival came first in Rome.
    Much more detailed info
  5. Lost_Warrior
    I normally don't do tests like this, but this one was just too good to pass up.
    Funny I only scored "moderate" as a heretic, when I'm not even Christian!
    The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Fifth Level of Hell!
    Fifth Level of Hell
    The river Styx runs through this level of Hell, and in it are punished the wrathful and the gloomy. The former are forever lashing out at each other in anger, furious and naked, tearing each other piecemeal with their teeth. The latter are gurgling in the black mud, slothful and sullen, withdrawn from the world. Their lamentations bubble to the surface as they try to repeat a doleful hymn, though with unbroken words they cannot say it. Because you lived a cruel, vindictive and hateful life, you meet your fate in the Styx.
    Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
    Level | Score
    Purgatory | Very Low
    Level 1 - Limbo | Low
    Level 2 | High
    Level 3 | High
    Level 4 | High
    Level 5 | High
    Level 6 - The City of Dis | Moderate
    Level 7 | High
    Level 8- the Malebolge | High
    Level 9 - Cocytus | Low
    Level descriptions: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno-information.html
    Take the test: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno-test.mv
  6. Lost_Warrior
    So the other night my assistant manager dropped a bomshell on me: she wanted me to be the other assistant manager. After having come there with absolutely no experience in the field, and working for four months. To be honest, I'd have no idea what I was doing, even though I would get training. I'd be making (weekly) more than twice what I make now.
    At first, I agreed to do it. But the night before that, I was lying in bed thinking how miserable I might be. I decided that the pros outweighed the cons and agreed, and the district manager said he thought it was a good idea too. However, the next night, I lay awake again thinking about how miserable I will be. You see, every other week as assistant manager is night shift (and I've never done overnight). It's like, major swingshift. I don't handle going between afternoon and morning shift well, let alone that. I also barely have time for the things that are important to me now, let alone if I am working 50+ hours a week (on salary pay, and that's where they get to screw you).
    Today I broke down in tears thinking about the huge promotion which should have been a good thing. Though today was my day off, I went down to talk to the assistant manager about it. I decided not to take the job. If it's that much stress, even just thinking about doing the job, then it's totally not worth it. Deciding not to take it feels like a huge weight off of my chest.
    On a more positive note, I've managed to land three days off in a row next weekend, so I'm going to see the other half of my family who live four hours away. It'll be a rushed trip, but it's better than nothing, and so I'm glad. We'll have to get my aunt to rig the pollyanna, because I already got Jenny's gift and no one told me they were doing a pollyanna. Oh well, Patty is good at that . She'll probably rig it so she gets me, too.
  7. Lost_Warrior
    Watching my blog slide down the list I realized it HAS been a while since I posted anything, so here goes!
    The harp has been sent back for a return. It arrived in Florida yesterday, so a new one should have been shipped today. I'm guessing it will be here Wednesday or Thursday. Hopefully this one will arrive safely and undamaged.
    Work continues to go great, my boss has gotten into the habit of sending me on road trips in company vehicles (one of which is nicknamed the "old gelapi" and driving it was quite interesting) which does get me "out and about" a bit. Overall I enjoy it, though I have some stressful days, I don't have many (I occasionally feel like the guy who is training me the most gets fed up with me...he doesn't really show it but I do get that feeling).
    These past two weeks have seemed to just FLY by, even though they have worn me out. I've been working through some icky past life memories and a few other things, trying in spite of everything else I'm doing to keep up with my Pathwork and still attempting to find time for my artwork and writing. I also finally gave in and downloaded Pixia again, so I can once again do digital art.
  8. Lost_Warrior
    My new computer arrived today. It was interesting getting it to connect to the internet, and using this new Windows Vista is a trip LOL. But so far I like it. It's tiny, and I have my monitor sitting on top of the PC (because the PC is rather "flat" with feet on the side of the case as well...so it's clearly designed to lie on it's side...besides that the disk drive is sideways.) It's a much smaller HD than I had before, but I think part of my problem may have been too much power and no idea how to use it/maintain it. So I'm going to try a much smaller system.
    The new IE isn't bad, I'm not trying Firefox until the bugs are worked out of it. I haven't used Internet Exploder in ages.... but it is very fast on this computer (when I can get the internet connection to work). It's a daunting prospect to try to teach my mom to use the computer all over again with the new Windows Vista...as my friend said "It's pretty"...the desktop background and screen savers are amazing...I can't say one way or the other about the rest of it. But compared to my old lemon this new system literally *purrs* :wub:
    I had a heck of a time getting it here, I actually ended up making arrangements with my neighbor to sign for it. I'm really glad that worked out though. I haven't tried the new printer yet, I'll save that for another day.
    Work was very interesting this week, I have to work tomorrow and then I got two days off. I'm feeling a bit burnt out, and my ears are clogged (leftovers from that horrid flu) so I can't really hear. But other than that, I'm feeling quite healthy. The new SubWay at work is causing a lot of heartache for us workers, but I really do think that it is an improvement. Things are looking up.
  9. Lost_Warrior
    So we ventured into a little town called Eagle's Mere today. They have a few really cool shops, and in the first one we walked into, I found two Roman coins. Well more than two, I couldn't resist buying one, and I actually ended up with two. I wish I could have brought them all home.
    The first one I picked up is from Constantine, the second, Constantius. I have no idea why I picked the one of Constantine, other than I was drawn to it for some reason. Actually, I didn't even realize until I got home, Constantius is apparently Constantine's son. I had no idea LOL. The second one seems miraculously well preserved, or completely fake. I like it because of the little legion standards on the back of the coin I have no idea as to the value of these coins.
    I've posted images in my blog:
    Constantine II
    Constantius II
    I also went to a bookstore that I somehow didn't even know existed and I picked up a book entitled The Mask of Jove by a guy called Stringfellow Barr. It's a first edition hardback book in very good condition. It is about the history of the Roman Empire, written in a narrative format. I now have four books that I plan to read for UNRV this might take a while (I picked up another off the "bargain rack" at the mall last week).
    My new book looks very good, however I'm wondering who named their kid Stringfellow and why.
  10. Lost_Warrior
    Ye gods, today has been a day!! I'm exhausted!!
    I've now got not one, but two jobs "on the line". Yesterday I put in an application at the Dushore Market...again. This morning, after going on a mad search for a wood burning tool, I picked up a newspaper and saw an ad for a machine operator at HTM. I went up and applied, except they were only looking for night shift (shift ending at midnight). I told them I really didn't want to work nights, but I put in an application anyway, and he said he'd keep it on file in case a day position opened up.
    I got home and talked to my mom, and she said I *should* take the night position (I don't know why really) and I had been thinking about it, so I called them and said I'd be willing to try the night position. He said he'd still look for day hours for me. So I am expecting to hear from him in a few days. Everyone seems so happy there!! It seemed just perfect!
    Right after I got off the phone with him, I got a call for an interview at the Market. I went, and I was very upfront with the guy about waiting to hear back from that other job. The Market job seems a lot better, in terms of hours, distance and pay (the man from the shop offered me less than minimum wage...I'm assuming that is a mistake on his part as I didn't even know when minimum wage went up). So now I'm supposed to call him on Tuesday and let him know what's going on with this other job prospect.
    Now I really don't know what to do. I really think it would be better for me to work at the Market, but I don't want to blow my chances on either place until I see what's going on. I'm pulling my hair out here!! But I've got until Tuesday to decide, so I'm going to try to take it easy.
    I just put up another Wordpress blog for all of my artwork. There isn't much in there yet, but it's here: Earth and Fire.
  11. Lost_Warrior
    Well, Easter Week is over. I got my new ring from Israel and it is BEAUTIFUL. I also got my other new one today, a "color change" amethyst that really does change from a bluish purple to a raspberry red. Unfortunately, the seller lied about the size; it's a size 10 or 11, she said it was a size 7. It doesn't fit my biggest thumb.
    Yesterday I got to go to my grandmother's for lunch. I had to miss Easter dinner, because I got stuck working. But I got to help hide eggs and watch the kids try to find them before I left. My mom gave me her wedding rings yesterday, and overall it was a good day. My grandmother surprised me with an orchid and another African violet. I need to clean out my upstairs room to find a place for them. My grandad saw my tattoo for the first time, but I really think grandma must've told him about it before (judging by his lack of reaction. He only said "it comes off, right?" LOL)
    I'm watching a beautiful natural alexandrite on Ebay. It's from a company famous for selling their alexandrites and they usually go way out of my price range. But it would fit my right pinky finger (the only finger I don't have a ring on) and it isn't going sky high yet. With a little luck, I just might get it. If I can get it for under a 100 bucks I'm going to have to.
    Last night I spoke to a very close friend who I haven't spoken to very much in years. We did everything together in elementary school. I told her about my other friend who is having a very rough time, although I kind of feel bad about telling her because I had told my other friend I wouldn't tell anyone (keeping in mind though that my childhood friend doesn't know the other, and probably never will; I didn't mention her name). I just needed to talk to someone about it. I've been worried sick about my friend (literally) for weeks and I couldn't take it anymore. I miss my old school friend too. We've regrettably grown apart over the years, but I would very much like to get to know her again. She is probably the best friend I've ever had. Today I heard from my other friend and I am very happy to say she seems to be doing *much* better.
  12. Lost_Warrior
    The first three days of this week were alot of fun, but the last three, well, were something else lol. I had to work deli alone for the last three days (I worked till 10 PM six days in a row ). The first night, was so crazy that I didn't actually manage to get anything done, I swear, if one more person came in with a pizza order or wanted a hoagie, I was going to scream lol. Then last night I had to "take down" deli, as well as do all my normal work, which I would have barely had time to do because I kept having to stop to make pizzas and hoagies for people. Tonight wasn't SO bad, but I had a terrible time trying to make two pizzas that I had no clue how to make, and wasted probably a half hour trying to figure out how to make them (thank the Gods that they were for the manager's daughter, and so it wasn't an issue. She used to work there and actually helped me make them when she came to pick them up. If it had been someone else, I think there would have been a problem lol) The candy display fell over, I had to tape it up. But then it fell over again. There was really nothing I had time to do with it, so I just left all the candy on the counter.
    I've learned something though, energy drinks are bad for me lol. I get such a buzz off of them, even if it's only half a can. I'm wired for hours, but then, I get home and crash, I mean I don't get sleepy, I get paranoid and jittery. I don't know what it is, lol most of it contains various "nutrients" I've never even heard of. I especially like the taste of them though, and the fact that I am totally wired after drinking them (I love Full Throttle Fury hehe, shortly after drinking some of that I was trying to say "Full Throttle Fury" three times fast. Try it, especially when hyped up on caffeine, you'll find it is nearly impossible, but hilarious)
    I burnt both of my hands on the pizza oven (at the same time) because the door fell open and I either tried to catch it, or didn't get my hands out of the way fast enough. So the back of my right hand and my left index finger are burnt, but not badly, actually, I think they'll probably be fine in the morning. It drove me nuts though, because I had to make about six or seven things after that, and wearing plastic gloves when your hands are burnt, sucks. I'm just glad that I got the dishes done before it happened, because scalding hot bleach water would have REALLY sucked, and I didn't have a nice coworker on deli to do it for me tonight. It's pretty funny actually, I usually burn myself at least once a night (we joke that we are branded when we start work ) and tonight I managed to take care of both hands at the same time. You know, get it all out of the way at once Actually, the burn on my right hand looks a bit like a stylized leaf, and I'm thinking if it actually scarred that way it might look really cool Especially since there's a scratch next to it that looks like a stem. Maybe next week I can get a flower somehow
    I tried to get a cell phone on Tuesday, but they wanted a four hundred dollar deposit. I was like "screw this" so I still don't have a cell phone. Too bad, I really wanted one. TracFone is too expensive for anything but emergencies I think.
  13. Lost_Warrior
    So, yesterday was my eighteenth birthday. Officially an adult. Wow...kind of a smack in the face lol.
    I got my drivers license yesterday, on my eighteenth birthday and hid the fact that I was taking my test from my mom, so I could surprise my entire family with the news. I was going to wait 'till we were at the restaurant to tell them, but they took their jolly good time in us leaving and so I told them all while we were still at my house. Probably a good thing, because the way they reacted (screaming and jumping up and down and laughing) would probably have caused quite a scene I almost didn't pass the test actually, because I almost hit the curb on the way out of the parking space (and on practice driving before that I completely missed a "lane ends" sign...oh, what nerves will do to me ). But I did pass, with a little help from the Gods and all is well...I made offering of crackers with honey and milk as soon as I got home and my family departed (we don't have any wine in the house or I'd have given that, but crackers with honey seemed fitting).
    My dad had flowers delivered (which was a huge surprise for me) and my mom gave me more art supplies. My grandma made me a blanket and the gift that means the most to me is a diamond ring given me by my grandma. My grandfather had given her the ring and I had been obsessed with it when I was a little girl. I had always stared at it, turning it on her hand to see the way the light sparkled off of the stones and she told me "it'll be yours someday". She pulled the box out of her purse and gave it to me, she told me "this isn't a birthday gift it's just something I wanted you to have" with tears in her eyes...it was the beautiful diamond ring I'd been obsessed with for so long. I had always admired it even to this day though I was no longer nearly so obsessed as I once was, but she never forgot her promise to that little girl...
    The other night my neighbor surprised me with a job offering, he wants me to tutor his daughter for somewhere around $50 a week (not bad, eh?) I'm happy about having the job, but I'm not happy that it's necessary...because his daughter (my friend) is doing very badly in school which is why I now have the job
  14. Lost_Warrior
    Well I had my first AP exam today. English. It was an hour of multiple choice (55 questions and a whole hour to do it. I had 10 minutes to spare) and two hours in which to write three essays, preferrably 5 paragraphs each. GAH. It really wasn't THAT bad. Although after working for an entire year on a college level course (if I pass this exam, and then later go to college, I won't have to take the corresponding English course. It's a high school class for college credit) two girls decided to exchange papers. Now this exam is *locked down*. By even reavealing any of the multiple choice questions after taking it, even to our teacher, we may forfeit our scores. The exam has to be taken at the same time, by everyone in the country. If it is not given on a certain day, between the hours of 8 and 9 AM (or later in Alaska) the test is not valid (technically). So these girls, who may or may not have been trying to cheat (they said the writing they showed each other wasn't about the test but I don't know. I didn't see it) forfeited their scores after a year of work in this course. I cannot believe, they would do anything so stupid, but they did. and one of them was actually crying about it (of course, they deserved it if they were doing something so stupid. I certainly don't want anyone to cheat on this test and have an unfair advantage.)
    I have an AP chem exam next week. I have to actually get out of class to take practice tests. Which is a real bear because I need some of that time to do other things which need to be done before next Thursday, and it's not something I can work on at home either My brain, is fried. I seriously can't feel my head
    My prom is saturday night, i'll be sure to let you all know how that goes. I hope its not a complete disaster
  15. Lost_Warrior
    I got so much done today. I've no sign of the flu left, and the depression I had been sinking into has completely lifted.
    I have written a rather lengthy essay for Love, Hope and Life and I have added a few things to the Resources section of Hidden Worlds. I have also found a very nice skin for my blog, which is just what I was looking for (two columns, customizable header without getting rid of the blog subtitle; and it comes in colors that I love, with no weird symbols anywhere!) I'm in heaven...
    I'm actually feeling ready to go back to work tomorrow, so perhaps I'm still ill after all! But a lot of the issues recently plaguing me have been resolved, and I feel like I am able to tackle life again.
  16. Lost_Warrior
    I feel like I have some room to breath. The past few months since I started work I really haven't felt like myself, but I'm starting to have more "me" time and am actually beginning to feel like I'm getting something done again. I started The Eagle's Conquest and am really enjoying it. I'm also feeling more inspired with my writing, and I think I should start writing more poetry again (I haven't written any in...gods, months! I just hate feeling stressed and uninspired!).
    I'm working on something called The Seven Gates which I posted in my blog:
    It's far from complete, actually, I believe that bit of writing is complete but the self work that it's based on is far from complete. Besides that I may make it into a story of some sort.
    I've just won an Ebay auction for yet another piece of alexandrite jewelery (first the necklace, and now a ring to. This will be my second alexandrite ring). Lab grown alexandrite really isn't all that expensive, which is very good. My jewelery addiction is almost as bad as my Roman addiction!
    I'm enjoying this whole weekend off, but I will have to work eight days before my next chance to have some time off (that's right folks; I'm working Christmas!). That is going to be a real bear, but luckily all but one day is the shift I can actually tolerate (notice I said "tolerate". This job is definitely not where I can see myself in a few months, or even where I would like to see myself in five minutes. I have fun, but it's turning into one of those "soul crushing" jobs. Plus, they are really tightening down on the already semi-tight regulations. I swear, I seem to be wearing "bullsh*t attractant" or something. They want us working *constantly* for eight hours, with no breaks! Gah! and they've installed closed-circuit camaras to make SURE we don't take a minute to catch our breath. I'll stay, hopefully, through the winter and then come summer, if my plans work out or not, I'm looking for a new situation. Luckily right after Christmas they will be cutting back hours, I won't get any less than four days a week, but the extra time off is just what I need to keep feeling OK. )
    So I'm taking a deep breath, and enjoying tomorrow off. Then its "back to the grind" so, if you don't see too much of me until after Christmas you'll know why. I will perservere; and I won't forget about UNRV, I promise!
  17. Lost_Warrior
    I just finished Gladiatrix last night, and just submitted the rough draft of the review today. WOOO HOOO!!!!
    Update on Flash: he has been eating his tail. A whole 1/4 inch it seems like disappeared one day- but I have an idea why this might be happening. Turns out, the poor guy's bowl was in the sun for several hours a day! I was at work during this time, so I had no idea. I have taken measures to make him feel safer, and to stop the sun from shining on him. So here's hoping the situation improves. I'm sad and frustrated. He had such a gorgeous tail and it's nearly gone! (and it's not fin rot, either.)
    He is eating, I got him some bloodworms and different pellets. He will not eat the pellets, but he attacks to blood worms viciously! While I was at the store getting him different pellets, I couldn't resist and I acquired this guy:

    Meet Cobalt. He lives in a bowl on the other side of the dresser, and is MUCH calmer than Flash EVER was. Flash is a high anxiety fish. Just like his mama.
    On Friday I hennaed my hair and I gotta say, I LOVE IT!!! The color develops over time, so it will continue to darken. I hope it doesn't darken too much more though. I have had a lot of different shades of red in my hair over the years, I dyed it often when I was younger. But orange is some place I never thought I'd go, and now that I see it I can't figure out why.
    This is yesterday:

    And today:

    As you can see the color is darker, but still quite red. I can't believe how much of a difference it made, even in the way I feel. I really missed having red hair. I think I'm hooked for life now!
    I've given up on getting my own place for now, as I did the math and realized that I just cannot afford to live on about $800 a month, which is what I'm making after taxes when you don't count the overtime. Although, I have everything I want here, so I don't think this is a huge big deal.
    My Gwyddon Initiation will be on Samhain and I'm really hoping I'll be able to get time off work to fly out to Kentucky for it. I'm crossing my fingers and bugging every deity I can to make this happen. It will mean a lot to me.
    Since things seem to be slowing down a bit here, I'm going to try to be more active on UNRV. I hope. *crosses fingers*
  18. Lost_Warrior
    My first two days of work have been tough. Yesterday was bad because I had practically no sleep for the two nights before that. Today went fairly well, and I am really starting to enjoy it...but I'm still hoping that I made the right choice, because I'm having "darker moments" of extreme doubt...which I really don't understand. I go from feeling like this job is the best thing that could have happened to me to feeling like I've had a bad feeling about it all along and I should have listened to myself and now I'm "stuck"... I did kind of want for this job *not* to work out so I could just take the job at the Market and everything would be easy...but this job is perfect in so many ways!! The hours are great, the pay is OK (not great, but not terrible either), my boss and coworkers are *really* laid back, and so far the job has been really easy and relatively safe as well.
    I really don't understand these moments of doubt...it feels almost like I'm bipolar or something. The past week has been downright awful...I don't know if it's hormones or what. I am feeling pretty crummy right now as a matter of fact. It doesn't feel like blood sugars...because blood sugars cause different symptoms than this. I'll be feeling great, and relaxed, and carefree one minute, and the next I won't even be able to remember ever having been happy or imagine ever being happy again!! This SUCKS!! And I really don't know what's causing it, which double sucks!!!
  19. Lost_Warrior
    Come on, I can do this! Just four more days of my crappy job left! I can do it, I know I can!
    I have a meeting tomorrow at 8 am, about all the ******* that has been going on. It's pretty much guaranteed to make my last four days more stressful, but it's only four days, I can make it.
    I have made very good connections apparently, and when I get back from MN, I have a pretty definite hook-up for something that is nearly the perfect job for me (I say nearly because nothing is perfect!). I can't wait, I'm so psyched!!
    I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow, because the sooner I get started on my four days, the sooner I can get done with them.
  20. Lost_Warrior
    I've just started playing with a little freeware program for making fractals. Fractal art using this program takes practically no skill, just pushing the right buttons and adjusting the right settings. Even so, the results are SERIOUSLY cool, and no one can argue about that.
    Not only that, they can be given really awesome names. So far I have "Firefly", "Golden Peacock", "Hell's Staircase", "Sandstorm", "Snail Star", "Snow White Galaxy", "Sun Flame" and "Fire Coi" (so named because it kind of looks like an abstract goldfish).
    Will post pictures soon
    [edit] they all stretch beautifully for a desktop background. Even if they appear small.
  21. Lost_Warrior
    I am no longer employed at a certain gas station/subway I've been complaining about for the past several months.
    This job has been hard on me. Very hard. No one knows exactly how bad it's gotten, with the exception of maybe a few close friends. But I toughed it out, and I survived. And damnit, now I'm FREE!! I WILL really miss my coworkers though. We had a lot of good times together.
    The meeting I was griping about earlier wasn't so bad; I feel like we got some things accomplished; at least, it didn't ruin the rest of my week. That night, we scrubbed the floor of the deli clean. We were high on 409 fumes, and we had a great time. My back, shoulders, ribs and legs still haven't forgiven me.
    Tomorrow I am getting up early to do that Coming of Age Rite I've been talking about. Today is the last day of this part of my life. Tomorrow is the dawn of the *rest* of my life. I've done much preparation, but I'm still very nervous. I hope all goes well. It will be done by the time I get online again.
    I set off for my dad's on Saturday; I'm spending a few days with that half of the family before catching the train to MN on Wednesday. I'm terrified, but in a good way. I have a hook up for a job doing blacksmithing when I get back; a REALLY COOL job. I really hope it works out. Until Saturday, there remains much packing and preparation to be done, as well as catching up with family and friends one last time before I leave. So much to do, so little time.
  22. Lost_Warrior
    Yesterday a drive off, day before, a possible write-up. And now this.
    I knew before I even went to bed last night that I was going to be tested somehow today. I knew something was going to happen, but I couldn't sit around worrying about it. I had stuff to do.
    So if yesterday wasn't enough, I hit someone's car at work. I don't think the damage is bad, at least, not too bad. I don't know who owns the car so I left a note on the windshield with my name and phone number.
    When I came out of work a semi was parked behind my car. I cut the wheel sharp, fearing backing into the big rig. I forgot that when the back end goes left, the front end goes right. And right next to me was parked a nice, red, Monte Carlo. Yea, I made a stupid mistake. I guess I should be thankful no one was hurt, and no more damage was done. My bumper and quarter panel will probably need painted. Thier quarter panel will need painted as well.
    I just really, really, don't need this. And I've got five more days before I get a day off.
  23. Lost_Warrior
    I'm going back to PA tonight at 3 25 AM (yay?). I'm exhausted and so NOT looking forward to the trip. I am really going to miss being out here in MN and working with Al. I've learned so much, I can't wait to get my own shop set up and see what I can do!
    The birdbath stand that was such a pain in the ass got taken out by some wind, it's a real shame after all I went through with it. It was a good project though, I learned a lot. We went to Raven Works Forge and I got to meet Joel and Sue; they're really cool, and I had a great time talking to them. I learned so much just from seeing things from a different perspective. It was so inspiring.
    Yesterday and today I worked on a "letter opener" that turned into a mini replica of an Amazon war spear with a Norse Rune engraved handle (Uruz, if you must know. I'm thinking of getting it tattooed on me somewhere. My ankle maybe?) It was a lot of work but I'm finally happy with the result. Wish it was a little sharper. I also made an armband that kind of matches my tattoo. I'm totally psyched about it and can't wait to wear it everywhere and show it off! Fire is such a fun addiction....
    I got some bad news this morning, apparently the place I had a job lined up for is not hiring a full time blacksmith (of course, this came from the boss' wife, not himself. I just asked her to take a message for me that I'd be home in two weeks). I was a little taken aback by it but I'm not that upset. While I don't feel completely ready to set up my own shop yet (I'm not talking about hanging a sign and being an official business...just having a place to work on my own stuff) it looks like I'm going to have to and to be honest, I'm quite excited about it! I just wish I had more money to start out with. I don't want to have to get a loan...I've got my mom on it; if anyone can ferret out an opportunity, she can!
    Of course this means that my NEPA newsletter might not be able to be in print like I wanted; at least not unless advertising can cover the costs. That's OK with me, although of course it's a disappointment. I can always do it the free online way!
    I've been busy, and I didn't get to read all the books I had planned to or all the writing done either...I guess I'm just not the bookworm I used to be. I would say I'll get alot of it done on the train but I know I won't. I'm hoping to sleep as much as I possibly can.
    I am really not looking forward to the train ride over two days. It's only two layovers and shouldn't be as harrowing as the ride out here but at the same time I'm nervous about it. I don't like giving up control. Next time I come out here I'm definitely going to drive...driving is fun, and I really enjoy long trips in the car. On the train, not so much.
    See you Sunday night! (or Monday morning).
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