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Blog Entries posted by Lost_Warrior

  1. Lost_Warrior
    This is what I've been doing for the past two days.
    Yesterday: a volcano pendant. Didn't turn out as planned...had a hard time with it actually, but the longer I have it for, the more I like it.
    It's made of silver and that is an orange sapphire.

    Today: my completed shrine to Brighid. Painting this took a LOT out of me. But through the experience of setting up the shrine and doing my first shift work, I learned a LOT about this recent depression.

    My indigo body painting: I got carried away. I started with the flame on my shoulder...and I was having so much fun doing this (it is very relaxing and meditative) that I just kept going.
    I can't believe how good this pic came out. This was taken AFTER my prayer/meditative work, after setting up my shrine, and the painting. I'm GLOWING.

  2. Lost_Warrior
    Today I decided to cut my hair. Spontaneity turned out better this time than it has in the past; my hair was two distinctly different lengths and all split, so I just grabbed some scissors and started whacking. I don't think I did too bad, but the back IS a little uneven. I've got "kiddy steps" and I'm sure my mom will chastise me But overall I think it actually looks pretty good. I'm sure mom will disagree.
    I'm concreting my plans to head to Minnesota in the summer. Things are looking up! My mom wants me to call dad and get him to go with me. He wants to, too, but I wasn't sure. I will get him to go, to give them both peace of mind (and make the journey easier). This is something I need to do.
    I'm getting further in The Eagle's Conquest and am enjoying it once again. I am very behind on my reading; I'm happy to see myself doing some things I actually enjoy again. Today I may go to meet up with some friends. Maybe I'll have dinner with them again.
    These past few weeks (and months, in hindsight) I've been having some really bad issues with my blood sugars. It didn't get as bad as passing out and such, but it was pretty bad. I'm feeling much better now, thankfully. Things are looking up! I'm just trying to hold out in my current situation until summer.
  3. Lost_Warrior
    If there is a line between "house plant" and "plant house" I think I'm about to cross it. Seriously.
    I used to not be able to grow ANYTHING but I now have...ten plants that are *definitely* mine, and my mom has I don't know how many that are *definitely* hers, and then there are a few we fight over...
    My most recent additions (this week, in fact) are a beautiful palm from the local nursery and a GORGEOUS sago palm. I LOVE cycads...and I certainly hope that my new sago loves me. I managed to kill one once before...
    This is my new Sago beauty:

    (Sagos, by the way, are not palms, they're cycads. Cycads are actually prehistoric conifers. They're absolute evolutionary marvels...they have not changed much at all in 200 million years! Now THAT is an awesome plant!)
    I spent today repotting some of my plants: my two African violets (well, three now. I divided one. It doesn't have many roots so I hope it survives...there were two crowded into a small pot in a way that they did NOT like, and so I have given them their own 'houses' to live in. ) and my 'gold dust tree' which is growing quite large since I got it last year.
    Tomorrow my...zebra plant? Is likely to get divided.
    When we go back to the nursery (I hope soon!) I hope they still have a Fantasy plant (I think it's a type of Draceana. I can't remember what it's called exactly, but it's got red and yellow and all sorts of funky colored leaves. I wish I'd bought one when I was up there before.) It's that time of year, when I want to bring nature indoors and I can never have too many plants. This year's collecting begins...
    I worked this morning, and then spent the day repotting stuff. I'm beat. I'm trying to get my mind and body both together in order to do my weekly ritual, which I'll do when the sun sinks a little lower.
  4. Lost_Warrior
    I finished this, finally, in about 10 hours of work. There's a lot more symbolism in it than I intended...actually the unintended stuff seems to be the more meaningful. I made this to use with Runic divination.

  5. Lost_Warrior
    I now have DSL (it was really pretty painless) and my laptop is in Allentown, so it should be here sometime early next week (provided DHL Express doesn't decide that they won't deliver it to my house, grrr). I'm really excited to get it. So YAY.
    I got to see my therapist on Wednesday, and she says I'm doing really well. Major improvement from last time. But I am really glad I got to see her, because I needed to. The newest thing I have to deal with is that my best friend has an excruciatingly painful chronic illness and I am not handling that well. (Though I have gotten to the point where I can do some basic research on it online. If I stay in "science mindset" I can handle looking at the information.) I've known about his illness pretty much since I met him and he handles it very well, but since my breakdown in January I don't seem to be able to cope with it.
    I found out on Thursday that a dear friend of mine's son is rejecting his donor kidney, again. And it looks like he won't ever regain full function even with medication. We're all hoping for the best, though. (and that, my friends, is the 'shit')
  6. Lost_Warrior
    Most of my Brighid's Fire (the actual ritual part) was short, sweet and to the point. I lit a candle, said a few prayers, did a bit of healing work.
    The "prep work" took the majority of my evening. I started at about 3.30 or so...painting a bottle to go on my shrine (it's sitting next to it as it's too big to go ON the shrine, it looks silly and easily tipped over.)



    Then I spent...close to two hours painting my legs with indigo. The indigo painting, for me, is part art, part therapy, and part religious observance. Some people might think it's crazy to spend hours painting something just to have it gradually disappear over the next week...but it's impermanence means I get to do it all over again!!! :yay:

    Left leg:

    Right leg:

    I'm glad Brighid seems to encourage displaying work done in her honor!
  7. Lost_Warrior
    So, yesterday was my eighteenth birthday. Officially an adult. Wow...kind of a smack in the face lol.
    I got my drivers license yesterday, on my eighteenth birthday and hid the fact that I was taking my test from my mom, so I could surprise my entire family with the news. I was going to wait 'till we were at the restaurant to tell them, but they took their jolly good time in us leaving and so I told them all while we were still at my house. Probably a good thing, because the way they reacted (screaming and jumping up and down and laughing) would probably have caused quite a scene I almost didn't pass the test actually, because I almost hit the curb on the way out of the parking space (and on practice driving before that I completely missed a "lane ends" sign...oh, what nerves will do to me ). But I did pass, with a little help from the Gods and all is well...I made offering of crackers with honey and milk as soon as I got home and my family departed (we don't have any wine in the house or I'd have given that, but crackers with honey seemed fitting).
    My dad had flowers delivered (which was a huge surprise for me) and my mom gave me more art supplies. My grandma made me a blanket and the gift that means the most to me is a diamond ring given me by my grandma. My grandfather had given her the ring and I had been obsessed with it when I was a little girl. I had always stared at it, turning it on her hand to see the way the light sparkled off of the stones and she told me "it'll be yours someday". She pulled the box out of her purse and gave it to me, she told me "this isn't a birthday gift it's just something I wanted you to have" with tears in her eyes...it was the beautiful diamond ring I'd been obsessed with for so long. I had always admired it even to this day though I was no longer nearly so obsessed as I once was, but she never forgot her promise to that little girl...
    The other night my neighbor surprised me with a job offering, he wants me to tutor his daughter for somewhere around $50 a week (not bad, eh?) I'm happy about having the job, but I'm not happy that it's necessary...because his daughter (my friend) is doing very badly in school which is why I now have the job
  8. Lost_Warrior
    I've just started playing with a little freeware program for making fractals. Fractal art using this program takes practically no skill, just pushing the right buttons and adjusting the right settings. Even so, the results are SERIOUSLY cool, and no one can argue about that.
    Not only that, they can be given really awesome names. So far I have "Firefly", "Golden Peacock", "Hell's Staircase", "Sandstorm", "Snail Star", "Snow White Galaxy", "Sun Flame" and "Fire Coi" (so named because it kind of looks like an abstract goldfish).
    Will post pictures soon
    [edit] they all stretch beautifully for a desktop background. Even if they appear small.
  9. Lost_Warrior
    Is turning out to be a lot easier especially now that I have a helmet that works properly. Al's helmet is way too big for me, and I had to hold it on, opera-glasses style. My new one is MINE and it's auto-darkening. No more "blind tack welding".
    I'm currently working on some Oblisk lawn ornaments. This is actually really fun.
    I haven't been this content or "mellow" in a long time. I used to be a complete spaz, but I'm not anymore. It's wonderful.
  10. Lost_Warrior
    This farking jackdonkey is on another forum that I frequent. You know, the one who wrote an entire article about my psychological problems? Yea, that one. Along with his girlfriend, the stalker. She's following my friend from forum to forum, joining after he does than accusing him of stalking her. I stopped believing he was stalking her the minute she initiated conversation with me, believing that I was him under another username. She changes her name but doesn't change her sig and icon.
    So Jackdonkey comes over, and starts arguments and fights, posting as a guest under the name "p". He doesn't even have the courage to register, or let anyone know who he is. The admin of the forum won't ban either of them, because she doesn't like to do that, but I can't stand them anymore; they should consider themselves banned from my forum, if they ever try to join it. The worst part is, people are actually defending these two. So here they are, playing the innocent victim, somehow getting at least one supporter. Jackdonkey want's to be martyred. Fine. Crucify his name.
    I go upstairs to take a nice shower, maybe calm down a bit and compose some poetry while I've got some time to myself. Yea. No farking hot water. When I've got half of me clean, mom shuts off the water without warning, because it is pouring out of the bottom of the heater. Oh, joy. There goes the rest of mom's savings; I'm trying very hard to keep as much of my savings as I can, even though I'll have to pay to fix two cars; I have plans for this summer and I'll need it. Mom has to pay to fix her truck, because it broke down, and now needs a new rocker panel to pass inspection.
    Maybe this is a kind of push to do something with my life besides my current job. Maybe it's a push to find some other way to make money, something I enjoy, like my artwork or writing. Just maybe.
  11. Lost_Warrior
    Well I've been home from my dad's for 3 or 4 weeks, and now it's time for me to find a job. I put in an application at a local grocery store. Not only is the place within walking distance, but I liked the atmosphere and thought I would like to work there. They weren't officially hiring, but they were short staffed. I had two reccommendations from people who worked there. I turned in my application. I called a few days later, they told me that the manager had taken it upstairs to look at it. All was looking good. They told me they'd call me. They didn't. I called back, they said "oh, well we looked at your application but we aren't hiring". Um...you think they could have told me that...when I handed in the application? OR, when I called the first time? I think they just wanted a nice way to blow me off. But they could have called. That way I'd have known to keep looking.
    See, the problem is, where I live no one wants to hire an 18 year old. People my age have quite a reputation for not showing up for work, walking out on the job, or if they do show up and stay there they just stand around.
    So I applied at another place, the small convenience store/gas station. The manager was very happy to see me, told me "we're always hiring! They'll find some place for you!" and sent me off with an application, which I turned in 15 minutes later. I went back a few days later to check, and they had lost my application. Manager said she'd find it, I called the next day she hadn't even started to look. OK, that's fine. Told her that if she couldn't find it and needed me to fill out another one, to call me. Said she'd be conducting interviews maybe at the end of the week. I haven't heard back from her yet, but I'm still hopeful.
    I was going to go yesterday with my neighbor to a knife/tool place in Williamsport. See, we are both collectors of knives and swords. He was ill, unfortunately, and also Williamsport was getting pelted with hail and tornados Needless to day, I didn't go. I needed to get some driving time in in order to get a discount on insurance, so today mom and I went to Wal*Mart. (I love Wal*Mart).
    Unfortunately, the road we usually take was closed. So, we had to go the long way around, and we managed to get lost. Well not truely lost, but we were much confused.
    Finally we get to Wal*Mart, and I happen to find the ring I have been looking for. It's citrine, and I wanted a citrine ring, not so much for the look of citrine (citrine is a yellow stone for those who do not know) but for it's energetic properties. Some believe that wearing citrine attracts wealth, which is something I am not concerned about. However, I find that when I wear citrine or carry some of it with me, I am considerably less agitated. I found this out years ago, when I could not stand to be in my school. Large crowds and certain types of technology make me feel physically ill to be around. I do not know the reason, but I found that citrine helps with that, and with some other things as well. Recognizing the "energetic insanity" creeping up on me again, I pulled out my piece of rough citrine and stuck it in my pocket. Instantly felt better. So then I started seeking a ring made of the stuff, because I really don't like carrying random stones in my pocket. At the very least, they tend to go through the wash if they don't get lost alltogether. Besides that, my particular piece of citrine looks a bit like crystal meth. My friends and I used to joke about this, especially since I carried it in a stash box that I had found near some woods where I used to live. But where I currently live, this might not be such a funny coincidence. Especially when I'm trying to obtain and hold onto a job.
    So I found this ring at Wal*Mart, it isn't silver like I wanted, it's yellow gold. But it's quite pretty, and wasn't horribly expensive. I was going to buy one on Amazon, but when you buy a ring online like that you can't see the stone or really what the ring looks like. This one cost about the same as the one from Amazon would once you added in the shipping charges. It's also very simple, which I like, because I plan on never taking it off
    While I was in Wal*mart I stumbled across a soapstone potporri holder/incense burner which I plan on putting on my altar. I don't like incense, because of the smoke and because most of it burns my throat, however some other sort of scented thing would not bother me at all. I'm thinking a cotton ball with some essential oils on it
    And of course, I can't go anywhere without something going wrong. I stepped to get out of someone's way in the perfume isle, and a box fell off of the shelf behind me and right onto my foot. The corner left a bloody and bruised scrape Watch out for that designer cologne spray, that stuff hurts!
  12. Lost_Warrior
    This was my first attempt at doing anything even remotely like this (on all levels) and I am very pleased with the result! When I do something like this again (I will, because I truly enjoyed making it) I will hopefully have a better woodburner, (what I have is a soldering iron which can't really do curves...and doesn't get hot enough to really mark the wood) and I will be a bit more careful with the colors (the gold tends to smear). I'll also be pickier about my wood.
    Made from a slice of Hemlock, some colored pencil for the color (these particular pencils work great on wood) and some beads on waxed linen cord.
    The Runic design is for Strength, Health, Protection and Courage (bonus points to anyone who can figure out which Runes I used.)


  13. Lost_Warrior
    So on Easter we went to my grandma's for dinner. My gram had a stomach virus and was not feeling well, but my mom thought it was "side effects" from all the meds she's taking. Yea, well, "side effects" are not contagious. Last night I spent the whole night puking my guts out...amoung other things. I couldn't sleep a wink. I spent half the night eating popsicles because they were the only source of water that I (thought) I could get to stay where it was supposed to. Of course I threw them up all over the kitchen floor, but at least some of it got into my system. Dehydration sucks. I've now *attempted* to drink some regular juice (I've no spit left so with the popsicles I kept swallowing air. not good) and I'm hoping I don't throw that up as well. Man, am I ever thirsty and I can't drink say, a whole quart of juice in 10 seconds either like i'd like axiously awaiting mom to bring home that ginger ale
    I was going to paint my room this weekend but it's raining, and my mom won't be home. Bah. So that will be put off until I don't even know when...
    I'm probably going to miss school monday, I can't imagine being able to eat by then. That majorly sucks...because I have an art project that pretty much has to be done monday. There's no real leeway because its a clay project and getting close to the art show.
    On a positive note, I've started a copper and brass sculpture in shop class. I hope it turns out as well as I envision lol It's really fun to work on though
  14. Lost_Warrior
    OMG YAY!!! I got a job!! A totally awesome job, with wonderful hours, and I talked to my boss on the phone and in person and he seems REALLY cool. It's doing machine/metal work, and I've done that manner of work before and I LOVED IT!! I'm SO excited to start tomorrow!!
  15. Lost_Warrior
    I just bought a beautiful, brand new, rosewood and mahogany Celtic harp last night!!! I can't wait until it gets here!! I can't imagine what possessed me (I spent about three weeks' pay on the thing) but I am so excited about it!!!!
    I got a pretty good deal on it, harp, case, two books, extra strings and tuning tool for about 300 bucks.
    This is the harp I'm getting, but I found it as a combo deal on Ebay instead of buying it from here.
  16. Lost_Warrior
    This week was actually pretty good, all things considered. Still, I'm tired. I was sick over the weekend, and started out the week not being able to eat well, so I was already off to a nasty start. Add to that hormone fluctuations and a few other things, and well, it went well but I'm glad it's over.
    My beads from Fire Mountain came yesterday, and I made a couple of bracelets. I'm not entirely happy with them, for various reasons, but I am mostly satisfied with how they came out.
    Elemental Fire bracelet:


    Elemental Water bracelet:


    The Firelands: (a single image of a volcano in Hawaii. Photomanip. The original image looks nothing like this, it can be found Here. )

    Flight of Desire:

  17. Lost_Warrior
    So the other night my assistant manager dropped a bomshell on me: she wanted me to be the other assistant manager. After having come there with absolutely no experience in the field, and working for four months. To be honest, I'd have no idea what I was doing, even though I would get training. I'd be making (weekly) more than twice what I make now.
    At first, I agreed to do it. But the night before that, I was lying in bed thinking how miserable I might be. I decided that the pros outweighed the cons and agreed, and the district manager said he thought it was a good idea too. However, the next night, I lay awake again thinking about how miserable I will be. You see, every other week as assistant manager is night shift (and I've never done overnight). It's like, major swingshift. I don't handle going between afternoon and morning shift well, let alone that. I also barely have time for the things that are important to me now, let alone if I am working 50+ hours a week (on salary pay, and that's where they get to screw you).
    Today I broke down in tears thinking about the huge promotion which should have been a good thing. Though today was my day off, I went down to talk to the assistant manager about it. I decided not to take the job. If it's that much stress, even just thinking about doing the job, then it's totally not worth it. Deciding not to take it feels like a huge weight off of my chest.
    On a more positive note, I've managed to land three days off in a row next weekend, so I'm going to see the other half of my family who live four hours away. It'll be a rushed trip, but it's better than nothing, and so I'm glad. We'll have to get my aunt to rig the pollyanna, because I already got Jenny's gift and no one told me they were doing a pollyanna. Oh well, Patty is good at that . She'll probably rig it so she gets me, too.
  18. Lost_Warrior
    ...OK, a LOT of gloating.
    Copper is so much fun!!! This is what I did today after turning in two job applications. I did it in two parts, mostly because I had to give some serious thought on how to attach the leaf without it looking silly (I wasn't sure how well it would work with the leaf coming directly off the stem as it is. I'm really glad I did it!)



    Now I need to acquire more scrap. Amazing what you can do with a few pieces of copper, some MIG/TIG wire (for the stem) and a plumber's torch!!!
    I'm so FREAKIN' proud of myself right now!
  19. Lost_Warrior
    Wow it's been a long while since I wrote something in here!
    I'm really starting to enjoy my work, not that I wouldn't rather be home, but because I don't have anything to worry about when I come home. It's wonderful! My boss switched my hours this week, so I start at 6 AM and get out at 12 PM...not bad, not bad at all. I have the whole afternoon off.
    Life has been crazy though, not so much on a physical level but on a spiritual one. I'm not complaining but I could do with a break sometimes. With Samhain fast approaching it only promises to get crazier!!
    Just ordered a bunch of beads from Fire Mountain, well actually, will send the order in soon. I can't wait until they get here, I have a few ideas for jewelery which I can't wait to make!! The harp playing isn't going as well as I'd hoped, I seem to have lost interest while I was getting all of the issues straightened out. However, I hope to get some time to play soon. This weekend promises to be devoted entirely to rest, laying around on the couch, screwing around on the computer...etc. I'll have the whole house to myself and I'll NEED the rest, so I can't wait.
    I have been fluish all day (and unfortunately this is upsetting my stomach). I certainly hope I feel better tomorrow!! I don't want to call off work, as I know my coworkers need me to be there, and I actually like them, so I'd hate to disappoint. Flu or no, I'm going through with my Full Moon rite tonight. It should only take about a half an hour...consists only of chanting, really and some 'basic' energy work. And a journal entry which I'm doing as soon as I'm done here. Not stressful at all, and even though I'm sick it is important to me to keep up with it.
  20. Lost_Warrior
    Things that make me happy:
    I have this weekend off (as of now) and so does my mom
    Our 6-inch subs are on sale
    I've started working together with Heartshadow on the religion she's creating (because there are many similarities between my path and hers)
    Black Chai Tea
    Things that Don't make me happy:
    My back is still stiff from shoveling 18+ inches of wet snow
    I pulled my back/shoulder somehow last night and was having muscle spasms so bad that I couldn't breath (though it's feeling better now)
    I smashed my finger in the trash can door and "scraped off" a good deal of the skin below my cuticle
    Two of my coworkers are suddenly very ill with a stomach flu (I REALLY don't want that. Really. I think I'd rather have Syphillis. You know, something treatable with antibiotics.)
    I'm on my period and of course, crampy, grumpy and ill feeling
    I'm a walking disaster, I need to go to bed before I hurt myself more
    This board has a limit on emoticons, so I cannot use them as bullets
  21. Lost_Warrior
    Yesterday a drive off, day before, a possible write-up. And now this.
    I knew before I even went to bed last night that I was going to be tested somehow today. I knew something was going to happen, but I couldn't sit around worrying about it. I had stuff to do.
    So if yesterday wasn't enough, I hit someone's car at work. I don't think the damage is bad, at least, not too bad. I don't know who owns the car so I left a note on the windshield with my name and phone number.
    When I came out of work a semi was parked behind my car. I cut the wheel sharp, fearing backing into the big rig. I forgot that when the back end goes left, the front end goes right. And right next to me was parked a nice, red, Monte Carlo. Yea, I made a stupid mistake. I guess I should be thankful no one was hurt, and no more damage was done. My bumper and quarter panel will probably need painted. Thier quarter panel will need painted as well.
    I just really, really, don't need this. And I've got five more days before I get a day off.
  22. Lost_Warrior
    My new computer arrived today. It was interesting getting it to connect to the internet, and using this new Windows Vista is a trip LOL. But so far I like it. It's tiny, and I have my monitor sitting on top of the PC (because the PC is rather "flat" with feet on the side of the case as well...so it's clearly designed to lie on it's side...besides that the disk drive is sideways.) It's a much smaller HD than I had before, but I think part of my problem may have been too much power and no idea how to use it/maintain it. So I'm going to try a much smaller system.
    The new IE isn't bad, I'm not trying Firefox until the bugs are worked out of it. I haven't used Internet Exploder in ages.... but it is very fast on this computer (when I can get the internet connection to work). It's a daunting prospect to try to teach my mom to use the computer all over again with the new Windows Vista...as my friend said "It's pretty"...the desktop background and screen savers are amazing...I can't say one way or the other about the rest of it. But compared to my old lemon this new system literally *purrs* :wub:
    I had a heck of a time getting it here, I actually ended up making arrangements with my neighbor to sign for it. I'm really glad that worked out though. I haven't tried the new printer yet, I'll save that for another day.
    Work was very interesting this week, I have to work tomorrow and then I got two days off. I'm feeling a bit burnt out, and my ears are clogged (leftovers from that horrid flu) so I can't really hear. But other than that, I'm feeling quite healthy. The new SubWay at work is causing a lot of heartache for us workers, but I really do think that it is an improvement. Things are looking up.
  23. Lost_Warrior
    Watching my blog slide down the list I realized it HAS been a while since I posted anything, so here goes!
    The harp has been sent back for a return. It arrived in Florida yesterday, so a new one should have been shipped today. I'm guessing it will be here Wednesday or Thursday. Hopefully this one will arrive safely and undamaged.
    Work continues to go great, my boss has gotten into the habit of sending me on road trips in company vehicles (one of which is nicknamed the "old gelapi" and driving it was quite interesting) which does get me "out and about" a bit. Overall I enjoy it, though I have some stressful days, I don't have many (I occasionally feel like the guy who is training me the most gets fed up with me...he doesn't really show it but I do get that feeling).
    These past two weeks have seemed to just FLY by, even though they have worn me out. I've been working through some icky past life memories and a few other things, trying in spite of everything else I'm doing to keep up with my Pathwork and still attempting to find time for my artwork and writing. I also finally gave in and downloaded Pixia again, so I can once again do digital art.
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