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Blog Entries posted by Lost_Warrior

  1. Lost_Warrior
    My computer crashed, and I had to restore my hard drive. Read: lost EVERYTHING! That program I used to paint digital pictures? GONE! Some of my poetry and writing? GONE! Everything. GONE! I've been expecting this for a while, all I can say is thank the gods for restore cd's. I guess it's about time my computer got a good cleaning...but I've lost my instant messengers, and I'm not entirely sure when I'll have them back, so I may not be online for a while. And man, IE is slow. I'm gonna download FireFox again FIRST!!
    Oh, and I also lost my extensive list of Roman links.
    [Edit] It's still not working right. I think it will probably crash again. You won't see me around as much untill everything gets back to normal. I can't really even access my email. FireFox is also very slow, and it took me three tries to get it to download properly. I'm having all kinds of problems. ::cry::
  2. Lost_Warrior
    Thank Gods this week is better than the last two. My ISP is being a pain but hey...whatever right?
    I want to build an altar I'm starting to get farther into the Roman paganism as well as...well I'm a bit of a mix really. I worship both Celtic and Roman Gods to a degree...(I used to have an altar...but that was a long time ago)...I'm just thinking about where to get supplies for it lol...too much planning, not enough doing. I guess I'll eventually have to kick myself in the butt instead of waiting for the right thing....
    I'm wondering what I was thinking taking AP chem, although I'm really glad I took AP english. That chem is going to kill me though, lol.
    By the way, Trillian is awesome. It was confusing at first though. I accidentally lost some convos
    I'm reading a biography of Caesar for English...and writing a review of it. It may be a while to wait for the review though, but I'll post it when it's finally done
  3. Lost_Warrior
    OMG, I just got an email from my aunt, my cousin Jennifer Founds (my little Jenny!!) has just started singing professionally, and will be touring soon. Jenny is such an AMAZING singer, a good actress and I hear is getting good on a guitar to. I AM SO PROUD of my little Jenny (now not so little anymore). I LOVE HER SO MUCH!! I can't wait to see her!!!
    My mom and I just got back from shopping, we figured out what we are going to do for under my graduation gown, one of those dresses like the Roman women wore (or what they may have worn. As my mom says, "what the Vestal Virgins wear in all the movies". I think it's called a Pella?). My mom is an awesome maker of weird clothes, I have a knitted "legionary tunic" now (I'm serious. LOL it does actually look really awesome). She's going to make it. I also found this most amazing dress (almost in the same style but it's navy blue) at a thrift store, for $6. I just HAD TO HAVE IT it fits perfectly.
    We had another bomb scare at school on thursday (second one in two weeks) they made us go home without all of our stuff. Andy found a baby bird though, it couldn't open its eyes but otherwise it seems quite healthy and SO cute. Odessa took it home. She named it "Stick". They then locked all the bathrooms except for one (the bomb threats were written on the bathroom walls.) and students now have to go in one at a time, sign in to the bathroom, and the stalls are checked after you leave
    My grandad is actively seeking a Ford Escape for me
  4. Lost_Warrior
    I know, this poor little blog over in the corner has been neglected lol.
    I managed to get Saturday off of work so that I could go to the Bowhunters' Festival, and I had a blast. I got my arrows cut, finally, found some very pretty feather roses (they are gorgeous! A waste of money, but gorgeous! lol), and I got a beautiful little antler-handled knife to add to my collection We ran into one of my friends from school and ended up taking her home so she could stay to see the bluegrass band play, she and her mom had been there all day and her mom wanted to leave. I ended up trying to drag her out to dance, and she pinched me, so now I have bruises on my arms and hands Actually, there were several others dancing, all of whom had beer cans in thier hands. I don't know how they managed to dance without spilling any, especially when they fell down. It was great fun
    Yesterday at work was a bore, and today I had off again so my grandparents and I went fishing. We didn't catch anything really, gram got a nice sized (and talkative!) catfish and "pip" got a few sunnies and a rockbass. I caught absolutely nothing. It was fun though. I took my bow and arrows to their house so I could shoot them there, and already broke one of my pretty arrows! ::is sad:: aw well, I guess I should not get too attached to arrows. It does suck though. I was amazed at how easily I could pick up shooting again after nearly a year without shooting my bow and with arrows I'd never used before.
    We washed my car while it was there, it's so much easier to do it at their house because at mine I have to drag the hose up over the wall and it doesn't reach all the way around the car, even though it's actually two lengths of hose put together.
    Tomorrow I have to be up at four thirty in the morning, because I got on the early shift again. It's only for a few days so I don't really mind, but I've grown very fond of the evening shift and I can't stand getting up int the morning.
  5. Lost_Warrior
    ::glances around this poor, neglected catagory::
    Just yesterday I have started a blog for various religious essays. This will not be for "everyday stuff", but only for things about my personal path. I had started out with the intention of "starting a religion" but I realized that by believing as I do, and practicing as I do, I am effectively creating the path simply by walking it. I was inspired by someone else's religious essays, and decided to write my own. I figure it will help me to learn more about myself, which is my intention. And it may prove entertaining or helpful to others, which is an added bonus
    My blog is here: Love, Hope and Life
    I was inspired by this blog: Flamekeeping
  6. Lost_Warrior
    Things are really starting to slow down at work; this leaves me bored at times, but it's good, because it means I'm not often in a mood to remove people's heads or fling pizza pans as if they were frizbees. My life is finally starting to get "back to normal" so to speak.
    I've taken up "trance dancing", well not truely "trance dancing" at least not yet. Shall I call it "devotional dancing"? It was weird at first, I was embarassed to actually get up and do anything, so I ended up just sitting on the floor bobbing my head. I'm not embarassed anymore (why should I be? No one is watching!) and I must say, it does feel great to just get my butt off the floor and MOVE. It started out as a religious thing, and still is; but it's becoming more and more of a thereputic thing as well.
    My friend gave me an image rendering program called Mojo: my first attempts with it were just aweful, and took forever, but lately I've been coming up with some really cool stuff! I'm currently working on a world I started out calling "mistworld", but I'm working on a better name for it. For now lets just call it "Realm of Eternal Mist". I have a folder full of 44 renders of this same world in different views, different lighting, etc. I have become obsessed with it. Tomorrow I hope to go to the library and get a picture of it printed to hang on my wall
    It's too big for the page, and I'm too lazy to resize at this hour of the morning, so here's a link:
    I'm still working on the next book in the Eagle series. Not quite the bookworm I used to be. I keep getting distracted LOL but I'm enjoying it thus far. I also updated my Blog for anyone who is interested.
  7. Lost_Warrior
    For my new scanner to get here. I hated using my camera to get my artwork online, and my old scanner is beyond worthless, so I decided to get a new one. My dad sent me a Circuit City gift card, but, much to my surprise and dismay, the local Circuit City does not carry flatbed scanners! I've ordered one online and received conformation last night that it has been shipped. I cannot wait till it gets here!
    I have managed to get my hands on a copy of Roman Sex and have taken a break from Simon Scarrow to read it. Nonfiction is my true favorite thing to read, and I got halfway through this book in a matter of an hour or so! Of course, it helps that it's mostly pictures, but I am enjoying it. My mother found a copy of another book, I believe it's called Sexuality in Ancient Rome for 94 cents and she got it for me for Easter.
    The last part of my Easter present should be arriving any day now, I know my mom is going to give it to me as soon as it gets here. If it's what I think it is, I can't wait to have it. I know I dropped enough hints LOL.
    I've written two more essays for Love, Hope and Life, I was "out of the loop" so to speak and only wrote two essays last month. Shame on me! It's a beautiful day, and I think I'll find some lunch and then go for a walk.
  8. Lost_Warrior
    Well, I'm back safe and sound in PA. I really missed Pennsylvania, and any thoughts I once had of moving out west are now completely gone. I love this place.
    Yesterday we went to Green Dragon...it's a HUGE flea market both indoors and outdoors. It's enormous. I didn't buy anything but a sno cone and a pretzel, but I had a good time just checking everything out.
    This afternoon my cousin is getting married. It's going to be so weird that Becky is going to be a Pearson instead of a McJilton! Ack! I'm really happy for her though; I hope she and her new husband are very happy. I made her a vase full of silk flowers for a wedding gift, and painted their names, and the date they will be married on it.
    I've come to the conclusion that my family has figured out that I'm Pagan, but are ignoring it. I'm not going to rock the boat and bring it up, they are rather Fundamentalist Christian (I wouldn't go so far as to call most of them "Fundy"...at least, if they were once, they've mellowed out quite a bit).
    The other day I officially dedicated myself to Morrigan. I've been dedicated to her for years, I just did it officially in ceremony the other day. Short, to the point, and spontaneous. I'm not sure why exactly she wanted me to do it but I did it anyway. Half the time I have no clue why gods want me to do things.
    I wrote a few more posts for Love, Hope and Life and I put in a table of contents. Breaks things up into slightly different categories and lists every post on the same page. It was a pain, now I'm just going to have to remember to update it every time I write a new post. I'm working on getting everything "set up" and then I'm going to initiate myself....on the surface it seems like an initiation is rather pointless, but it feels like the right thing to do. Plus, I want the experience of how ritual initiations work so that if I'm ever working on one for someone else, I'm not "flying blind". If I'm going to screw it up or have some sort of unforeseen undesired consequence, I want it to happen to me and not someone I'm working with.
    Today I finally was able to speak to my friend, who is having a very rough time of it. It's a huge load off my mind to hear from her that she's doing quite well. I am still worried about her, and have been for some time; but it was nice knowing that she's alive and well, and that the prospects for her future are indeed bright.
    Tomorrow I'm going to New Hope and it promises to be an excellent day!! I'm going to get some Dragon's Blood oil (real thing, and scented. Not the fake stuff I have now, or alternately the stuff that has no scent) and a set of Rune stones. I have been looking for the Runes but haven't found them yet, I know where I will probably get them. They're calling me, I think I'm ready for them now.
  9. Lost_Warrior
    Ye gods, today has been a day!! I'm exhausted!!
    I've now got not one, but two jobs "on the line". Yesterday I put in an application at the Dushore Market...again. This morning, after going on a mad search for a wood burning tool, I picked up a newspaper and saw an ad for a machine operator at HTM. I went up and applied, except they were only looking for night shift (shift ending at midnight). I told them I really didn't want to work nights, but I put in an application anyway, and he said he'd keep it on file in case a day position opened up.
    I got home and talked to my mom, and she said I *should* take the night position (I don't know why really) and I had been thinking about it, so I called them and said I'd be willing to try the night position. He said he'd still look for day hours for me. So I am expecting to hear from him in a few days. Everyone seems so happy there!! It seemed just perfect!
    Right after I got off the phone with him, I got a call for an interview at the Market. I went, and I was very upfront with the guy about waiting to hear back from that other job. The Market job seems a lot better, in terms of hours, distance and pay (the man from the shop offered me less than minimum wage...I'm assuming that is a mistake on his part as I didn't even know when minimum wage went up). So now I'm supposed to call him on Tuesday and let him know what's going on with this other job prospect.
    Now I really don't know what to do. I really think it would be better for me to work at the Market, but I don't want to blow my chances on either place until I see what's going on. I'm pulling my hair out here!! But I've got until Tuesday to decide, so I'm going to try to take it easy.
    I just put up another Wordpress blog for all of my artwork. There isn't much in there yet, but it's here: Earth and Fire.
  10. Lost_Warrior
    My first two days of work have been tough. Yesterday was bad because I had practically no sleep for the two nights before that. Today went fairly well, and I am really starting to enjoy it...but I'm still hoping that I made the right choice, because I'm having "darker moments" of extreme doubt...which I really don't understand. I go from feeling like this job is the best thing that could have happened to me to feeling like I've had a bad feeling about it all along and I should have listened to myself and now I'm "stuck"... I did kind of want for this job *not* to work out so I could just take the job at the Market and everything would be easy...but this job is perfect in so many ways!! The hours are great, the pay is OK (not great, but not terrible either), my boss and coworkers are *really* laid back, and so far the job has been really easy and relatively safe as well.
    I really don't understand these moments of doubt...it feels almost like I'm bipolar or something. The past week has been downright awful...I don't know if it's hormones or what. I am feeling pretty crummy right now as a matter of fact. It doesn't feel like blood sugars...because blood sugars cause different symptoms than this. I'll be feeling great, and relaxed, and carefree one minute, and the next I won't even be able to remember ever having been happy or imagine ever being happy again!! This SUCKS!! And I really don't know what's causing it, which double sucks!!!
  11. Lost_Warrior
    ...and looks like it's going to have to be sent back. There's what looks like a crack, or at least, a shoddy glue job, where the two pieces of the frame meet. At the very least, it will probably effect the sound. Still waiting to hear back from the girl I bought it from, to see if it's an issue. Mom is *insisting* that it's not a problem but I think it probably is.
  12. Lost_Warrior
    It HAS been a while. My presence on all of my 'usual hangouts' has been greatly reduced. I'm sure you guys know that I've been struggling with some sort of depression...so here's the REST of the story.
    I'd been slowly 'losing my grip' for months now. Most noticeably since Christmas, when I started having panic attacks. Well, about a month ago I guess it was now, a very dear friend of mine became ill (he has a chronic illness) and was in the hospital for a time. Then I stopped hearing from him. Turns out, he was busy with work, but that is NOT what I was thinking. Mind, I was already 'losing it' and this was a LONG time in coming. But for three days about a month ago, I was in such a bad way that I nearly called off work to check myself into a psych ward. About a week after that, I nearly didn't make it OUT of the bathtub one Saturday night.
    I finally got the nerve to talk to my mom about it, and it turns out that this is largely genetic. Everyone from my great grandmother straight down the line has some sort of anxiety disorder. My great grandmother and grandmother are both on medication.
    Picking up the phone to call the counseling center was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.
    So these past few weeks I've been trying to hold it together, trying to apply for Medicaid, and all that happy horse crap.
    Now for the better news:
    I met with my therapist for the first time on Wednesday, and I have a partial diagnosis: Generalized Anxiety Disorder. She asked me how I felt about medication, and I said that I'm not drastically opposed to it (I used to be...but that first week changed my mind) but I would rather try other things first. I am going to be doing cognitive behavioral therapy (I only have a vague idea of what that is.)
    It's REALLY scary for me to talk to a therapist. I think I talked her head off just because I was so nervous...I am hoping that next appointment will go better, because, well, I'm scared. LOL
    My next appointment isn't until March 13th, but I do have some homework and I'm getting along alright.
    The best part is, I am not paying a dime for my treatment. The county is paying for it all.
    I'm feeling wordy today, so I am jumping back into the forums a bit.
  13. Lost_Warrior
    Her name is Josie. I had to practically chase the mailman to get her but she's HERE!!!!
    I spent a few frustrating hours getting her set up, but now I'm laying on the couch watching TV and posting blogs like a good little lazy techie.
    It took a little while, but I'm getting used to the keyboard and touchpad and I LOVE IT!!!!!
    :D :D
    Now if only Kitten would get on so I can bug him on webcam.
    Tomorrow is Friday. ME SO HAPPY!!!
    I didn't think I would, but I love the Google desktop. I was trying to figure out how to turn the damn thing off when I realized "hey I kinda like this" so I started playing with it. It's really neat! I put the scratchpad gadget on mine. Purdy!!!
  14. Lost_Warrior
    For the first time in literally months and I feel GREAT!!! I had forgotten how awesome it could be to just dance with no purpose in mind (as opposed to dancing in order to work some Big Time Mojo during which I always wear myself out and leave myself feeling rather icky for days afterwards). WOO!!!
    I just received a signed copy of Gladiatrix to review for UNRV which I can't wait to get started on it! I've been busy though, I plan on starting it this weekend.
    Tomorrow I'm going hunting for Indian artifacts if the weather holds. I'm going to be tired tomorrow night, though, because I am going after work. I'm not working 9 hour days, starting at 6 am, so I'm keeping myself pretty well beat.
    This weekend was the Pow Wow and I had an amazing time! I danced, and danced...and my legs STILL hurt. But I'd do it again tonight, pain and all. I LOVE Pow-Wows and this one was particularly amazing.
    If anyone is wondering the Beltaine ritual went splendidly.
  15. Lost_Warrior
    Well, to make a perfect end to the clusterfluck week...I wound up having (minor) surgery today.
    I had a cyst near my belly button...as a result I had to be cut open and it drained. I had to remove the jewelery until it heals which means it'll probably grow shut and need repierced. *sigh* That's the last thing I wanted (well rejection would be worse but...) but right now I'm more worried about the wound healing than losing my navel ring.
    The PA that did the procedure is awesome though. Nephele you would love him. He's covered in tattoos, had zippers in the sleeves of his lab coat (so that he could roll them up easily) and a leather watch with an iron cross on it. Had the radio on while he did the procedure. And halfway through cutting into me and says "have you ever been to Burning Man? You have to go to Burning Man."
    We spent the whole time talking about Burning Man while he was cutting the cyst out. LOL And then afterwards he took me into his office to show me a picture from Burning Man. LOL!!!
  16. Lost_Warrior
    The rough draft is finally done! I've sent it to PP for editing, hopefully it will be published soon (and NO "sneak peaks" you guys ) YAY! I took long enouh with it...I really hope it turns out to be worth the wait. I may write another one sometime soon but lets get this one off the ground first
    I've moved my bird and flower art into it's own gallery as I'm sure some of you noticed. (it's easier to show it to people that way...I have a few friends and relatives that love to look at my artwork ) and I'm hoping to be adding more soon.
    I've got two study halls every day now, YAY I'll have lots of time to work on writing, actually do my chem homework, and read the books that my english teacher has been thinking I've read...
    Oh yea, I got my report card today. 83 in AP chem again! YAY! EIGHTY-THREE! EIGHTY-THREE! EIGHTY-THREE! WhOoT! lol I feel special...
  17. Lost_Warrior
    I finished the article and it's waiting to be published, go me!
    [edit]I just realized it IS published! thanks guys! It can be found on the UNRV homepage!
    I got another 83% in AP Chem
    I went to the Sportsman's Show in Harrisburg on Friday and let me tell you, it's worth a trip, but you really cannot see it in one day. It TOTALLY redefines the word "huge". (I got a pretty little piece of agate from the Yellowstone River there. It kind of looks like a lopsided arrowhead and it's all polished up. I turned it into a necklace )
    I FINALLY turned my lab report in today, this isn't a good thing because it was due last Wednesday. I was a bit upset that I couldn't get it done before now but I'm glad it's done. Now I have an English project to contend with, which won't be too big a deal because it's art...but it's still annoying
    My art teacher loved my newest paintings, I can't wait to do more but I don't think they'll happen tonight.
    Oh yea, I'm building an Atlatl in shop (it's a device that can throw a six foot dart upwards of 100 yards...and sometimes at 85 mph) I'm really proud of it, I stained it black and painted red markings on it. It looks really cool. I'm going to do the same thing with the darts. (Most just left it boring wood colors and hardly finished lol). I'll post a picture when I get it done and bring it home
  18. Lost_Warrior
    Well, I've finally, FINALLY gotten through that book I was reading (I spent several hours just reading on saturday). Now, finally, I get to start on the two Eagle books I have!! I don't expect them to take as long as the other one did.
    I found out last week that I won 50$ just by...doing nothing!! And I am getting a silver and lab-grown alexandrite ring for about 10$ (thanks Ebay!). I found my mom an awesome amethyst ring, and I know she will love it.
    Last night I wanted to get started reading but ended up watching my coworker's kid (which included kicking the other babysitter out...the other babysitter was happy enough to leave and I know she didn't know me, which pretty much explains why my coworker did not trust her). That was a pain, but I was happy to do it for a friend.
    Someone spoke to me yesterday, and recognized my septagram, and gave me her email. I gave her mine, too, and I'm hoping that she will contact me, because I lost her email addy somehow! I think I know where she lives and am thinking of leaving a (non-specific, incase its the wrong house!) note on her door if we don't come in contact again.
  19. Lost_Warrior
    I'm feeling much better now, and I am enjoying my two days off from work. I am thinking of getting together with a few friends later. This week was interesting, but now it's over, and I'm glad. The other day I woke up feeling like I'd been dragged through a sick cow backwards, but once I got to work my health seemed to improve drastically, and I felt great yesterday; the only thing I have left is a bit of a cough and that is fading rapidly.
    I got a very pleasant surprise the other night; I'm having a huge disagreement (the details of which I will not go into) with some people on a forum that I used to be a regular on. It's several of us against the two "owners" of the forums, who are flat out wrong if not flat out lying, and it's infuriating. Most of us just left, but I and one friend of mine stuck around to try to "make them see the light" (BTW this almost never works, so I don't know why I try.) But the thing is, the one girl who has always been a bitch to me and my friend, and who I could never stand (I eventually just didn't give her any thought) started standing up to the two "owners" of the forum alongside my friend and I. I couldn't believe it. And I asked for her messenger info, she gave it to me in a private message, along with an apology for her bad behavior in the past! I nearly fell off my chair and died. Though to be honest, I probably deserved a lot of the things she's said to me, but not all of them.
  20. Lost_Warrior
    The weather is freakin' gorgeous! 70+ degrees and sun, AND I had off all weekend! On saturday my mom and I went shopping, and then we went out to dinner with her friend. I had a great time, and I really enjoyed getting to spend time with my mom (we rarely have a day off together). On sunday I spent some time outside, in the woods, meditating. I wrote my "rite of passage" ritual that I'm going to use when I go to MN, and I talked to the people I'm going to be staying with on the phone for about 3 hours. They are really cool. Al (the blacksmith) had me in stitches laughing the whole time, he's a hoot!
    My dad is being a donkey's behind about my going to MN. You see, the guy I'm staying with has PTSD, and my dad is of course saying nothing but "he's crazy as a loon!". I know my dad is overreacting. I think he just wants out of any involvement in this. No matter; I've pretty much decided on taking a train to MN, and made some arrangements from that end. All that matters is if I catch the train up here, or go all the way down there to catch one so that he can come with. Personally I'm leaning towards the former, based on his reaction. He even sent me an article from MSN news about cyber stalkers...forgetting of course that I've been corresponding with these people for two years before they even HAD a working computer!! I really don't want a how many hour? really awkward train ride with my dad.
    Today I'm going to stop by my friend's before work. I spoke to her for a long while on the phone last weekend, and I'm going to stop by to see her on my way to work.
  21. Lost_Warrior
    OK, I must deserve some sort of prize for this one. You know, for my superior grace and dignity.
    Here's the story:
    I was coming down with an ear infection this weekend. Now, I'm prone to ear infections, especially in my right ear. I know what they feel like. They can be excruciating! Normally, I would get myself to the doctor for antibiotic drops STAT however it was Sunday. I was no way no how going to the emergency room for an ear infection, so I did what I could to patch myself up at home. If it wasn't better by today, I planned to see a doc.
    To that, I added a prayer to my deities and a promise of a half a bottle of sparkling grape juice (I normally offer a few ounces every week) and this was accepted. I got the feeling that it was accepted immediately, and lo and behold, this morning, my ear was feeling much better and continued to get better throughout the day. (Keeping in mind, that it had gotten bad enough that it *doesn't* improve with home remedies. It was well beyond "I feel one coming on" and had gotten into "definitely infected" territory).
    As promised, I poured the half bottle (more than that, actually) into my libation bowl on my altar. A whole bottle wouldn't have fit even; the bowl was quite full. I said a few quick words of thanks and left it on my altar for a few hours. After that, I planned to take it outside and pour it into the ground; I don't like to leave juices on my altar overnight they tend to turn sour.
    I *planned* to take it outside; here's what really happened:
    I picked up the bowl, and took it out of my room, as usual. I started to walk down the steps, carefully (!) carrying the bowl. Halfway down the steps, I slipped. Classic, feet in the air, flat on my ass, butt plant in the middle of the stairs. A veritable fountain of grape juice all OVER the stairs. All OVER the walls. All OVER my clothes, AND my head. I screamed and sat there quite stunned for a moment. Commenced swearing. Got up, started scrubbing as best I could, the grape juice out of the stairs and off the walls. Pour what's left of grape juice outside. Come inside, change clothes, take a second shower, wash grape stained clothes.
    Whoever decided that stairs should be carpeted must DIE I tell you!!! Fortunately the carpet is old, ugly, patterned and pretty non-stainable. Nothing will show up on it.
    I don't know what hurts worse; my ass or having to clean up the mess!!
    So who did I piss off?
  22. Lost_Warrior
    Well, my hands are blistered, and my heels are blistered (boots not broke in), I've spark burns on my arms and I'm covered in all sorts of filth...
    I finished my first blade today. Not my first successful blade, the first one EVER...and it was successful. Not perfect, but really not bad at all for a first try. I'm absolutely stoked.
    I'm so happy to be here now, it feels almost like I've lived here all of my life. I had a great discussion with Kathy last night about energy, past lives, etc. She understands about *everything* I never discuss except for anonymously online. It's GREAT to be able to have a face-to-face conversation about that stuff.
    Dinner is almost done, I'm running off!
  23. Lost_Warrior
    Wow, it's been a while since I updated this; it's been a while since I updated my other blog too. Al is keeping me busy, between working the forge, fishing, and occasionally getting to go with him when he works with horses.
    I'm really starting to "get the hang of" this, and he's started turning me loose in the shop and leaving for the day. Yesterday I made a paper towel and tp holder, and the day before that, a decorative hinge. The blisters on my hands have healed and I actually have forearms now! I actually don't know if my family will recognize me when I get back.
    Yesterday was the Solstice and we had a bonfire to celebrate. No one we invited showed up, but it was cool anyway. Today I'm going with Al when he works on some horses, and I might get to ride one of them! And tomorrow we're going to a horse show. I love horses, but I'm too small of frame to actually shoe them.
  24. Lost_Warrior
    I suppose I should count myself VERY lucky concerning today's events. And I feel quite free to laugh about them now.
    So today started out relatively normal; I got up at 5:05 or so...I have to leave at 5:30 mind you to get to work. But this is normal, and I usually wind up leaving at about 5:35 and getting there five minutes or so early.
    So I'm driving to work, as usual. I am almost there, and just as I am entering New Albany (I'm slowing down, as the speed limit changes from 45 to 25 right up ahead) I go around a blind turn. And there, right in the middle of my lane is...
    A deer.
    Sprawled completely across my lane. Quite obviously DOA, and very much in my way. Now, I came around the turn going probably 35 mph...when I saw the unfortunate creature I slammed on my brakes. To late, of course, to stop completely. I could not swerve right, there was not enough room. If I'd swerved left, I would have had to be in the other lane. Nothing was coming, however I had no time to swerve, either. So I aimed my car directly for it, thinking if I "straddled it" I would do the least amount of damage to my 2 year old car.
    Keep in mind, the bumper of my car is only about a foot off of the road. It's a small car, with a low hanging plastic bumper, and low profile tires.
    So, inevitably, I hit the deer, going about 15 or 20 mph...I would guess. And drove over it. My front right tire, I think, went over the head. The rest passed under my car; scraped my undercarriage...
    And left my car completely undamaged. Now, I do have a few hairs on my bumper and underneath the car. I do have a "hot dead meat" smell when I drive the car. What I don't have, is a single scratch from the incident.
    In hindsight, it's pretty amazing. And pretty funny. I bet it was hilarious from an "outside" point of view; a small, sporty Ford Focus driving completely over a deer. One expects this sort of behavior from the drivers of large, tough SUV's...not small sedans.
    I'd already knew my car handled snow well. Now I know it handles deer well as well.
    So, I'm at work, and it's almost lunch time. Scratch that, it IS lunch time. I'm deburring a part and the scraper slips--I slice my thumb open, and it immediately starts bleeding like crazy. Now, as soon as I finish deburring these three parts (I'm working on the first of them) I can go to lunch. Wiping the blood off on my pants doesn't work; it just keeps bleeding, so I grab a shop towel and wrap my thumb in it, and try to hold it there while I keep working. When I'm done (not an easy feat with a towel wrapped around your thumb) I ask my boss for a bandaid.
    Now, I'm hungry. Have been for an hour or more. Usually, my own blood does not bother me...to badly. But I'm hungry, and the cut is deep (into the meat) I can tell by the feel. I notice the depth of it when I'm washing it off and waiting for my boss to return with the bandaid. So, while he bandages my hand, I sit on the arm of a chair, staring at the ceiling, trying not to pass out. The blood didn't bother me a bit, but the knowledge that I'd cut into the muscle, did.
    As soon as he's done I grab my lunch...and sit there for a few minutes waiting till the dizziness passes. Then I get some sugar (gatorade) in me and chow down. I return to work, feeling OK and finish my shift.
    I was going to wash my car on the way home, but the way this day has been (two bad incidents and two "near misses" that could have been worse), I decided to head straight home. The roads are still wet from the snow and rain, and it is salty, so washing my car today wouldn't do any good anyhow. I'll wash it sometime during the coming four day weekend.
  25. Lost_Warrior
    Most of my Brighid's Fire (the actual ritual part) was short, sweet and to the point. I lit a candle, said a few prayers, did a bit of healing work.
    The "prep work" took the majority of my evening. I started at about 3.30 or so...painting a bottle to go on my shrine (it's sitting next to it as it's too big to go ON the shrine, it looks silly and easily tipped over.)



    Then I spent...close to two hours painting my legs with indigo. The indigo painting, for me, is part art, part therapy, and part religious observance. Some people might think it's crazy to spend hours painting something just to have it gradually disappear over the next week...but it's impermanence means I get to do it all over again!!! :yay:

    Left leg:

    Right leg:

    I'm glad Brighid seems to encourage displaying work done in her honor!
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