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Blog Entries posted by Lost_Warrior

  1. Lost_Warrior
    My new computer arrived today. It was interesting getting it to connect to the internet, and using this new Windows Vista is a trip LOL. But so far I like it. It's tiny, and I have my monitor sitting on top of the PC (because the PC is rather "flat" with feet on the side of the case as well...so it's clearly designed to lie on it's side...besides that the disk drive is sideways.) It's a much smaller HD than I had before, but I think part of my problem may have been too much power and no idea how to use it/maintain it. So I'm going to try a much smaller system.
    The new IE isn't bad, I'm not trying Firefox until the bugs are worked out of it. I haven't used Internet Exploder in ages.... but it is very fast on this computer (when I can get the internet connection to work). It's a daunting prospect to try to teach my mom to use the computer all over again with the new Windows Vista...as my friend said "It's pretty"...the desktop background and screen savers are amazing...I can't say one way or the other about the rest of it. But compared to my old lemon this new system literally *purrs* :wub:
    I had a heck of a time getting it here, I actually ended up making arrangements with my neighbor to sign for it. I'm really glad that worked out though. I haven't tried the new printer yet, I'll save that for another day.
    Work was very interesting this week, I have to work tomorrow and then I got two days off. I'm feeling a bit burnt out, and my ears are clogged (leftovers from that horrid flu) so I can't really hear. But other than that, I'm feeling quite healthy. The new SubWay at work is causing a lot of heartache for us workers, but I really do think that it is an improvement. Things are looking up.
  2. Lost_Warrior
    Well this week was very hectic. I got called in on my day off, and relapsed into my flu-like sickness because of it. Subway opened at our store on Wednesday, and it's been crazy busy ever since. I really hope that things settle down a bit because no one is getting their work done for doing Subway.
    On Monday my computer broke but it spontaneously fixed itself.
    I had a lot of loose ends tied up this week, I got my car fixed from that parking lot oopsie way-back when, and some other issues that have been worrying me were resolved. Overall it's been a productive week, and I am pleased.
    I am having this weekend off again, and I had this sinking feeling I would be called in. My manager asked me if I wanted to get some overtime, but I declined. I'm feeling like crap again (actually, I have called off sick today because of it) and I told her I think I really need the time off to recover from me ongoing (2+ week) illness. She said that if I changed my mind and was feeling better, to give her a call she could really use some help this weekend. I'll think about it.
    I got my new hand drum, and I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of a beautiful amethyst ring from Israel (made by the same guys who made my mozambique garnet one). I'm burning some "pinon pine" resin and it smells WONDERFUL. It's my favorite, along with Dragon's Blood. (I also have Myrrh, Frankincense, and Copal Resin. The Myrrh is impure and makes a very odd and bad smell after the resin part of it burns away.)
  3. Lost_Warrior
    Well, the last part of my "easter" present came today: a small brass cauldron in which to burn my incense. It was a grave disappointment. I wasted two charcoal tablets because they refused to burn properly in that small cauldron; they became starved of oxygen, and quickly went out. Once the igniter stuff is gone from them they are impossible to relight.
    I did get figured out how to light it safely though. Going back to the brass bowl filled with sand that I'd wanted to use to begin with, I put the whole kit n' caboodle in the bathtub, with the shower curtain pulled out of the way, and lit it. The sparks can't go anywhere then! And the icky charcoal lighter smoke doesn't end up in my room, either. It ends up in the bathroom. I'm such a sh*thead!
  4. Lost_Warrior
    My mom gave me my "Easter" present today, even though the last part isn't here I already had something suitable. It's just what I wanted, and expected: resin incense with charcoal tablets. We gave it a test run downstairs, where my mom could be there to help keep an eye on it because neither of us had ever done it before. It's interesting to light, instead of flaming at first like normal charcoal, it sparks and smokes in a manner that threatens to set things around it on fire! That rather quickly subsides, however it's quite frightening! The stuff burns quite a long time, I'm not entirely sure how long one tablet will burn, but now that it's not sparking or anything, I really don't think the fire can go anywhere. The bowl its in is barely even warm.
    The resin incense (in this case, Dragon's Blood but I have a few different ones) smells *divine* and the charcoal, though it has a slight odor, doesn't give off many fumes. That means, no "punk and wood" smell left over in the room like happens with stick incense, and I can seriously see myself starting to love this stuff, I just have to find a way to control that sparking! It burns long after it becomes useful for incense though, because once it gets REALLY burning (white all over) everything you put on it just evaporates in a puff. It smells good, but doesn't last long at all. Although when it first lights it's good, and a small bit of resin will last a good fifteen minutes.
    I also got my new scanner, which works wonderfully. I'm sure some of you have noticed the updates in my gallery
    I'm ill again, with flu like symptoms, but I'm hoping that will soon pass. I didn't get much rest at all the other night, which is a likely culprit, combined with stress. I managed to score a whole weekend off! This is the first time in probably over a month. I think it was a little "thank you" gift from my manager, because I agreed to give up two days off in a row and work a dreaded morning shift for her because she had no one else to work that shift.
  5. Lost_Warrior
    For my new scanner to get here. I hated using my camera to get my artwork online, and my old scanner is beyond worthless, so I decided to get a new one. My dad sent me a Circuit City gift card, but, much to my surprise and dismay, the local Circuit City does not carry flatbed scanners! I've ordered one online and received conformation last night that it has been shipped. I cannot wait till it gets here!
    I have managed to get my hands on a copy of Roman Sex and have taken a break from Simon Scarrow to read it. Nonfiction is my true favorite thing to read, and I got halfway through this book in a matter of an hour or so! Of course, it helps that it's mostly pictures, but I am enjoying it. My mother found a copy of another book, I believe it's called Sexuality in Ancient Rome for 94 cents and she got it for me for Easter.
    The last part of my Easter present should be arriving any day now, I know my mom is going to give it to me as soon as it gets here. If it's what I think it is, I can't wait to have it. I know I dropped enough hints LOL.
    I've written two more essays for Love, Hope and Life, I was "out of the loop" so to speak and only wrote two essays last month. Shame on me! It's a beautiful day, and I think I'll find some lunch and then go for a walk.
  6. Lost_Warrior
    I got so much done today. I've no sign of the flu left, and the depression I had been sinking into has completely lifted.
    I have written a rather lengthy essay for Love, Hope and Life and I have added a few things to the Resources section of Hidden Worlds. I have also found a very nice skin for my blog, which is just what I was looking for (two columns, customizable header without getting rid of the blog subtitle; and it comes in colors that I love, with no weird symbols anywhere!) I'm in heaven...
    I'm actually feeling ready to go back to work tomorrow, so perhaps I'm still ill after all! But a lot of the issues recently plaguing me have been resolved, and I feel like I am able to tackle life again.
  7. Lost_Warrior
    I'm feeling much better now, and I am enjoying my two days off from work. I am thinking of getting together with a few friends later. This week was interesting, but now it's over, and I'm glad. The other day I woke up feeling like I'd been dragged through a sick cow backwards, but once I got to work my health seemed to improve drastically, and I felt great yesterday; the only thing I have left is a bit of a cough and that is fading rapidly.
    I got a very pleasant surprise the other night; I'm having a huge disagreement (the details of which I will not go into) with some people on a forum that I used to be a regular on. It's several of us against the two "owners" of the forums, who are flat out wrong if not flat out lying, and it's infuriating. Most of us just left, but I and one friend of mine stuck around to try to "make them see the light" (BTW this almost never works, so I don't know why I try.) But the thing is, the one girl who has always been a bitch to me and my friend, and who I could never stand (I eventually just didn't give her any thought) started standing up to the two "owners" of the forum alongside my friend and I. I couldn't believe it. And I asked for her messenger info, she gave it to me in a private message, along with an apology for her bad behavior in the past! I nearly fell off my chair and died. Though to be honest, I probably deserved a lot of the things she's said to me, but not all of them.
  8. Lost_Warrior
    My birthday dinner...sucked. We got to the restaurant to find a note on the door "As of Feb. 26 we will be closed on Mondays." Just my luck. It's nearly a forty minute drive to the next nearest eating spot, and I am carsick. Have been nauseous since an hour before leaving. Come home from dinner and am very dizzy, can't even sit up let along stand. I flip out at my mom for smoking in the house again, as it makes me sick and causes my throat to burn.
    She blames blood sugars. I blame the flu that's going around. I only worked three hours today, and that was because there was no one to cover for me until 5:30. I woke up this morning at 8:30 and couldn't stand to be in bed anymore...it seems to have gone directly into my chest.
    When I got to work I was feeling much better, but it got worse from there. By the end of my three hours I was about ready to drop; I was more than a little thankful for it to be over.
    I have to work tomorrow, and Saturday and Sunday too. I'm going to bed, hoping that I am well enough tomorrow to pull of a Friday shift without issue. Mom has taken to smoking in the basement but I can still smell the smoke; it's making my nose itch unbelievably. I do not understand how *anyone* can even consider liking those awful commercial cigs.
    My schedule doesn't suck so much this week. Three more days and I get two days off in a row. YAY! I'm hoping I will be well by then; the only thing worse than having to work when you're sick, is suffering through your days off with the flu.
    I'm feeling :stretcher:. I would like to be :drunk:.
  9. Lost_Warrior
    So far, so good. Of course, I have to go to work later, but that hopefully won't suck.
    The one thing that pissed me off yesterday was my coworker bitching at me for not filling the coffee cup lids. Now, last night, we really WERE busy, plus I couldn't find the lids. Not only that, it's not my job. And though I usually do it, she says that I *never* do it. Despite the fact that I do it, despite it actually being deli responsibility (and has been for some months).
    So she's bitching at me for NOT doing something that I DO, even though I'm not supposed to. She gripes so much anymore, I don't know what her problem is. I told her to leave me the hell alone as I walked out the door.
    I got a wonderful little surprise in my drawer yesterday, a *Greek* coin! The woman tried to give it to me thinking it was a fifty cent piece. I told her I couldn't accept it, but on closer inspection I went "holy crap! It's Greek!" She let me buy it off of her for a quarter, which I did and tucked it in my pocket.
    My mom gifted me with a stunning mozambique garnet ring. It was hand made in Isreal. I love Ebay. These garnets are very oddly cut, I've never seen a stone cut like this but it's amazing, and the color is just glorious!
  10. Lost_Warrior
    I didn't think I would ever get it done, but I did. My review of The Eagle's Conquest has been sent to Viggen for publication. It's been several months now, since I started reading the book. I promised you a review to come soon, thinking that I would read quickly but alas, life got in the way. Now, finally, I've finished the book and have written the review.
    Time to celebrate! :drunk:
    I have tomorrow and Friday off, which I am very happy about. Our one assistant manager quit at a pretty bad time, so my schedule got rearranged. I'm back to forty hours a week, which is a mixed blessing. I will have to start training for Subway in a couple weeks, which will be a welcome change of pace however I am unsure of my feelings about it. (The addition of SubWay will probably change the work environment quite a bit, and I don't like that prospect at all). The remodeling is scheduled to be done on March 17. If you look at the current status of the project, this date seems to be pushing it a little, however, hopefully, the new coolers should be up and running today. I kind of doubt it though, because of the heavy snow we have been getting since yesterday. I was sort of hoping that work would get called off, but alas, there is a reason I joke that our store is "open 24 hours-even if it's on fire". The snow is falling so fast that plowing is pointless; ten minutes after it's done it needs done again. I don't think the truck made it today, but I hope it did.
    My trip to Minnesota is scheduled for sometime in early June. I was hoping it would be sooner, but it's nearly definite now. I can't wait to get out of here! I don't know what I'll do when I get back, but I'm not going back to working at a gas station. No, never. This sort of work is not good for me, physically or mentally as I have seen in the past couple of months. Just three more months, and I can get the heck out of here!
    And now, I can start procrastinating on the next book in the Eagle series. It is upstairs on my shelf as we speak.
    I have so many books I don't know what to do with them all. The obvious answer is "read them" but alas I'm not quite the bookworm I used to be.
  11. Lost_Warrior
    A member of a pagan forum I frequent asked us to "rewrite" the Ten Commandments as they would be for our beliefs, if we had "commandments". This, of course, was an opportunity that I could not pass up. I have twelve just to be different
    It made me think anyay. My Twelve Commandments:
  12. Lost_Warrior
    I've finally paid the girl to get her car fixed, and they actually decided they wanted less money than they'd need to fix it. I wrote her a check, she wrote me a reciept (which I locked up in my safe). So that is taken care of. Now all I need is to pay my insurance and fix my car, and looking at my account balance I may just be able to do that without going into my savings! I am very much joyful about that, as the money I had fervently squirrelled away is money I had planned to use for my trip to Minnesota (hopefully with some left over when I get back).
    I haven't had a "sugar episode" in almost two weeks, which, if you had seen me two weeks previous, seems to be quite an accomplishment. I'm doing quite well now actually, and still getting better. My next challenge to myself is to get up at a reasonable hour. I lack the self discipline to pull that one off.
    I've been getting swelled up and itchy fingers and toes from the cold (happens every winter, grr) and nothing was working for them. I don't know what made me think of it, but I have some aromatherapy oil that I mixed up, I have no tincture of benzoin and the scent does not last long enough to be of any real value for aromatherapy. So for some odd reason or another, I rubbed the stuff into my hands and feet. My fingers and toes (which had been itching terribly, and making me do the "itchy foot dance") did not itch at all while I was at work yesterday, and the swelling is considerably down in them today. (It does help that I've been trying to avoid the cold as well.)
    I was playing around in the kitchen and decided to see what I could come up with that was something different. I wanted oatmeal, and so I started playing around with it. Here's what I came up with:
    Use actual rolled oats, not quick oats, please. ::shudders at the thought of glue quick oats:: Make the oats with milk, instead of water (just make it how you usually do, follow the directions on the box, whatever). When you're boiling the milk put a few shakes of cinnamon, an allspice berry or two, and a few cloves (I did not crush the cloves or allspice; you might want to). When the milk is boiling, add the oatmeal and cook as usual. (Don't freak when at first the cinnamon forms little lumps that look kinda funky...they'll go away). Serve with a spoonful of brown sugar.
    My next recipe is for fried apples. It's simple enough. Cut the apples into tiny pieces (not too tiny, bite sized) and coat them in brown sugar mixed with cinnamon. Heat some butter in a frying pan (get it pretty hot) and fry 'em up! Don't cook them *too* fast, you don't want the insides still cold and the outsides burnt
    And for good measure, spiced cider: Put your cider in a microwave safe mug, and nuke it for a few minutes. While it's in the microwave, crush up a few cloves and allspice berries (not too fine) and put them in a teaball. When the cider is good and hot, put the teaball in, and let it "steep" for about five minutes. Of course, you can probably do this on the stove, but for a redneck like me the micro is just as good. So is a soup can on a hot car engine, but I digress. (just kidding about that last one. No, really!)
    If you haven't noticed, cloves are my favorite spice, followed by allspice (followed by cinnamon, ginger, and garlic. Not all together, of course)
  13. Lost_Warrior
    Today I decided to cut my hair. Spontaneity turned out better this time than it has in the past; my hair was two distinctly different lengths and all split, so I just grabbed some scissors and started whacking. I don't think I did too bad, but the back IS a little uneven. I've got "kiddy steps" and I'm sure my mom will chastise me But overall I think it actually looks pretty good. I'm sure mom will disagree.
    I'm concreting my plans to head to Minnesota in the summer. Things are looking up! My mom wants me to call dad and get him to go with me. He wants to, too, but I wasn't sure. I will get him to go, to give them both peace of mind (and make the journey easier). This is something I need to do.
    I'm getting further in The Eagle's Conquest and am enjoying it once again. I am very behind on my reading; I'm happy to see myself doing some things I actually enjoy again. Today I may go to meet up with some friends. Maybe I'll have dinner with them again.
    These past few weeks (and months, in hindsight) I've been having some really bad issues with my blood sugars. It didn't get as bad as passing out and such, but it was pretty bad. I'm feeling much better now, thankfully. Things are looking up! I'm just trying to hold out in my current situation until summer.
  14. Lost_Warrior
    Things are really starting to slow down at work; this leaves me bored at times, but it's good, because it means I'm not often in a mood to remove people's heads or fling pizza pans as if they were frizbees. My life is finally starting to get "back to normal" so to speak.
    I've taken up "trance dancing", well not truely "trance dancing" at least not yet. Shall I call it "devotional dancing"? It was weird at first, I was embarassed to actually get up and do anything, so I ended up just sitting on the floor bobbing my head. I'm not embarassed anymore (why should I be? No one is watching!) and I must say, it does feel great to just get my butt off the floor and MOVE. It started out as a religious thing, and still is; but it's becoming more and more of a thereputic thing as well.
    My friend gave me an image rendering program called Mojo: my first attempts with it were just aweful, and took forever, but lately I've been coming up with some really cool stuff! I'm currently working on a world I started out calling "mistworld", but I'm working on a better name for it. For now lets just call it "Realm of Eternal Mist". I have a folder full of 44 renders of this same world in different views, different lighting, etc. I have become obsessed with it. Tomorrow I hope to go to the library and get a picture of it printed to hang on my wall
    It's too big for the page, and I'm too lazy to resize at this hour of the morning, so here's a link:
    I'm still working on the next book in the Eagle series. Not quite the bookworm I used to be. I keep getting distracted LOL but I'm enjoying it thus far. I also updated my Blog for anyone who is interested.
  15. Lost_Warrior
    This farking jackdonkey is on another forum that I frequent. You know, the one who wrote an entire article about my psychological problems? Yea, that one. Along with his girlfriend, the stalker. She's following my friend from forum to forum, joining after he does than accusing him of stalking her. I stopped believing he was stalking her the minute she initiated conversation with me, believing that I was him under another username. She changes her name but doesn't change her sig and icon.
    So Jackdonkey comes over, and starts arguments and fights, posting as a guest under the name "p". He doesn't even have the courage to register, or let anyone know who he is. The admin of the forum won't ban either of them, because she doesn't like to do that, but I can't stand them anymore; they should consider themselves banned from my forum, if they ever try to join it. The worst part is, people are actually defending these two. So here they are, playing the innocent victim, somehow getting at least one supporter. Jackdonkey want's to be martyred. Fine. Crucify his name.
    I go upstairs to take a nice shower, maybe calm down a bit and compose some poetry while I've got some time to myself. Yea. No farking hot water. When I've got half of me clean, mom shuts off the water without warning, because it is pouring out of the bottom of the heater. Oh, joy. There goes the rest of mom's savings; I'm trying very hard to keep as much of my savings as I can, even though I'll have to pay to fix two cars; I have plans for this summer and I'll need it. Mom has to pay to fix her truck, because it broke down, and now needs a new rocker panel to pass inspection.
    Maybe this is a kind of push to do something with my life besides my current job. Maybe it's a push to find some other way to make money, something I enjoy, like my artwork or writing. Just maybe.
  16. Lost_Warrior
    Yesterday a drive off, day before, a possible write-up. And now this.
    I knew before I even went to bed last night that I was going to be tested somehow today. I knew something was going to happen, but I couldn't sit around worrying about it. I had stuff to do.
    So if yesterday wasn't enough, I hit someone's car at work. I don't think the damage is bad, at least, not too bad. I don't know who owns the car so I left a note on the windshield with my name and phone number.
    When I came out of work a semi was parked behind my car. I cut the wheel sharp, fearing backing into the big rig. I forgot that when the back end goes left, the front end goes right. And right next to me was parked a nice, red, Monte Carlo. Yea, I made a stupid mistake. I guess I should be thankful no one was hurt, and no more damage was done. My bumper and quarter panel will probably need painted. Thier quarter panel will need painted as well.
    I just really, really, don't need this. And I've got five more days before I get a day off.
  17. Lost_Warrior
    I feel like I have some room to breath. The past few months since I started work I really haven't felt like myself, but I'm starting to have more "me" time and am actually beginning to feel like I'm getting something done again. I started The Eagle's Conquest and am really enjoying it. I'm also feeling more inspired with my writing, and I think I should start writing more poetry again (I haven't written any in...gods, months! I just hate feeling stressed and uninspired!).
    I'm working on something called The Seven Gates which I posted in my blog:
    It's far from complete, actually, I believe that bit of writing is complete but the self work that it's based on is far from complete. Besides that I may make it into a story of some sort.
    I've just won an Ebay auction for yet another piece of alexandrite jewelery (first the necklace, and now a ring to. This will be my second alexandrite ring). Lab grown alexandrite really isn't all that expensive, which is very good. My jewelery addiction is almost as bad as my Roman addiction!
    I'm enjoying this whole weekend off, but I will have to work eight days before my next chance to have some time off (that's right folks; I'm working Christmas!). That is going to be a real bear, but luckily all but one day is the shift I can actually tolerate (notice I said "tolerate". This job is definitely not where I can see myself in a few months, or even where I would like to see myself in five minutes. I have fun, but it's turning into one of those "soul crushing" jobs. Plus, they are really tightening down on the already semi-tight regulations. I swear, I seem to be wearing "bullsh*t attractant" or something. They want us working *constantly* for eight hours, with no breaks! Gah! and they've installed closed-circuit camaras to make SURE we don't take a minute to catch our breath. I'll stay, hopefully, through the winter and then come summer, if my plans work out or not, I'm looking for a new situation. Luckily right after Christmas they will be cutting back hours, I won't get any less than four days a week, but the extra time off is just what I need to keep feeling OK. )
    So I'm taking a deep breath, and enjoying tomorrow off. Then its "back to the grind" so, if you don't see too much of me until after Christmas you'll know why. I will perservere; and I won't forget about UNRV, I promise!
  18. Lost_Warrior
    Well, I've finally, FINALLY gotten through that book I was reading (I spent several hours just reading on saturday). Now, finally, I get to start on the two Eagle books I have!! I don't expect them to take as long as the other one did.
    I found out last week that I won 50$ just by...doing nothing!! And I am getting a silver and lab-grown alexandrite ring for about 10$ (thanks Ebay!). I found my mom an awesome amethyst ring, and I know she will love it.
    Last night I wanted to get started reading but ended up watching my coworker's kid (which included kicking the other babysitter out...the other babysitter was happy enough to leave and I know she didn't know me, which pretty much explains why my coworker did not trust her). That was a pain, but I was happy to do it for a friend.
    Someone spoke to me yesterday, and recognized my septagram, and gave me her email. I gave her mine, too, and I'm hoping that she will contact me, because I lost her email addy somehow! I think I know where she lives and am thinking of leaving a (non-specific, incase its the wrong house!) note on her door if we don't come in contact again.
  19. Lost_Warrior
    So the other night my assistant manager dropped a bomshell on me: she wanted me to be the other assistant manager. After having come there with absolutely no experience in the field, and working for four months. To be honest, I'd have no idea what I was doing, even though I would get training. I'd be making (weekly) more than twice what I make now.
    At first, I agreed to do it. But the night before that, I was lying in bed thinking how miserable I might be. I decided that the pros outweighed the cons and agreed, and the district manager said he thought it was a good idea too. However, the next night, I lay awake again thinking about how miserable I will be. You see, every other week as assistant manager is night shift (and I've never done overnight). It's like, major swingshift. I don't handle going between afternoon and morning shift well, let alone that. I also barely have time for the things that are important to me now, let alone if I am working 50+ hours a week (on salary pay, and that's where they get to screw you).
    Today I broke down in tears thinking about the huge promotion which should have been a good thing. Though today was my day off, I went down to talk to the assistant manager about it. I decided not to take the job. If it's that much stress, even just thinking about doing the job, then it's totally not worth it. Deciding not to take it feels like a huge weight off of my chest.
    On a more positive note, I've managed to land three days off in a row next weekend, so I'm going to see the other half of my family who live four hours away. It'll be a rushed trip, but it's better than nothing, and so I'm glad. We'll have to get my aunt to rig the pollyanna, because I already got Jenny's gift and no one told me they were doing a pollyanna. Oh well, Patty is good at that . She'll probably rig it so she gets me, too.
  20. Lost_Warrior
    ::glances around this poor, neglected catagory::
    Just yesterday I have started a blog for various religious essays. This will not be for "everyday stuff", but only for things about my personal path. I had started out with the intention of "starting a religion" but I realized that by believing as I do, and practicing as I do, I am effectively creating the path simply by walking it. I was inspired by someone else's religious essays, and decided to write my own. I figure it will help me to learn more about myself, which is my intention. And it may prove entertaining or helpful to others, which is an added bonus
    My blog is here: Love, Hope and Life
    I was inspired by this blog: Flamekeeping
  21. Lost_Warrior
    Well, good news bad news time. Good news: next week I'll be on my favorite evening shift ALL week. Bad news: this week is HELL.
    Monday night I had to work till 10:30, but I didn't actually get to leave untill 11, because of some issues with the shift change. I had to be in again at 6 am. OK, well that's sucky, but I can deal with it.
    So I get home yesterday, work went very well, and I am happy. I get online and find that this jackdonkey who I have had nothing but issues with in the past has posted an "essay" about the "psychology of bullies" giving detailed report of how he has been the victim of "my favorite bully". Of course, by "my favorite bully" he clearly meant ME. So, I tell him off in no uncertain terms, delete my account from his site, block him and delete the site from my favorites list.
    Then, I allowed myself a few hours of angry bitching about him, before making an addition to my Samhain ritual: I ritually banished him from my life. "I mean you no further harm, but I am freeing myself of you. Do not speak to me, do not think of me. You are dead to me." This leaves me no longer angry with him, or what he has done. However I cannot help but be hurt by it, and I think, understandably so. I got online later that night to find that he had posted the same thing on another site, of which I was a member first. I made sure my friends knew *my side* of the story, and reported his post to the admin. Of course, the admin publically praised him for making the post, AFTER I had reported it
    I then proceed to spend the evening with my friends. Much fun is had, until I return home. Knowing that I want to get some *decent sleep* I get to bed as soon as I think I will be able to sleep. A half an hour later, I get up. Someone has shot our house (with brand new, not even finished yet- siding!) with pink paintballs. I think, "I hope they didn't get my car too!" and go to check. I find that my car has been egged. The egging was done a while before, because it was already dried. Fortunately, though I was out at 11 PM cleaning eggs off of the back of my car, I got to it in time to save my paint. The only damage done was a few scratches caused by the shell hitting.
    As I am checking my car for further vandalism, I find that the front bumper is scratched, the paint is slightly (barely noticably) cracked, and it is covered in white streaks. The streaks cleaned off easily, but it appears as though I have hit something. I don't know what, where, or when. I would think it would be difficult to hit something and not know about it. However fortunately the damage is very minimal, only noticable if you look really close, and can probably be repaired by good use of rubbing compound.
    At 12 AM I finally am able to go to bed. (I gave up waiting for the cops, but my mom stayed up.) I get to sleep probably around 12:30, and I have to be up again at 5 and in to work at 6.
    My day at work sucked, this morning I felt as if I were on the verge of a nervous breakdown until about 10 AM. I am very grateful to my coworker, who helped me a great deal, and I did my best to help her to, when I started feeling more like myself again.
    There was something going on, I don't know what, but whatever it was, it wasn't good as our district manager was there, and everyone was in a frantic search for something, going through trash etc. I have suspicions...don't think I should discuss them though. Anyway, I wasn't the only one having "one of those days" and the district manager asked if I could stay a while longer, as they were changing the schedule around a bit as a result of the assistant manager needing to do management instead of deli duties. I agreed, and he thanked me as I left. "What for?" I asked, considering staying after as needed to be part of my job. My drawer was off a bit, and I hope that it is found, however I am not going to worry too much about it. I am too tired to care much at this point.
    I cannot wait for this week to be over!!!!
  22. Lost_Warrior
    As you've probably noticed, I've been a bit absent on the forums lately. I spent the past week or so at my neighbor's house, dogsitting. They had a computer (that works better than mine) but my time has been spent cleaning up messes and exploring new sites (I found an awesome Pagan Forum and have been spending time playing on there.
    I've also been stuck on the early shift (Oh, joy!) lately, and work has been taking up alot of my time. Between work, my internet not working, and trying to find time still to further my spiritual path (which I am taking much more seriously now) I've not had too much time to mess around on UNRV. Hopefully, that will change very soon.
    I still have several books that I plan on reading and reviewing for UNRV, but reading has been slow, I must find time to read as well. I swear, it didn't used to take me two months to finish one book
    I'm very happy to be home from the neighbors, I will not miss the sheer *joy* of climbing into bed at 1 am to find that the dog had pissed in it Also, theres something about the carpet at their house which makes it impossible to see stains. They can only be found by stepping in them, preferrably at 2:30 AM when I must be up to go to work at 4:30. It's great to be home.
    Yesterday we went to Sonestown Heritage where I found an awesome necklace for my mom (we bought each other early christmas presents, this pendant is worth far more than the fifteen bucks I paid for it. She bought me an amber and silver bracelet with celtic crosses.) and last weekend I bought a beautiful set of brass things for her for $6. I'm giving them to her as a solstice gift. She's pagan/taoist/buddhist so, the brass singing bowl (worth far more that the $6 I paid for it...and I got a whole set for that much!) incensce burner, little bowl, ashtray and silver thing, will be perfect for her.
  23. Lost_Warrior
    Well after several harrowing days on morning deli (ACK!) I finally got a couple of days on the evening shift again. Last night was rediculously busy, simply because it was Friday and also because today is the first day of archery season. I hope today isn't that busy. My coworkers on deli were about going nuts because we had non-stop sub orders.
    One of my customers (who has become a rather good friend of mine just by his coming in the store) told me where to get alexandrite (the lab grown variety) inexpensively. Mine arrived today in the mail and it is GORGEOUS!! Alexandrite is extraordinarily rare and usually very expensive. This is it's lab-grown counterpart, which is chemically and physically identical to a flawless natural alexandrite, I paid $30 for this one as opposed to the several thousand (!) that a natural stone of similar quality and size would cost. Alexandrite, if you have never been "blessed" with having seen it and consequently become obsessed with it, is a nifty little gem which appears green in sunlight or flourescent light and red in incandescent or firelight. I first saw it at Kay jewelers, when I was simply window shopping (I cannot afford anything from there) and I fell *in love* with it, so that I would go to Kay just to stare at the alexandrites. I bought a setting for this one and set it myself into a necklace, my mom said it would be a pain in the butt to set the stone, however I had absolutely no trouble with it and it only took me a couple of seconds to get it set. It's a good sized pear shape on a simple silver chain, too big for a ring, though I thought of putting it in a ring it would look..."hokey" and besides, my hands get bashed around alot.
    I actually look forward to seeing my friend at work now, as he comes in almost every night. Last night he showed me a black diamond, I'd never seen one and I thought they were a metaphor or something, but they do exist LOL. We compare gemstones when there's no other customers in the store
  24. Lost_Warrior
    (now please, go crawl in a hole and die!)
    That's what I felt like saying most of the day today.
    I had to work the deli this morning, and I HATE deli in the morning. I'm willing to do it, but it is far from my favorite thing, I was alone on deli this morning and still not entirely sure what I was supposed to be doing or how. I had no problem with *being* on deli because they wanted to train the new girl on register, and so they asked me to switch over to deli. Of course, the new girl was sick and wasn't going to be there, so I got up earlier and got to work earlier for no apparent reason.
    I started out having a very good head start on things, however that quickly went downhill. We were busy as all GET OUT! (something I also felt like saying most of the day) and it took me an hour to do things that should have taken fifteen minutes. The chicken was frozen when I needed it, someone has messed with the temperature settings on everything so the hot dogs were cold and the soup was scorching, I had no time to make the pizzas, I also had to bake things on top of everything else (something I never did get finished.) I felt like I was trying to be in three places at once, I cannot POSSIBLY reach the pizza oven from the deli counter, I just can not do it! Then a woman comes in and says she wants a "regular sub" and I asked her what kind of sub she wanted. She replied "a REGULAR sub. I want a REGULAR sub." as if I'm supposed to know what that means. I said (perhaps a bit testy at this point) "what kind of sub do you want? we have ham, turkey, italian..." she cut me off with "I want a REGULAR sub. I don't need your attitude. I'm leaving." at which point my manager comes out to see what's going on, asks the lady what she wants and she repeats the same answer. Of course, my manager does not know what she means either, and is trying to explain to the woman that "regular sub" is simply not in our terminology and no one here knows could possibly know what she means...(turns out she meant an *american* sub...something that I'd never even heard of before I started work!)
    They told me that we were usually that busy in the mornings, but I'd never seen it that busy. It was insane, and they told me "this is normal" (looking at the paperwork at the end of my shift, and the amount of sales, I do not think that it was normal at all actually ). Because I *love* deli so much, and managed to stop myself from simply running around in circles screaming, I am being asked to work deli tommorow morning too, because I "need more practice". Which I do, but first I'd like some time to get my head on straight.
    I had a couple of bright spots in my day, the first being that I found a silver quarter in my drawer as I was counting it first thing this morning. When I did my paperwork at the end of my shift, it came out *to the penny* which has only happened once before. I was ecstatic.
    I was driving home and a lady was walking down the road, she signalled me that she wanted a ride. I almost drove right past, but something told me "stop for this lady" and even though I really don't pick up hitch hikers on principle, I stopped. (I really don't know why I did. It was like I just could not drive past. Something seemingly outside of myself removed my foot from the gas pedal to the brake, without my even thinking about it). I asked her where she was going and it was only a few miles out of my way so I said "hop in" and I took her home. (she had wrecked her car). She was very nice, and very thankful that I had given her a ride. I recognized her, she comes into my store alot although I did not know her name. She had signalled for a ride because she had mistaken me for her friend, but I stopped and I'm glad I did, the distance she had to go would have been horrible to walk, and it started to rain.
  25. Lost_Warrior
    I know, this poor little blog over in the corner has been neglected lol.
    I managed to get Saturday off of work so that I could go to the Bowhunters' Festival, and I had a blast. I got my arrows cut, finally, found some very pretty feather roses (they are gorgeous! A waste of money, but gorgeous! lol), and I got a beautiful little antler-handled knife to add to my collection We ran into one of my friends from school and ended up taking her home so she could stay to see the bluegrass band play, she and her mom had been there all day and her mom wanted to leave. I ended up trying to drag her out to dance, and she pinched me, so now I have bruises on my arms and hands Actually, there were several others dancing, all of whom had beer cans in thier hands. I don't know how they managed to dance without spilling any, especially when they fell down. It was great fun
    Yesterday at work was a bore, and today I had off again so my grandparents and I went fishing. We didn't catch anything really, gram got a nice sized (and talkative!) catfish and "pip" got a few sunnies and a rockbass. I caught absolutely nothing. It was fun though. I took my bow and arrows to their house so I could shoot them there, and already broke one of my pretty arrows! ::is sad:: aw well, I guess I should not get too attached to arrows. It does suck though. I was amazed at how easily I could pick up shooting again after nearly a year without shooting my bow and with arrows I'd never used before.
    We washed my car while it was there, it's so much easier to do it at their house because at mine I have to drag the hose up over the wall and it doesn't reach all the way around the car, even though it's actually two lengths of hose put together.
    Tomorrow I have to be up at four thirty in the morning, because I got on the early shift again. It's only for a few days so I don't really mind, but I've grown very fond of the evening shift and I can't stand getting up int the morning.
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