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pompeius magnus

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Everything posted by pompeius magnus

  1. The biggest reason for the big influence from the greeks was most likely the Greek colonies in southern Italy as well as the sending of 2 romans to Greece to copy Salon's laws around 454 BCE incorporated Greek law with Roman law.
  2. My pick would be the Latin tribes and those damn Saminites, whenever there was any show of Roman weakness a Saminite army would form. Same with the Volscians.
  3. Caesar did not justify his conquering of gaul as the gods mission, he planned on it all along, but was waiting for an excuse and a Gallic tribe aristocrat Vercingetorix stirred up a rebellion so Caesar must conquer him.
  4. I just have always am studying rome and its empire. However, my expertise goes to about 31 BCE after that I have not yet studyed, but if you need any assistance before 31 BCE I would gladly help.
  5. However much i love caesar trying to effect the events of March 15 44 BCE would be a bad idea.
  6. I am the master of controversy but its too late tonight, tomorrow maybe.
  7. They do thats why religion needs to be out of government affairs, but that leads down a long road which will lead to the controversial topic this forum so much wants.
  8. Yeah it was my 2nd post or something like that. I have reformulated it since then. I post on a lot of controversial topics sometimes.
  9. My bad, I was not reading it close enough. Also I wanted an extra post to bump up my total to 100. Sorry for being accusatory- thats not in the dictionary either.
  10. Hey if you ever need any help with research or writing articles I can give you a hand as I do research for my own knowledge and am continually studying Roman history from various angles and have free time when I get my Latin and history classes done. You can email me at kenneth-meracle@uiowa.edu if you would like some help. Thanks.
  11. Its about time someone agrees with me. I always press this idea and nobody ever agrees with me. I have a post back somewhere about CHrisitnaities Impact on Fall of Roman empire. Maybe Primus can dig it up or if not its back a couple pages i think.
  12. You guys so realize that some people on here are non- native english speakers so their grammar seems odd to us, but its just how they translate things. Think about you translating a Latin sentence.
  13. When I do my thesis in several years I will focus on Christianities impact towards the fall of the roman empire, which I believe it played a big part in.
  14. You might even break it down to Roman stuff and off topic, or split roman empire into Republic and empire so something around those lines
  15. I'm not, I figured it out after seeing it was the popes name, I thought it might be a participle or a perfect system, but figured it out.
  16. I am still studying latin so will do my best and I am not familar with the noun barbari but will translate the other words What barbarians have not accomplished Barberini accomplished. I think its pretty close to that.
  17. My speech would be in support for the agarian legislation that should have been passed much earlier than it did, then I would have been promptly assassinated by an agent working for a leading aristocratic family.
  18. heres a couple, and probably the most important... The roman aqueduct The Roman law code- and court system Organization of the Roman legions The Roman roads- very important.
  19. I would love to spend an hour talking with the great Gaius Julius Caesar and Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus as well as sit in on a senate meeting during around 50 BCE.
  20. I got novem right. I am the champion
  21. The first triumvirate was a coalition between Gaius Julius Caesar, Gnaeus Pompeius and Crassus. It was created as a counter to the senate group of the boni, which were against anything that changed the republic. Look up the part of the roman empire that talks about it. It pretty much made it possible for caesar to stay in Gaul and bring them under Roman influence. After Crassus's death in Parthia, Pompey and Caesar stayed allied because of Pompey being married to Caesar's daughter. after Caesars daughter died, the Boni went to Pompey to try to pull him away from Caesar so they could prosecute him after he returned.
  22. God i hope i never have to speak latin. it is hard enough learning to translate it. and italians are not romans, but a combination of goths, gauls, normans, and lombardians.
  23. A good source to look at would be a book by TJ Cornell called the Beginnings of Rome in which he descibes the beginnings of the rome, including their military. Also try a google search and look up roman military organization and you should get some good sources. Also try the pages on this site which give a good description of rome.
  24. Plebs were sometimes lower nobility, or a member of the higher lower class. The headcount were pretty much the lowest class of roman society. You will really get a better view of this type of thing by reading the book I mentioned. To correct myself a little bit on the patrician owned farms were run by peansant type people, however with various agricultural reforms, such as the Marius ones, a some of these were lost to the retired troops.
  25. Ok here we go. Plebians were below patricians. Plebians had a revolt that led to them eventually getting a part in the government. There is way too much information to describe here. I advise you read up on the beginning of Rome. Here is a good start: The Beginnings of Rome by TJ Cornell. this book gives and excellent base for how the roman institutions were set up and describes everything more clearly.
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