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Emperor Goblinus

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Posts posted by Emperor Goblinus

  1. You do realize being a senator has a really good chance of getting executed if your deemed a liability and a threat to the imperator. You might as well could have been killed for supporting an unpopular imperator. Politics may be even more deadly than a campaign where you really only fight during the late spring to the full summer to late fall. Not to mention if you have a good leader, you've got a good chance of surviving.


    I guess a being a senator is not for me.


    I'd probably end up being what I am now; someone that just does his own thing. I'd probably do best being something practical, like a baker, potter, scribe, or farmer. Someone non-controversial.

  2. I think a good movie would be one about the last leg of the civil war beginning with the death of Nero, which would be about the formation of the Empire of the Gauls, and the Roman efforts at reconquering them with famous people like Civilis, Caecilia, Antonius, and Mucianius.

  3. When Diocletian took the throne, one of the major changes he initiated was dropping all pretense of republicanism by adopting Persian court ceremony, calling himself "Dominus," and sitting on an elevated throne. Did all emperors after him keep these regal trappings, or were any of the characteristics brought back by Constantine and all emperors following him, including the Byzantine emperors? Or was all constitutionalism abolished forever in the empire by Diocletian?

  4. Especially considering some of the recent discussions we've had, its very difficult to argue with Caesar's civil war as not being the most significant event and could easily be considered the 'worst' depending on perspective.

    or the one after Caligula's.


    Probably in terms of sheer devastation and scope. I for one think that the one in the Year of the Four Emperors was the worst.

  5. It was called Holy Roman, but it was not Roman. It was German, and it's founder Charlemagne had little connection to the ancient Romans. His Germanic tribe, the Franks, I believe in fact had helped to lead to the decline of Rome. As time went on, it slowly went from an empire to a local German principality. While all of the other western European nations were centralizing their governments, the Holy Roman Empire was becoming more decentralized.

    Others here I think are more knowledgeable about this than me.

  6. I would do a movie about the fall of Constantinople to the Turks. Yes, I know, it would probably end up paralleling Kingdom of God, but who cares. Or I might make a movie about the conflicts of the second century crisis, or the conflicts of Diocletian, the Tetrarchy, and the final unification under Constantine.

  7. Why did you choose the current avatars and signatures that you have? For me, the avatar is just something I found when I Googled "emperor avatars." It's dark and mysterious and is reminiscient of Star Wars' Palpatine, but not too blatant. As for the signature, this famous picture of Justinian was in my 10th grade Western Civ textbook, when I first became interested in Roman history. The quote is what Justinian alledgedly said when he saw the inside of the completed Hagia Sophia.

  8. Hello,

    I am currently a freshman at the university of Virginia. I took Latin from sixth grade up through eleventh grade. The stories and history lessons there, as well as what I learned in my 10th Western Civ class, fueled a mild interest in ancient Rome. When we studied Rome this year in my college Western Civ class, I became even more interested and starting checking out books from the college's humanities library. I was searching for a forum where Roman history and culture was discussed, and this was what I found.

  9. Professor Ward Perkins,


    First, thank you for coming to the site. I don't think that I'm too familiar with your work, but I hope to get around to reading your work soon.


    You said that a number of Roman aristocrats fled to the Eastern Empire when the barbarians took full control. I personally don't blame them. However, I've always wondered; what happened to the Senate? I do know that its power had waned over the centuries with the increased centralized control of the emperor. However, once the barbarians had more or less seized power in Italy, what happened to the Senate?


    Edit: Whoops, didn't see that it was over. Oh well, I'll leave this question here for anyone who wants to answer.

  10. I am of course well aware that the conquests of Charlemagne and his predeccesors are separate from those of the old Romans, that Charlemagne was not Roman in blood at all, and that his governmental organization was much different than that of the Roman Empire.

    However, I read somewhere that Charlemagne's Empire was, to paraphrase, "the last evolutionary step of the western Roman Empire." Do you think that to some extent, this is true?

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