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Why the US state of Vermont won't be adopting a Latin motto any ti


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...prepare to be amazed and sad....


Last spring, Senate Minority Leader Joe Benning got a letter from an eighth-grader at The Riverside School in Lyndonville. She was studying Latin, and wanted Senator Joe to introduce a bill to give Vermont a Latin motto. We’ve got “Freedom and Unity,” but no Latin.  It was too late in last year’s session to launch the idea, but Benning introduced it this month. Senate Bill 2 would not affect “Freedom and Unity” at all; it would simply establish the Latin motto as a separate thing.

A nice harmless moment, no? A reward for a hardworking, creative student, yes?


Funny thing. Last week, WCAX did a story about Benning’s bill. And the reaction, as Benning told me in an email?

I anticipated suffering the backroom internal joking from my colleagues in the legislature.  What I did not anticipate was the vitriolic verbal assault from those who don’t know the difference between the Classics and illegal immigrants from South America.


....continue to be amazed...

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Our emphasis on Latin was a tradition that had deep meaning during the years leading up to the revolution, because our concepts of republicanism and democracy, due to censorship and needing to stay below the legal radar, had to appear to be as non threatening to contemporary crown representatives.


Obviously, this harmless look back into history didn't work to well for the imperial cause, as the Roman Republic had some untapped potent potential to it once the process of realization began.



This being said.... The American Revolution was a success. We obviously deeply imprinted the superficial aspects like mottos and architecture everywhere, as well as resurrected.... with great attention to hindsight, a modified revival of the republic at it's best.


What matters more I think, is the crux, not the superficial aspects. I can care less if Vermont has just a English Motto, or Hawaii rejected the classic capital design for it's legislative building.


As to the Latin mistaken as Latino issue, yes, it's expressed ignorantly here, but it's expressed disastrously by the left. My religion is Catholic, god father was Mexican, born in California, moved for a while back there in San Francisco. Studied philosophy there. I think it's absolutely sick in how the democratic party maintains a White Democratic Party, and a Black, keeps the Gay population segregated (Castro) from the tensioned driven blacks in Oakland. They won't employ them for menial labor, instead let them shoot Oakland and Hunters Point up in drug wars for the gays and whites.


Meanwhile the Mexicans work for slave labor prices. A portion of the population in that group are even farther south.


They get used and abused. Tossed aside. The Democrats say change, but benefit from the status quo. I'm sick of them. Everything is rigged for political exploitation there. I'm okay obviously with latins, but how to integrate a foreign language group, and work them towards citizenship under plantation politics isn't easy.

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These people have to freeze to death or starve so the democrats can blow trillions and continue to NOT help them. They're a useful political tool. If they were serious, they would just help them, but they never do. It's pure politics and mind games. But guess who does get the work they need to stand back up again? Illegals. Guess why the illegals have to come here? Because their homeland is a socialist warzone run by mafias and cartels who sell drugs to rich white Americans. Democrats managed to get every angle of this sick triangle trade going. Here, in the Ohio Valley, it's Chicago Gangs. In every region, it's the same criminal organization manipulating and segregating the population. It angers me a lot. I want a end to racism, a end to political parties. I support John Adams fear of political parties, but this one in particular scares me. Nothing positive ever seems to come of it anymore. It's just out to self perpetuate via memes, divide and conquer. No one in the party has apparently studied the long term effects of their actions. I have, thousands of homeless drug users everywhere. Slave labor. And they point at imaginary, or far away people as their scapegoats. It's always obviously the ones benefiting right there, in that locality from the system. In the worst parts of the country, it's always a Democratic monopoly. They have the money, they have the connections, it's them laying down the iron heel. The people in that link were ignorant, but it has to be remembered, they are a natural by product of this system. The knee jerk resort to a politically correct answer needs to be studied as to why it's 'politically correct' in the first place. It's usually these very people who mandated it in the first place. It sets up the debate for failure, ensures their monopoly, and instead of growing closer or stronger, we're set against one another over race or class, for their furtherance of interests. How many more people have to end up homeless, on the street before we realise this economic uptick isn't effecting Americans? It is getting worst for us. That's why everyone is frustrated. There is no solutions of a viable, self sustaining or rational nature being put out by these people. Just a Hugh section of the US has to go off and die, cause the Dems don't deem them worthy of life and employment. They have new consistuents, from another country, who will vote for them. Everyone else should just die.

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I wouldn't call it a mood, as the underlining it's ontological categories I list places calculation prior to emotion, emotion is a effect, not a cause of the investigation. Mood comes after. Hence my Enthemene can be broken down into premises stated or unstated, and be engaged in, either by acceptance or refutation. A time delay doesn't change logic.


If it was irrational (emotion before reason, not from direct observation and investigation, but rather from second hand sources (hearsay and word of mouth) the tangents wouldn't be traceable or easily refutable. This is where Pisces Axxxxx is stuck. His statement's don't always have traceable premises, so were left confronting a emotion stemming from a picture that doesn't quite sit right to him, a irrational bias he has yet figured out yet to properly express.


Anger is a valid tool in debate, in expression, but isn't worth very much in and of itself if we let it lead without knowing our sense of self, and sense of other, in a balancing act in relation to supporting premises.


If your other is say, a tree, that your son hits with His car, killing him..... Blaming the tree seems silly. You have rooted premises, but the anthromorphoication makes no sense, as a tree can take blame or have vice ridden character traits. Simmering down here won't work either, as it's only partially irrational.


Simmering down works best in arguments that are wholly irrational, like a madman in fear of invisible penguins assaulting him.

Edited by Onasander
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