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Roman mind-set

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If all roads lead to Rome, then they also lead from Rome. So where was the place? The Milliarium Aureum, that's where. Constantinople also had one at the centre of the world. People need to know where they stand. And Hadrian was the captain of the ship of state, as gubernator. He has his own rudder to prove it. 

https://www.flickr.com/photos/museumwales/5950606340/   Every emperor needs a rudder. We know this because of Plutarch: Caesar 28.4.

'Often, too, they would defile the rostra with blood and corpses before they separated, leaving the city to anarchy like a ship drifting about without a steersman, so that men of understanding were content if matters issued in nothing worse for them than monarchy, after such madness and so great a tempest.'
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