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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums

Bloodiest Battles


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I'de like to know which battles where the largest and bloodiest, starting from the evolution of warfare and ending just before the industrial age.


To be more specific, which battles had the greatest number of participants and which battles had the most casualities and why? Also which battles outcome had the most impact on history etc.


Can you please provide some data and figures on each specific battle and also if you can expand on the subject.



Ooops. I posted this topic in the wrong place. Please ignore it. I will open the same topic in the Hora Postilla Thermae.

Edited by tflex
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I would cast a vote for the Battle of Chalons. While the immideate tactical outcome was a draw, the Romans and thier allies had stopped Attila and had it not been for the massive casulties Aetius and the allies endured, perhaps they could have exploited the battle and massarced the routing Huns. Indeicsive tactically, but hugely important in European history, the battle that 'stopped' Attila, and is equated to changing European history much as the diasaster at Tetouberg Wald is...

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