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Stargate- Egypt Alien Theories

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My younger brother is fascinated with the movie, 'Stargate' (and following TV episodes) and recently made me sit down to watch them. When I was younger, I too had a fascination with the world's unexplained mysteries and/or myths, yet I haven't really given the alien theories much thought for a long time. Built to the plan of the Orion Belt, the pyramids certainly are rather exceptional. Yet, I'm not sure if this means that "aliens" visited there! Does anyone have any thoughts on this?


The website below has some strange pictures/photos:



Edited by Messalina Mommsen
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My younger brother is fascinated with the movie, 'Stargate' (and following TV episodes) and recently made me sit down to watch them. When I was younger, I too had a fascination with the world's unexplained mysteries and/or myths, yet I haven't really given the alien theories much thought for a long time. Built to the plan of the Orion Belt, the pyramids certainly are rather exceptional. Yet, I'm not sure if this means that "aliens" visited there! Does anyone have any thoughts on this?


The website below has some strange pictures/photos:




I think there is intelligent life outside of earth. I think its possible that some of this intelligent life may have visited earth, though I certainly have never seen any evidence of it, not that I would know such evidence if I saw it. (Though I would be able to understand if a big old spaceship landed on earth with all the appropriate imaginative bells and whistles.) Even if that happened though, I'm sure that all the human governments of the earth would hide the presence of aliens from me with an elaborate plan (because we know how capable all of our governments are) because as a simple sheep I would certainly panic at the thought of aliens running amok among us. I think its even possible that 'aliens' kidnap unfortunate toothless rednecks from their trailer homes and probe them in most unpleasant manners, returning them before anyone else is aware of their absence. I also think its possible that there may be a claim here or there related to the sighting of a UFO that may actually be true.


However, I am still trying to figure out why all of these aliens are so worried about making their presence known. Do they have some sort of Star Trek like prime directive against interference with lesser cultures? Do all aliens have this prime directive or only the ones that have so far come to earth? Maybe they are simply afraid that their far advanced technology of being able to travel at incredible speeds over ridiculous distances will not be able to stand up to our defensive capabilities? Maybe extra terrestials are in a conspiracy with George W. Bush to spread American imperialism around the globe and until such time as the mission is accomplished everything will be kept a secret? :P:):D


Ok with that skeptical, though still open nature fully revealed I don't know about all the ancient Egyptian connections to extra-terrasterials, but here is an excellent repudiation of the Tomb of Ptah-Hotep 'alien heiroglyph'. Scroll down to the third picture for a quick point without reading everything...

http://www.catchpenny.org/alien.html. Does it explain away everything... no but it shows a clear example of 'Men willing to believe what they wish'.


PS. Stargate (the movie) is a personal sci-fi favorite.

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oh, i love Stargate, one of my favourite movies of all time...

I also like the mystery the unexplained and sometimes crazy ideas that people like Graham Hancock have. I am fascinated with people that but so much energy in trying to challenge the "orthodox" view of how things happend...




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When I was a kid they would sometimes repeat an old lspecial called "Chariot of the Gods" that fascinated me to no end. Now I'm a confirmed skeptic of all these kinds of things, but they are entertaining.


oh, i love Stargate...


Never really got into Stargate, movie or series. I'm a dedicated Farscape fan though.

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I also like the mystery the unexplained and sometimes crazy ideas that people like Graham Hancock have.


I love Hancock's theory about when the Sphinx was built, I don't believe it, but still very interesting.

Edited by tflex
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  • 4 weeks later...

Regardless of whether or not one believes in the actual existence of deities, I believe the cultural development of religion has more plausible explanations than alien ontology (and for now I am going to conveniently ignore those New Age religions which posit beliefs in extra-terrestrials as angels or deities or "spirit guides").


Stargate? You would think a culture that built interdimensional worm-hole technology could find better ways to mine its ore than using illiterate slaves and pack animals. :) And the androgynous actor who played "Ra" - he gives me the creeps for some reason. :blink: Regardless, I did watch the sci-fi channel serialization before it became stale.



Now BattleStar Galatica intrigues me. I'm interested in finding out just what these Greek-like gods of the Colonials really are, and more importantly who the monotheist god of the Cylons is.

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I remember the times when I was a young ignorant and worshiped Daniken. Now I'm a responsible adult with a passion for Tolkien.

I believe more in the power of Sauron then in the visit of aliens that build huge mounds of rocks and they fail several times before they get it right.

I just visited one of this marvels of space age tehnology and I can assure you that those pyramids have a terrible smell inside. They travel to space, but never hear of "Glade" ?


For the Horde!

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Of course aliens exist! I have personally seen and communicated with them. They have had their 'way' with many people I know. Some have taken trips to Uranus with them. We have shared many a bottle of whiskey.

However, they mostly land out in the boondocks and have their 'way' with pumpkin kickers and apple knockers. They don't go for NYC or Washington; too much crime. :o

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Alien theories are good sci-fi / entertainment but nothing beyond that. I would defer to the argument posed by Fermi which basically asks, very simply, "If aliens exist, why aren't they here already?"


The Earth is 4.5 b years old and if we assume that a space faring species took the time to explore the outer edges of our Milky Way for planets capable of sustaining life (I presume they would be like us and first explore those planets that are capable of sustaining any life at all), they may have come and gone several times already and no one would be the wiser. They may have visited the Earth when it was ruled by the dinosaurs or they may have come during a time when there was little life but those in the oceans. For all you know, some alien encylopedia may have classified this as a rock with some potential.


I like the idea of Arthur C Clarke the best where, in 2001 (the year it is found), he postulates that an advanced alien civilization left a probe a couple of million years ago ( a monolith first on Earth, then traveling to the moon, waiting to be found - I didn't like the earlier part where the monolith itself, while on Earth, is responsible for creating man from apes by stimulating their brain waves and helping them develop tools and so on). When explorers on the moon stumble on the monolith, it sends a signal to a second monolith, a giant stargate of some kind through which inter-galactic travel is possible, which orbits Jupiter.


In this case, the monolith acts as a kind of specimen gatherer for this advanced species' museum and the spaceship sent by mankind is captured and stored in their museum along with other species from different worlds to study and observe. Of course, in this case, there is no real contact. It would be like someone collecting a bug of some kind and placing it in a jar for later observation.


Humans tend to think of themselves as unique, special and extraordinary. However, given the vastness of the universe (I think it is teeming with all kinds of life), contact with other life forms seems to be a very long shot. If I were a gambler, I would post really long odds of humans establishing contact within our lifetimes or for that matter, within several lifetimes.


In terms of time, the entire human civilization has developed in a heart beat and we are only kidding ourselves when we boast that we have been around for a "long time". The odds of anyone visiting the Earth are greater during periods before humans existed than now.


Sorry for the long post but I have always found this topic very fascinating.

Edited by Skarr
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They may have visited the Earth when it was ruled by the dinosaurs or they may have come during a time when there was little life but those in the oceans. For all you know, some alien encylopedia may have classified this as a rock with some potential.




(I think it is teeming with all kinds of life)


I do to.


If Earth is the creators only playpen in the Universe, it sure is limiting itself!

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Not in my hometown they wont.

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