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Lucius Domitius Aurelianus

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As I have mentioned before I am new to this forum so if the question I am about to ask is the same as another one I am sorry. I know a good amount of information on Emperor Aurelian but what I was wondering is can I have your opinons on Emperor Aurelian and if there is any little known facts about him. Thank you.

Edited by Lucius Domitius Aurelianus
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There was an excellent book on Aurelian at my college library, but which has disappeared before I could read it in depth. :( Though I don't know the full details, his suppression of the two seccessionist governments was nothng short of amazing, though he failed to stop the bloody, self-dectructive cycle of rapid imperial succession. I'm not sure how he was in terms of his relationship to the Senate, though I did read one place that he wore a golden crown which would normally have pissed off most people, but due to the chaos of the times, no one really cared. I've heard mixed things about the walls that he erected around Rome. Some places I heard that they were tall and imposing. Other places, I read that they weren't that strong, and could only stop a poorly organized barbarian raiding party. His religious policy of promoting Sol Invictus was extremely significant in that it pushed the empire towards monotheism, which eventually led to the official adoption of Christianity a few decades later.

All in all, I think that he was a good emperor, and it's a shame that he has largely been forgotten.

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