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Ad & Last Days Of Pompeii


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"The Caesars" has now been relased on dvd. Rome is soon to arrive.


But does anyone else recall the lavish series "AD" made in Italy with a largely British cast in the 80s?


It was written by Anthony Burgess and was, if I recall correctly, intended as a sequel to Zeffirelli's "Jesus of Nazareth (1977ish) with Robert Powell.


There was a very authentic depiction of the Forum Romanum built, as it was at that time.


Casting included (those I can remember) Anthony Andrews as Nero (a performance based on Prince Charles' voice and mannerisms!!); Ian Macshane as Sejanus; One of the McEnery's as Caligula (there were scenes of him on Capri talking to the moon goddess; and around the abortive invasion of Britannia.


The plotline followed the apostles and in particular a Jewish family - one of whom became a gladiator. Another leading character was a Valerius, Praetorian centurion (so boring that the actor playing him called him Valium, as I recall!!).


It was a series with many faults, but I remember it as also having some good features too.


Has anyone else seen it or know whether it is available on dvd? if so, anyone seen it on sale in the UK?


The other series I have not seen since its first run, was a lavish "Last Days of Pompeii", with olivier, Ernest Borgnine (I think) and Franco Nero in the cast.


What happened to that? The reconstruction of parts of Pompeii, I remember as very authentic (for a movie).



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There was also this offering not too long ago which I considered quite good


Pompeii: The Last Day


nicely claustrophaubic.

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